Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Details on the signing of agreements detrimental to Cambodia

Phan Van Khai and Hun Sen are signing agreements which are very detrimental to Cambodia, in spite of the rhetoric displayed by the official voice of the Vietnamese Communist Party in the article below. The development triangle between Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam only benefits the illegal immigration and settlement of Vietnamese population in rich and underpopulated areas of Cambodia and Laos. Hun Sen, a protégé of Hanoi is more than happy to do the bidding of his former Vietnamese master and benefactor who installed him and several current Cambodian top officials in power in 1979.

Vietnamese, Cambodian Prime Ministers hold talks

Phnom Penh, Mar. 6 (VNA) - Viet Nam and Cambodia are determined to build a framework for their relations following the motto of "good neighbours, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and sustainable stability," agreed upon by the two countries' high-level leaders, asserted Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and Cambodian Prime Minister Samdec Hun Sen during their talks in Phnom Penh on March 6.

The relationship will be built in the principles of respect for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of each nation, non-interference into each other's internal affairs, opposition to the use of force or threats of force, opposition to the use by hostile forces of either countries' territory to undermine the peace, security and stability of the other; equal cooperation, mutual benefit and solution of all arising matters through peaceful talks.

During the talks, which was held in the afternoon on March 6, PM Hun Sen again warmly welcomed PM Khai and the Vietnamese Governmental delegation's official visit to Cambodia. PM Hun Sen expressed his admiration for the important achievements the Vietnamese Government and people have made in their renovation process and socio-economic development, which continually lift Viet Nam's position and prestige in the international arena.

PM Hun Sen expressed his deep gratitude to the Vietnamese Government, army and people for their wholehearted assistance to the Cambodian Government, army and people in their past struggle for liberation from the genocide Khmer Rouge regime as well as the present cause of national construction.

PM Khai expressed his pleasure at paying an official visit to Cambodia. He thanked PM Hun Sen, the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Cambodian people for their warm and hospitable welcome, a manifestation of friendship between the two nations of Viet Nam and Cambodia.

PM Khai highlighted the great achievements recorded by the Cambodian Government and people in the cause of national construction and development, thus contributing to raising the role and prestige of Cambodia in the region and international arena. PM Khai also expressed his profound thanks to the Royal Government, leaders and people of Cambodia for their valuable assistance to the Vietnamese people.

In the talks, the two sides informed each other of the situations in their respective countries and exchanged views on concrete measures to further expand bilateral cooperative relations in the near future.

The two sides agreed to increase meetings and exchange of visits by staff members of ministries, agencies and localities, with a view to accelerating the implementation of high-level agreements and intensifying the close relationship and mutual trust and understanding between the two peoples.

They shared the same view on continuing to boost cooperation in all areas and between border provinces in order to deepen bilateral ties and make them more effective and practical, meeting the needs of both peoples.

PM Khai thanked the Cambodian Government and people for their assistance to and facilitation of the Vietnamese people's practice of their legal rights to live and do business in Cambodia. The two PMs pledged to continue facilitating the lives of the people of each side and treating them equally.

PM Khai and PM Hun Sen exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern. They affirmed that Viet Nam and Cambodia will continue to cooperate closely with each other and with other countries under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Asia-Europe Meeting, as well as the regional frameworks, such as the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), the Mekong River Commission, the West East Cooperation, the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy and the Cambodia-Laos-Myanmar-Viet Nam cooperation.

They unanimously agreed to coordinate with Laos to promote the Viet Nam-Cambodia-Laos Development Triangle. PM Hun Sen affirmed that Cambodia supports Viet Nam's bid to join the World Trade Organisation as soon as possible.

PM Khai lauded Cambodia's intention to accede to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation group as soon as possible after the group resumes admittance of new members.

After the talks, the two PMs signed a join statement on the result of PM Khai's visit. They witnessed the signing of four cooperative agreements between the two nations. The agreements were on Viet Nam's assistance to Cambodia to produce border landmarks, border medical quarantine facilities, communications cooperation plans and the implementation of agreements under the frameworks of GMS regarding facilitating cross-border cargo transportation.

PM Khai and his party arrived in Phnom Penh in the morning of Mar. 6. They were given a red-carpet welcome by PM Hun Sen and other high-ranking officials of Cambodia.

After the talks, PM Khai laid a wreath at the Independence Statue and Memorial to fallen Vietnamese Volunteers in Phnom Penh.

In the evening, PM Hun Sen hosted a banquet in honour of PM Khai and his entourage. -Enditem

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can Cambodian people accept Khai's policy to swallow Cambodia?. Only through Hun Sen that Cambodia has to be forced to sign such unfare illegal treaties?. Hun Sen has to be aware about this because this treaty is signed by him. Now, what is VN next tactic to swallow Cambodia is to fund border demarcation and develop Triagle lonely.

This is another tactic of VN to Vietnamize Cambodia and try to keep Hun Sen's smiles face to Cambodian people.

Hun Sen has said with Sam Rainsy that " what I have desired are fulfilled, now it is my time to get a fare treatment". Sam Rainsy may think that, Hun Sen will become Khmer Hero in one day if he resign his present position....but how can Hun Sen do that when VN need his glad volunteering to sign many treaties since 1979...? And Hun Sen himself has never bored with power, money and others....

I am a Khmer Young is continuing to watch Hun Sen's flip-flop policy in Cambodia.

And Hun Sen's previous actions are denounced and continued to denounce if Hun Sen will not do anything to beter Cambodia, especially to liberate Cambodia from VN.

Khmer Young