Wednesday, June 14, 2006

More eviction in the works - Hok Lundy himself will take care of this one - For the people, it's a lose-lose policy

Hok Lundy (Photo RFA)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Residents Near Hospital Given Eviction Notice

By Pin Sisovann

The Council of Ministers and the Interior Ministry have given residents living near Phnom Penh's Preah Monivong Hospital until July 5 to vacate their homes or face "most serious legal action," according to a letter signed and stamped by National Police Commissioner Hok Lundy.

In the June 5 notice, Hok Lundy warns residents who consider resisting that they will face legal action from the National Police.

Khut Bunroeun, the area's group chief, said his residents were worried that the same methods employed against the Tonle Bassac Village 14 residents would be used against them.

He added that Hok Lundys notice gave no mention of compensation or of a relocation site.

"Samdech [Prime Minister] Hun Sen's policy was win-win for all," Khut Bunroeun said. "This notice mentions no point of win-win for all," he added.

Sok Kimsan, an Interior Ministry police officer who lives on the perimeter of the hospital, said he has resided in the location since 1988 and does not believe that he should have to move.

"We want development here. We are not willing to move out. It is near schools, workplaces and markets," he said.

Hun Sen had said that people could own property that they had lived on for five or more years, he added.

Contacted on Tuesday, Hok Lundy said that the residents had misunderstood Hun Sen's remarks, which were directed at vacant public property and not state-owned land such as the hospital.

"You cannot live at the Council of Ministers' buildings or other ministry buildings and own it," Hok Lundy said. He added that the residents near the hospital have been informed on multiple occasions of the ministry's policy to assist them in their removal.

"The ministry has sent officials to instruct them to move. They know what they must do," he added.


Anonymous said...

The people who were affected by their relocation must sue Hun Sen to international criminal court for their justice. Why? In 1979,after the fall of Pol Pot regiime, Hun Sen regime has prohibited all Cambodain people to live in the vacant privated properties. They leave those good properties for Vietnamese army but after that Hun Sen and all his relatives have registered all vacant properties as theirs. Therefore, thousand of people have left out without propre place to live. Now, they start to remove them out from the place they have occupied since 1979. THey have every right to sue Hun Sen and his government for their damages and their inconviences.

Anonymous said...

Right on brother!

Anonymous said...

HUN SEN and his groups use the democracy To assassinate, distroy our people on behalf of the YUON. So in Cambodia, the word democracy has no meaning at all.
We can't tolerate The BRIGAND, BLOODTHIRSTY and VALET YUONS continue to govern us anymore.
It's time that we get rid them out of the power at any means.

Either we will beat them off or we will die.

We need a PATRIOT, BRAVE and STEADY leader like (DE GAULLE) who will be ready to fight them with us until total VICTORY.
Where are you, notre DE GAULLE KHMER?
We are looking forward to seeing from you to save us from this MUNSTER.

Anonymous said...

Have you enough courage to lead us to confront HUN SEN and take him off like the philippines did to MARCOS?
Don't remind us about DEMOCRACY anymore as long as this munster stay in power.
As he has 4 millions and half or 5 millions the YUONS with khmer nationality, how you could manage to win him?

Anonymous said...

AH HOK LUNDY decided to take matter into his own hand after United States denied his VISA! ahahah. Watch out! Lundy is taking on poor helpless Cambodian people!ahahaa.
Go Lundy! Go Lundy! Go Lundy!

Anonymous said...

Do not look for Preabath Thormik, do it yourselves boy!

Anonymous said...

Did he look like Noriega?
Hope at the end he will end up just like Noriega!