Wednesday, April 26, 2006
President of Sokimex Appointed Gov't Advisor
By Kay Kimsong
The Cambodia Daily
Sok Kong, the president of the Sokimex oil company, has been appointed an advisor to the government with the rank of senior minister, officials said Tuesday. Sok Kong, who served as president of the Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce until last year, said he was proud to receive the position. "I dont know what the Council of Ministers will allow me to be in charge of," he said. Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said that Sok Kong deserved the position for, among other things, supplying the government with oil during the 1997 factional fighting when other companies shut down. "We owe him a lot," he said. Sok Kong's Kong Hong Garments supplies military uniforms to the government and his Sokha Hotels collects tickets at Angkor Archaeological Park.
I am wondering what has Sok Kong done for the Cambodia and Cambodians. I think think former Youn spy just expoited the Cambodians.
Well, Hun Sen promoted him because Sok Kong helped him the money to run his CPP and to wage war against the same Khmer(Funcinpec) in 1997 as siad by keiv Kagnarith.
Angkor Wat belongs to all Khmers so it is better if it is handed over to Khmer businessman but not that Youn. He doesnot deserve to profit this from our respected King´s legacy which identified as our indentity.
Look, there is no Khmer khrom is promoted to any important rank in VN and they are even still totured and why this guy Sok Kong is promoted.
I am wordering as well what have the people have done for cambodian people that they have to right to say that neak oknha Sok Kong has done nothing for Cambodia?
Neak Oknha, owns from petrolium to hotels and they all create jobs for who else but not Cambodians?
Stop pointing fingers and open up your eyes! Who is Youn...
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