Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Gate from Khmer Rouge tribunal collapses during storm, crushing man


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) - The main gate to Cambodia's new Khmer Rouge tribunal collapsed during a weekend downpour, killing a man who was seeking shelter from the storm, officials said Tuesday.

The man, identified as a 23-year-old construction worker, died Saturday evening from injuries after part of the heavy metal gate broke off during the rainstorm and crushed him, said Kem Sokhun, deputy police chief of Angsnuol district where the tribunal is located.

Reach Sambath, a spokesman for the Khmer Rouge tribunal, called the death accidental and said a stronger and more secure door would be installed.

The long-awaited Khmer Rouge tribunal, located about 16 kilometers (10 miles) west of the capital, Phnom Penh, is expected to begin hearings next year.

Cambodia and the United Nations agreed in 2003 to jointly convene trials of surviving Khmer Rouge leaders accused of causing the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people from starvation, disease, overwork and execution during the regime's 1975-79 rule.


Anonymous said...

Cambodian people need to understand that something like this doesn't happen by chance! This incident should be a warning all Cambodian people that there are many shoddy constructions going on right now in Cambodia! These constructions are being taking short cut or cutting corner to save some money and this is the result of the death of 23-years old construction worker!

There is a little dirty secret that Cambodian government don't Cambodian people to know about the whole construction industry in Cambodia! The whole construction industry in Cambodia are being monoply by the Vietnamese! Somebody better tell me that I am wrong on this! The Viet are good at taking short cut as long as they make some profit! Yes! A profit over human life!

Many of the structuals built in Cambodia are very unsafe for human to live in and it can collapse anytime! NOw why haven't Cambodian government never say anything about it? Well the Vietcong tell all these mother fucker(Cambodian officials) to shut up or else!

I heard that the Viet workers are very diligent, hard working, and very smart! So next time when you hear the following phrase again and you better look up toward the ceiling of your house because the chances are you house were built by one of these Viet workers! ahah

For me no thank to these Viet workers , I will build my own house!

Anonymous said...

The company who has constructed that gate must be liabled to the death of the man. THe family can sue that company for a compensation.

Anonymous said...

Any time there are any problems in Cambodia- you know what to do? Blame the Vietnamese! That's right! You don't have to actually fix anything or take any responsibiliy for your own country - if you jut blame the Vietnamese!

They are responsible for all the poor construction, they are to blame for the power shortages, its thier fault that there is unemployment in Cambodia- I bet they are even causing the flooding in Phnom Penh! We ought to round them all up in camps and get rid of them- then all Cambodia's problems would be sovled. Right?

Anonymous said...

To: 8:24

You must be blind not to see the Viet are monoplizing the whole construction business in Cambodia. Viet have all kind of connections with their government to get their construction equipments and construction supply from Vietname and while average Cambodian will to turn to their enemy for construction supply especially to Thialand and Loa! Oh come on now! There are over 4 million Viet living in Cambodia right now and imagine the damage they can do to Cambodian society!
If Cambodian is not careful with the Viet and there will be a large scale damage to Cambodia as a whole country and no one can save Cambodia not even God!

For your information, the Viet's dam name Yali Fall and cost $1 billion to build and took 7 years to complet and the result of this Vietcong dam is constantly flooding of Cambodian land and destroying Cambodian farmer crops and killed Cambodian people and bring all kinds of disease to Cambodian people every years! Do I have to say more! This is the problem with all these fucken Viet is that they never admit to anything! These fucken Viet think they don't have to answer to nobody except to God!

I am just sicken tired of these Viet!

Anonymous said...

Could this be a sign of bad omen? Is it true that when Pol Pot body was cremated, one of his arm was raised up and fisted?

Anonymous said...

Right On! the Vietnamese are nothing more than a gang of criminals preying on Cambodians! They are destroying our crops, they are ruining our businesses, they are flooding our streets, they are responsible for all the corruption, they are destroying our morals, they are the single reason for everything that is wrong in this country.

Don't let anyone tell you that Cambodians are in any way to blame for anything that happens here. We are all weak mindless fools afterall. Our government and police are helpless in the face of these Vietnamese migrant workers and farmers. We are hepless against the Vietnamese. They are so smart.

