25 March 2006
Norodom Sothearith: the fruit of the love affair between Samdech Krom Preah and “Princess” Phalla
By Say Sophea
Rasmey Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media
Phnom Penh: Ms. Phalla or as some call her “Princess Phalla,” gave birth to a son to Prince Norodom Ranariddh. The young boy is currently 2-1/2-year-old, and is named Norodom Sothearith.
A member of the royal family told Rasmey Kampuchea that he had seen “Ms. Phalla” going to Royal Residence No. 12 (the unofficial designation of Prince Sirivudh’s residence) with Samdech Krom Preah since long time ago, however, our source did not want to meddle in the private life of his party president at all. Nevertheless, the relationship between Ms. Phalla and Prince Ranariddh was never a secret because the prince had appeared with “his princess” in public already, except that the appearances were not frequent. Furthermore, the royal family had accepted “Princess Phalla” already also. In November 2005, the prince and princess Phalla had organized a rather large two-year-old birthday party for Sothearith, their son, at the Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh. Several members of the royal family participated in the party, as well as several VIPs from the Funcinpec party.
The same source told Rasmey Kampuchea that “when Ms. (Phalla) was 5-month pregnant, she was sent to France by Prince Ranariddh to live and to deliver her child. In France, Phalla was very lonely because she did not have any relatives to help her, especially, she had a very difficult childbirth.”
Our source also added that Prince Ranariddh fell in love with “Princess Phalla” during the filming of the movie “Rajaburi” – a film written and produced by prince Ranariddh himslef. The anonymous royal source said: “When Prince Ranariddh loved her, she did not return his love immediately because the prince always put her down and criticized her acting during the filming of Rajaburi. At the end, the hate became reciprocated love, and she finally became the prince’s princess.”
As everyone knows, “princess Phalla” was married once already. Our source added: “After her breakup from Mr. Veng Sirivudh, the former tourism minister and her former husband, in 1998, her son was taken away from her by Mr. Veng Sirivudh. Ms. Phalla almost went crazy just like Badacha [Patacara, in sanscrit, is a woman from the Buddhist legend].”
One observer said that according to the book “Sweet and bitter memories” written by King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, King-Father compared himself to other earlier kings and pronounced that he has less concubines that any of other kings from the past. This observer noted that Prince Ranariddh has even less princesses and legitimate wife than his father by far. However, the difference being that Cambodia right now is a “monogamous” regime. During the last evolution, from all the sources which Rasmey Kampuchea had verified with, they all confirmed that “Samdech Krom Preah (Norodom Ranariddh) had already filed for his divorce from Princess Marie Ranariddh, following the growing criticisms on his extra-marital relationship with princess Phalla.”
Nevertheless, it remains that Norodom Sothearith is the son of Prince Ranariddh and princess Phalla, and the young Sotearith will increase by one the number of children of Prince Ranariddh – a number which was 3 before the arrival Sothearith, resulting from the union of the prince with princess Marie Ranariddh.”
By Say Sophea
Rasmey Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by KI-Media
Phnom Penh: Ms. Phalla or as some call her “Princess Phalla,” gave birth to a son to Prince Norodom Ranariddh. The young boy is currently 2-1/2-year-old, and is named Norodom Sothearith.
A member of the royal family told Rasmey Kampuchea that he had seen “Ms. Phalla” going to Royal Residence No. 12 (the unofficial designation of Prince Sirivudh’s residence) with Samdech Krom Preah since long time ago, however, our source did not want to meddle in the private life of his party president at all. Nevertheless, the relationship between Ms. Phalla and Prince Ranariddh was never a secret because the prince had appeared with “his princess” in public already, except that the appearances were not frequent. Furthermore, the royal family had accepted “Princess Phalla” already also. In November 2005, the prince and princess Phalla had organized a rather large two-year-old birthday party for Sothearith, their son, at the Sunway Hotel in Phnom Penh. Several members of the royal family participated in the party, as well as several VIPs from the Funcinpec party.
The same source told Rasmey Kampuchea that “when Ms. (Phalla) was 5-month pregnant, she was sent to France by Prince Ranariddh to live and to deliver her child. In France, Phalla was very lonely because she did not have any relatives to help her, especially, she had a very difficult childbirth.”
Our source also added that Prince Ranariddh fell in love with “Princess Phalla” during the filming of the movie “Rajaburi” – a film written and produced by prince Ranariddh himslef. The anonymous royal source said: “When Prince Ranariddh loved her, she did not return his love immediately because the prince always put her down and criticized her acting during the filming of Rajaburi. At the end, the hate became reciprocated love, and she finally became the prince’s princess.”
As everyone knows, “princess Phalla” was married once already. Our source added: “After her breakup from Mr. Veng Sirivudh, the former tourism minister and her former husband, in 1998, her son was taken away from her by Mr. Veng Sirivudh. Ms. Phalla almost went crazy just like Badacha [Patacara, in sanscrit, is a woman from the Buddhist legend].”
One observer said that according to the book “Sweet and bitter memories” written by King-Father Norodom Sihanouk, King-Father compared himself to other earlier kings and pronounced that he has less concubines that any of other kings from the past. This observer noted that Prince Ranariddh has even less princesses and legitimate wife than his father by far. However, the difference being that Cambodia right now is a “monogamous” regime. During the last evolution, from all the sources which Rasmey Kampuchea had verified with, they all confirmed that “Samdech Krom Preah (Norodom Ranariddh) had already filed for his divorce from Princess Marie Ranariddh, following the growing criticisms on his extra-marital relationship with princess Phalla.”
Nevertheless, it remains that Norodom Sothearith is the son of Prince Ranariddh and princess Phalla, and the young Sotearith will increase by one the number of children of Prince Ranariddh – a number which was 3 before the arrival Sothearith, resulting from the union of the prince with princess Marie Ranariddh.”
not important.. it happened all the times.. and don't be surprise
the media, just wasted your ink, and hurt your fingers okay?
Samdech HUN SEN the president of cambodia he's was right, Ms Ouk Phalla she's bad, bad hooker "Devil Foxes" Because... love affairs between Samdech KromPreah Norodom Ranariddh it's "A BAD BAD MODEL OF KHMER POLITICIAN"
By theway.. Ouk Phalla she's deserve by named "Devil Foxes" Because.. she's was a artist of "Apsara" dancing that's mean... "Angels of cultural Khmer...!" so.. she's should be"A good model of Khmer ladies"
But.. theway.. thats's Ouk Phalla she did- mistresses-interfering in government affairs... "IS A VERY, VERY... BAD, BAD MODEL OF KHMER GOOD LADIES...!>>
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