Sunday, April 09, 2006

AIDS tragedy takes a toll on devastated man

Orphans whose mother died of AIDS (Photo:

Apr 9, 2006

Cambodian man kills baby, attempts suicide after wife dies of Aids

Phnom Penh - A Cambodian man is in police custody after police managed to thwart his suicide bid but arrived too late to stop him allegedly murdering his four-month-old son after he despaired when his wife died of Aids, police said Sunday.

Police said the 40-year-old man, who is also HIV positive, apparently decided he also had little time to live and worried about the fate of his son, who had also tested positive to the disease, if he was left as an Aids orphan.

'It's a very sad case. The little boy's body had suffered many bruises, especially around the neck. The father then took a lot of sleeping pills but we arrived in time to save him,' police chief Phat Kimhong from the Somroung Toung district of southern Kampong Speu district said by telephone.

Police said the incident happened last Thursday. The man was remanded in custody. The charge carries a sentence of 10 to 20 years in jail.

Cambodia has one of the highest rates of HIV/Aids infection in the region but despite wide-ranging official and non-governmental education campaigns, the disease remains little understood among many sectors of the population and carries massive social stigma.

Cambodia's overloaded health and childcare systems remain unable to cope with the number of Aids patients seeking treatment and hospice.
Deutsche Presse-Agentur

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