If you don't want to take responsibility for your troubles, the easiest thing to do is to find someone else to blame. If shoddy contruction is allowed to happen- then WE are to blame for letting it go on. Construction projects are supposed to meed standards and be inspected by Cambodian officials. Where were they??? Why did they allow this to happen???? If the contruction did not meet the standards then it should have been shut down and rebuilt. Why didn't that happen? Officals were bribed maybe? Officals were lazy maybe? Anyway you look at it the responsibily lies right at our door. Not the Vietnamese or Chinese or Americans... if we want to develop and join the modern world- we ought to start acting like we care about the standards in our country and accept the responsibiliy for it.

Otherwise we can sit around pretending we are helpless while the forgien companies loot our resources and build unsafe buildings while we all look the other way and claim there is nothing we can do.

Anonymous said...

God bless 12:16 PM!

The problem is that the Royal Cambodian Government is a puppet to the Vietcong and the Viet can do anything and I mean anything in Cambodia and no Cambodian officials or Cambodian people can do a damn thing about it! The real job of these Royal Cambodian officials are to protect the Viet citizen!These days the Viet citizen living in Cambodia feel immune to everything and they can do anything as they are please!

The Vietcong have so much power that they sermon any Cambodian officials to Hanio anytime and Cambodian officials have no other choice except to obey the Vietcong calling! I will tell you what that these Royal Cambodian Government is just a bunch of little children and the Vietcong can play with their head anytime! ahahahahah

Why don't you ask AH SVA KIM HONG? Why did he has to go to Vietname every time the Vietcong called him?
Not just AH SVA KIM HONG but for all other stupid Royal Cambodian officials! Even our Royal King Sihamoni too! ahahahah These mother fucker are slave to the grave for the Vietcong!

Anonymous said...


better read that 12:16 post again mr 2:25. Because it was dripping with sarcasm and went right over your head.

Anonymous said...

Yes 8:24! If we can reform the Cambodia Royal Police force by kick all those Viet Namese (Hoc Landy and his offices). Cambodian can use real democracy to sholve our problem!
Hun Sen government would kick out of Phnom Penh in i second!

Anonymous said...

To: 4:13

12:16 don't even know what the hell is going on in Cambodia and he think that Royal Cambodian officials and average Cambodian people have the power to change their destiny. ahahah

I am not the kind of person who like to blame everything on the Viet unless the evidences exist!
Base on my observation, Cambodian people are begging to coexist peacefully with the Viet! But the Viet attitude is that they don't give a fuck about Cambodian existence! Remembered the Cambodian people are being reduced to begging the Viet for the right to live as a human being! low can Cambodian people get?

I had pick the Yali Fall dam to prove my point that Royal Cambodian officials or Cambodian people can not do a damn thing about it! Everytime the Viet release the flood gate the water from the Yali Fall dam flood over vast area of Cambodian land Ratankiri, stung streng, and many other areas were effected by this man made flood!
Royal Cambodian officials and Cambodian people constantly begging the Viet officials to stop the man made flood or at least notify Cambodian people in advance of the flood gate opening but the Viet kept on doing it! It had been going on for years and years and years! It is Cambodian people who are suffering!

I like to see 8:24 talking to the Viet and so the Viet would leave Cambodian people in peace! Yeh..8:24 have so much power that the Viet are willing to listen him!ahahahaha

8:24 sarcasm mean nothing when there is nothing to back it up! When AH HUN SEN allowed over 4 million Viet to live in Cambodia and can Cambodian people do anything about it? When the Viet release the flood gate at the Yali Fall dam to flood over Cambodian land and to kill Cambodian people and can Cambodian people do anything about it? When the Viet took control of the whole contruction business and can Cambodian do anything about it? This I will tell you that AH HUN SEN is not Cambodian that is why he couldn't anything about the Viet! ahahahah Speak to me baby!

Anonymous said...

You forgot one more 10:02. When the Viet force Royal government to border treaty of 1985 to give up vast to Vietname and can Royal Cambodian government and Cambodian people doing anything about it? Of course not. It is because all Royal Cambodian government officials are not Cambodian and if they are Cambodian and I am sure they will do something about it!

Anonymous said...

The Royal Cambodia Police Force are leading by a Viet Namese, his name is Ong Hok Landy!And he is a killer ( he killed Ho Sok in his office ) no powefull person in the world dare to do any thing!
How can poor and helpeless Cambodian do?