Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thanks to CPP Tycoon-Senator-Crony Ly Yong Phat, Phnom Penh is no longer in the dark even if price is not affordable

Saturday and Sunday, June 10-11, 2006
Phnom Penh Blackouts Should be Finished

By Kay Kimsong

Phnom Penh's power shortage is officially over, following an extra 45 megawatts of electricity now available to the capital as a power plant owned by CPP senator tycoon Ly Yong Phat became operational last week, an Electricite du Cambodge official said Friday. EDC Director of Distribution Chea Sun Hel said the capital now has 180 megawatts of electricity available, some 35 megawatts more than is currently required. "We won't cut off the electricity any more," Chea Sun Hel said. Ly Yong Phat's Cambodia Electric Power has added 45 megawatts to the grid, said Chea Sun Hel, adding that the Kirirom Hydropower plant has also began producing 12 megawatts of electricity. The large increase in supply, however, is unlikely to mean a decrease in the price of electricity, he added. "I don't think we could decrease the price now if the international price for fuel remains high," Chea Sun Hel said.


Anonymous said...

The hell with Ly Yong Phat and if he can't decrease electricity price and Cambodian people have the right to buy a cheaper electricity from somewhere else! There have been alot of rumors about Cambodia buying electricity from Thailand, Vietname, and Loa! It sound so depend and unreliable especially consider these country are Cambodian enemy!

Come on HUN SEN give Cambodian people a choice and an opportunity to live like any human being! I don't understand why Cambodia government couldn't build more hydropower plant!

Anonymous said...

One company from Taiwan and USA named Cam-Tai would like to build a new Power Station in Siemreap province, that station can supply 3 provinces (Siemreap, Battambang and Banteay Meanchey). But Suy Sem, Ith Praing gainst this project and they both happy to connect the cable power from Thailand. How can the investor do anything in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

How many people knew where his monies have came from? A young guy of less than 40 years old, no factory, no business record, where all his hundred of millions have came from? From Hun Sen? From CPP? Or from Drugs business?

Anonymous said...

I agree that his monies really from Drugs business same as Mong Rithy, Phu Kok An..........but all of them were important persons of Hun Sen and CPP