Saturday, June 10, 2006

Conflict Report On World Bank Corruption Money - [Chiem Yeap denies Keat Chhon's words]

Reaksmey Heng
Voice of America
Phnom Penh

National Assembly banking and finance committee chairman denies government's allegation to reimburse the World Bank the sum of $7.6 million, saying it will pay the Bank back the mony which the Bank loaned to Cambodia, in the next 40 years.

This statement was made after local and international newspaper quoted Minister of Economy and Finance Kiet Chhon Thursday as saying to the National Assembly banking and finance committee officials that the government will reimburse $7.6 million to the World Bank after this Bank revealed evidences on corruption in 3 development projects for 4 important ministries.

These were Mr. Kiet Chhon's words which were interpreted to be his announcement for the reimbursement to the World Bank. Mr. Kiet Chhom says that the government will reimburse the loan to the Bank.

National Assembly's audit and banking committee's chairman Chiem Yiep who conducted the Thursday meeting, unilaterally denies Friday that the government will pay back the money thought to be tied to corruption. He says that the media misinterpreted Mr. Kiet Chhon's words.

The World Bank on Tuesday suspended the disbursement of its grants and loans for 3 projects total of more than $64 million now being spent on active World Bank's funded projects in Cambodia, and threatened to have Cambodia reimburse $7.6 million in irregularities in contracts and misuse of funds in 7 major projects.

The 3 projects are: the Ministry of Land Management's $24.3 million Land Management and Administration project; the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Public works and Transport's $20 million Provincial and Rural Infrastructure project; and the Ministry of Industry's $19.9 million Provincial and Peri-Urban Water and sanitation projects.


Anonymous said...

Men so confuse! we will bring your grand children to court make them poor just like us!

Anonymous said...

4o yrs is too long for theses people, let them stay in jail for 40 yrs instead!! eeyore

Anonymous said...

I would put his 7 generations in prison, i really want to bring those illiterated people in jail because they have never used their knowledge to take the country interrest.

I tell all those stupids, i will bring all of you to jail whenever you lost the power, i can not bring your body, i will bring your soul, you will never reborn because all the cambodian damn you everyday, you will stay an the ghost and stay forever, never reborn.

A tmil,

Anonymous said...

What does AH CHIEM YEAP and AH KEAT CHHON know anything about what is going on with the WORLD BANK? These bastard know more about corruption than anything else!

Cambodian people need to know that AH CHIEM YEAP was trained by the Vietcong to be an economist! Is this how AH CHIEM YEAP promote economic policy to make Cambodian people owe the world from generation to the next generation?

This is my only concern! If AH CHIEM YEAP's generation owed the world alot of money and AH CHIEM YEAP fuck up the economic policy and it is only right that AH CHIEM YEAP's generation should pay for it! I am not going to pay for AH CHIEM YEAP stupidity! Hell no! AH CHIEM YEAP can go to hell for his mistake!

Anonymous said...

Do not worry if you outside Cambodia! But if you lived in cambodia you have to pay or your great great grand children have to pay!OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!