Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lao Mong Hay nominated as Son Chhay’s Aide

Dr. Lao Mong Hay (Photo RFA)
13 June 2006
By Kessor Raniya
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

Son Chhay, Sam Rainsy Party member of parliament, said on Tuesday 13 June that Dr. Lao Mong Hay had accepted his position with the expert Committee No. 5 of the National Assembly.

Son Chhay, who is the chairman of Committee No. 5 of the National Assembly in charge of foreign affairs, international cooperation, broadcasting and information, added that Dr. Lao Mong Hay was nominated by a royal decree dated 10 June, he will be an aide and the personal secretary of Son Chhay, even though Dr. Lao Mong Hay is not a member of the SRP.

Son Chhay said: “It is not related to party issue. I am the chairman of this Committee and I need an Aide - not useless advisors who are drug lords - and he (Dr. Lao Mong Hay) is not a member of SRP, I took him to help me in my work only. There is no one else who has much more experience than he does on foreign affairs. Therefore, he will help with my work, help to better the work of the National Assembly Committees. I hope that this nomination of the Dr. Lao Mong Hay as my Aide will push those (MPs) who have numerous aides and advisors who are nominated without clear goals except for them to earn an advisor salary, or to give an honorific title to a crooked businessman, they will stop this practice and they will have clear goals in selecting people who will serve the Nation’s affairs.”

Son Chhay also indicated the main factor in his selection of Dr. Lao Mong Hay: “First, he is a capable man, and it also sets a new example for the Cambodian leaders so that they would gather capable people to work for our nation, and not just selecting people from their own political party or selecting people based on briberies. We must select according to the ability to gather technical force and development ideas for the country.”

Asked if Dr. Lao Mong Hay could join SRP in the future, Son Chhay said that it is the right of Dr. Lao Mong Hay.

Currently, Dr. Lao Mong Hay is outside of the country, and he cannot be contacted for clarification on his acceptance to this new position.

Dr. Lao Mong Hay was a former professor of a university in Toronto, Canada, he was the director of the Khmer Institute for Democracy, as well as the law chairman of the Center for Social Development.


Anonymous said...

Good to see these two good people working together. All the best to them. But Why appoint by a degree? very funny!!!! I have never seen such appointment like this around the world!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done!
Mr Lao Mng Hay is one of the honest, talentedand qualified brain I have admired. Continue to search others in or outside Cambodia and You will beneficit a lot of experiences from them .

Anonymous said...

It is a model of selection of advisors. All Cambodian leaders should fallow the path. We need a wise, competent, and good experience person to be an advisor as Dr. Lao Mong Hay.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so sure?

Anonymous said...

Because he is the Executive Director of the Khmer Institute for Democracy, a British-educated PhD, former professor of political sciences at the University of Toronto, Canada. With all his experiences he will be helpful for Cambodia.
As for HUN SEN he an uneducated idiot, so it easy for YUON to manipulate him, the reason why he ssold our country and leave 5 millions YUON Live inCambodia.

Anonymous said...

who is he...? a doctor of lao n' who is hay..khmer or what..?? eeyore

Anonymous said...

He may not khmer but he sure is a Cambodian! eeyore yourself!