Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Over 40 F’pec Officials Removed From Posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

By Yun Samean

More than 40 Funcinpec deputy provincial governors have been removed from their posts since last week, as promised last month by Funcinpec Secretary-General Nhiek Bun Chhay, officials said on Tuesday.

The removals include the brother of Funcinpec President Prince Norodom Ranariddh's mistress Ouk Phalla, Koh Kong Deputy Governor Sisowath Vireakcheat, who confirmed that he was removed from his post on April 25.

"It was a universal removal of deputy governors. It is not only me," Sisowath Vireakcheat said.

He denied that he was removed because of his sister's relationship of several years with Prince Ranariddh, with whom she has a son. He added that he plans to attend a six-month training course at the Royal School of Administration in Phnom Penh.

Nhiek Bun Chhay announced last month that 43 royalist party deputy governors would be removed from their positions following the Khmer New Year because they were unqualified.

Those removed would be sent on a six-month training course paid for by the government, he said.

Nhiek Bun Chhay said on Tuesday that he didn't know when the course for his party's fired officials would begin.

Funcinpec's former Kompong Thom deputy provincial governor Ung Chhay said by telephone that he didn't know why he was removed, as he had the ability to perform his job and holds a master's degree in finance.

"I understand that my removal was part of the government's reform, but I don't know other details than that" he said.


Anonymous said...

What master'sdegree?
You are over qualify.
You should know less than Hun Cent, Chea Sim, and Heng Samrim to work for this Ma Cent Goverment.

Anonymous said...

I like your comment and agree with you 100%. A degree does not mean a thing to them. What these people you mentioned above want are good ass kissers. Degrees or formal educations are not required to work for them guys. There is my 2 cents for today. Have nice day!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Degrees to them mean $, money, lots of mony($$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$).
No money, no principuppet, no sam raindrinks! hehehe..idiot!