Sunday, April 09, 2006

Summary of the agreements signed with China during Wen Jiabao's visit

China, Cambodia boost partnership

Updated: 2006-04-09 09:03

The Chinese and Cambodian governments have decided to establish a Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation between the two countries, said a joint communique issued at the end of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to Cambodia on Sunday.

China and Cambodia have decided to establish such partnership as they share the view that strengthening the bilateral good neighborly and friendly relations of cooperation in the new era is of both current importance and long-term strategic significance, said the communique.

A Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation between the two countries serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples and enhances peace, stability and development of the region, the communique said.

The two countries agreed to expand exchanges and cooperation in the following areas:

-- Consolidating traditional friendship and enhancing mutual trust:

The two sides will maintain high-level exchanges of visits and enhance friendly exchanges and cooperation between government departments, parliaments, political parties, armed forces, local governments and non-governmental organizations, in efforts to deepen mutual understanding and trust.

The two sides have decided to hold a series of activities to mark the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2008 to enhance the mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples, the youth in particular.

-- Promoting economic cooperation and trade so as to achieve common development:

The two sides will enhance the role of the China-Combodia Economic and Trade Cooperation Joint Committee in planning, coordinating and promoting in a comprehensive way bilateral economic cooperation and trade.

The two countries also pledged to explore new channels for conducting bilateral trade, ensuring its steady growth and striving to obtain the goal of 1 billion US dollars' worth of annual bilateral trade by the year 2010.

The Cambodian side expresses thanks for the preferential tariff treatment provided by the Chinese side for 418 Cambodian products. The Chinese side has pledged to continue to take steps to increase its import from Cambodia.

Enterprises of the two countries are encouraged to conduct cooperation of diverse forms.

The Chinese side supports the efforts of capable Chinese enterprises to strengthen cooperation with Cambodian enterprises in infrastructure, mineral, gas and oil exploration, manufacturing, processing of textiles and other fields. The Cambodian side will manage to facilitate trade, investment and other business activities carried out by Chinese enterprises in Cambodia.

-- Expanding areas of cooperation, promoting all-round cooperation:

The two countries agreed to boost exchanges and cooperation in agriculture, transportation, culture, education, health, information industry, sports, tourism and training as well as local and people-to-people exchanges.

The two sides welcome the forming of Sister City Relationship between Shanghai and Phnom Penh, and the forming of Sister Province relationship between Hainan Province and Kampong Cham Province and between Yunnan Province and Siem Reap Province.

-- Enhancing party-to-party exchanges and those between the legislative bodies, and the sharing of experience in governance:

The two sides agree to further strengthen friendly exchanges between the political parties and between the national legislatures of the two countries at all levels.

-- Strengthening military exchanges and cooperation on non-traditional security issues:

The two sides agree to deepen and strengthen military exchanges and cooperation in non-traditional fields in accordance with the spirit of the bilateral agreement on combatting transnational crimes.

-- Strengthening coordination both bilaterally and multilaterally to safeguard shared interests:

The two sides agree to strengthen bilateral diplomatic consultation, exchange views on major international and regional issues on a timely basis and maintain close coordination and collaboration to safeguard their shared interests and contribute to peace, stability and development in the region and the rest of the world.

The two countries will strengthen coordination and collaboration in the United Nations and other international organizations.

They agree to work together to promote the ASEAN-China strategic partnership for peace and prosperity, implement the Program of Action for ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership and speed up the establishment of ASEAN-China Free Trade Area.

The two countries agree to strengthen coordination and cooperation in such regional and global mechanisms as ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit, the Asia Cooperation Dialogue, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the Asia-Europe Meeting and the World Trade Organization. The Chinese side expresses the hope to see Cambodia become an APEC member at an early date.

Both sides express satisfaction over the important achievement made during Premier Wen's visit to Cambodia and agree that the visit has contributed to elevating bilateral relationship.

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