Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Anti-Domestic Violence Programs in Cambodia

Domestic violence against women in Cambodia is plaguing the society. Lack of education, large number of illiterates, extreme poverty contribute to this social scourge in spite of multi-billion dollar received in yearly foreign aid by the Hun Sen government. The 25-year-old man shown above was arrested after he severely beat his pregnant wife for spending 100 riels (2.5 US cents) more than she asked for to buy ice cream for her younger brother. (Photo Bavet, Koh Santepheap newspaper)

Ratana Seng
Voice of America
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
The Cambodian Committee of Women or CAMBOW with 36 NGOs as members Tuesday prepares to have performances to educate people on programs on anti-domestic violence.
The performances will be shown in 3 provinces: Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, and Battambang.

Dr. (MD) Pung Chhiv Kek, human rights organization Licadho's director, and chairman of CAMBOW says the performances are to educate the people that domestic violence is against the law.
The theme of the performances is : Stop domestic violence for peace. The performances run for 40 minutes, with a play, a traditional play, and comic acts.
Ms. Pung says that she wants the people to know that Cambodia has a law against domestic violence and a protection of the victims, and this law allows neighbors or the organizations on domestic violence to intervene these acts in the families.
She says that at the end of the performances, there will be questions and answers, and there are 100 T-shirts by CAMBOW to be distributed to those who give the right answers.
Mr. Hang Puthea, director of the Cambodian election Watchdog, National Independent Committee for Free Election NICFEC says that the campaign for anti-domestic violence is carried out with performances so that the people can easily remember and at the same time enjoy entertainment.
He says that for those who are illiterate, they can see the performances, and they can participate without being invited.

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