Retired King Prepared To Testify at KR Tribunal
By Yun Samean
The Cambodia Daily
Despite stating his opposition to the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia earlier this month, retired King Norodom Sihanouk said in a statement that he was prepared to testify at the tribunal. "I am not lacking the courage to go to answer before the tribunal," the retired King wrote in a statement posted on his Web site on Monday and dated July 15. "My family, my wife's family and many people who supported Norodom Sihanouk were tortured and killed by Khmer Rouge Pol Pot." Information Minister Khieu Kanharith said the government does not want the retired King to appear before the tribunal, calling him the symbol of national unity. "He should not stand before the court; it will affect the national symbol," Khieu Kanharith said.
Dear Sihanouk!!
You are the most clairvoyant leader of Khmer Rouge which has result in killing more than three millions of your former enemies in Cambodia. Therefore, I call you to have your courage to defense yourself what kind of right you have to kill these people. You must stand up as high as when you call your khmer rouge armies to kill your opposition. You was the No 1 leader of Khmer rouge. God will condemn you.
What is khieu Kanharith said was a trick to prevent retired King Norodom Sihanouk from testifies at the tribunal becaue they know would open the worn. They tried to cover up for long time.what is CPP want just dump all the killing were commited during Khmer Roug to Pol Pot alone and they will walk away with clean hand. If we want to find justic for cambodian people. We need to open up.who behind the killing otherwhy don’t do it .
It will Just wast of the time and money, In 1975 evry cities in cambodia were took control
By Khmer Rouge army and forced to evacuated all people from the city to country side.
My family was move to stay at “Candalsteang “ distric in Candal provine.after couple months lack of food and over work.I was evry skin .old people start to die one by one
including my grandmather due to lack of food and medicine.One morning under rainig in muddy field not far from “KSAK”mountain.we told to stop working and gather around and anouncement was make by distric chief with black uniform and brand new scar around his neck sai to the croud of people in front of him. Now we have war with “youn””ANGKA” need student who willing to volunteer to join the army to defence our home land.there will be a lot of food.I decise to join the team without any hesitation. My mom cried and beg me to stay.I told her mom if you want me to stay.I will die by starvation or skill by “Schhlob”distric some day.So please don’t worry about me, I cam back home then say good by to my dad that the last time. I saw his face then walk to “Seamareab”after every body had been gather.we was told to march to “Kompong Kontouth” market.around 8pm evry body tired because we have no food the whole day.a fews minut later. I saw one brand new America military Jeep caming in and stop not fare from us.One of the passenger get off from the car with lound speaker in hand and walk to ward to our group.we all stand up and listen to what he said.My name Ta Nath cammender special Zon and what cam here to welcome all of you.who used to help our revolution againt Lon Nol regime.I ‘m very proud to all of you studen.but now the war end.we need to rebuil our country.So please no more strik or demontration, we all laugh.he add “ANGKA’’need brother and sister to help rebuild rail road from Phnom Penh to Compong Som in three month priod the work havy and hard. If some one dosen’t to go can go cam home.more then haft willing to go back. At “koma reach chae “ staion. We met “Ta sath Loy” who incharg the railroad from PP to Kompong Som.We were device by four group. Group 1 to caried woods out from the ship for use under rail truck.
Group 2 repaired all station then go work on new railroad from PP to Compong Some across” Pich Nil” mountain, Group 3 including me repaired railroad. Group 4 all girl stay with “Ta Sath Loy” and his wife, after the railroad had been group was station at “Konpot station” where I saw and heard a lot about what going on during three years under Khmer 19975 both group of Khmer rouge (Pol Pot had chines behind) and (So Phim had Vietnam ) kill and rap canbodian people most of them from the cities or we call new people.every region and distric were control by Pol Pot fuction or So Phim. People were “kbal rmeas” and “Kon sat” Kompot most of the guy from city were kill.beside railroad across” wat kbal rmeas” during one month every house were emty because they are khmer musalim.later on all distric asociated to” Kond Chap”were arest and kill by “Ta mok”in 1977 and 1978 both group star to kill each other so call power struggle to control combodia but that time Pol Pot had uper hand.They arest every people they wonder enamy to them.1978 they move all people from the east zon.who working in PP to railroad and take all the fomer army from southwest.who working in raiload to take charge in PP factories and northwest region.all army at the front line.who have a lot of perience in battlefield was asociated to”Kong Chap” were withdraw to bracking stone at “slap ta oun” mountain.and was replaced with unexperience army.
1979 vietnames army invade cambodia.I fled to Battambang provine when I was reach wat “kous kro lor”.I met my graduncle dauther in law .she said the whole family of my uncle were kill 13 people.only her still alive.we were round up by “kong chalat “chief all of us unarm factories worker from PP and railroad worker.we all placed at “toul trea” and at “reasey kreang” not far from “Pnom bak”mountain.evry night people were missing without reason. One night around 3 am morning me and the other two student deside to run away to wat “kous kro lor” where khmer rouge devision 502 station in.we all most get shot by army because to morning we were ask our leder to back .but we beg army to stay if we go back. we will kill.
Next couple day one young girl cover with blood all over her body and cloth.she cam to wat and ask khmer rouge to help.she said with tear caming out from her eye.please help me and all our brother and sister.who were kill and rap by “ar choch”at “reas sey kreng”a
Group of army with ak 74 and basuka lest wat then arest “ar choch” he beg army not to kill him and add he will teld where all his leader are hiding.khmer rouge army agree but after confestion is done.he got shot and morning more 100 army go to “Pnom bak”and around 10 am the shooting was began and last all most an hour befor capture and kill. all of them who kill and capture were fled to mountain during southwest khmer rouge came to clean up all leader in northwest zon .this is the problem .cambodian was pain black,red,,green and device to kill each other without mercy.
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