Friday, August 18, 2006

Khmer Intelligence News - 18 August 2006

18 August 2006

Heng Pov's allegations create tensions within the CPP (2)

The ongoing publication of former Phnom Penh police chief Heng Pov's allegations create increasing tensions within the ruling CPP. International observers agree that at least some of Heng Pov's allegations might be founded and point to government practices of covering up serious crimes (political murders, drug trafficking) in which the country's leaders are reportedly involved. Heng Pov, now a fugitive and an apparent scapegoat for all government-sponsored crimes, might be able to produce evidence linking Cambodia to a terrorist state and a mafia state. The CPP leadership feels seriously concerned by the unpredictable waves created by Heng Pov's continuous revelations. Significant decisions, including party and government position reshuffles, are being prepared by the CPP Permanent Committee (former Politburo).

Hun Sen targets Chea Sim (2)

Earlier this week, the media reported that Prime Minister Hun Sen verbally attacked "politicians who frighten investors by threatening to revise contracts recently signed between the government and private companies." Hun Sen compared those politicians to Pol Pot who created "turmoil" for the country in the 1970's. Some journalists thought and wrote that Hun Sen was referring to opposition leader Sam Rainsy. Actually, the Prime Minister was referring to CPP and Senate President Chea Sim who, in a recent party internal meeting, had expressed dissatisfaction regarding some secret contracts that the government had signed with some private companies, including US-based Chevron (Texaco, Caltex) for oil and gas exploration in Cambodia's territorial waters in the Gulf of Thailand. The secret contracts are allegedly very lucrative for some individuals. According to a high-ranking CPP official who speaks on condition of anonymity, Prime Minister Hun Sen and his relative Deputy Prime Minister Sok An, who presides over a number of powerful "National Authorities", are illegally committing Cambodia without transparency, often bypassing or overruling competent Ministries of the Royal Government.


Anonymous said...

This is good. The world will judge this government credibility.

If you want to know who's the boss of Terrorist, FBI should probe more into Hun Sen and Hok Lundy activity.

Dictator principle is not written in Stone. CPP's fall is coming.

Anonymous said...

Chea Sim and Hun Sen started out as rebels aka Vietminh communist revolutionaries then anti Khmer communist rebels before becoming who they are now.
Are they dishonorable or non trustworthy? Aren't they self serving opportunists?

Tension exactly,Hun Sen is not afraid of Chea Sim since all his deputy Primes are cronies and relatives excluding Sar Kheng who seems as thorn on the side.

However,Sar Kheng is corruptive as anyone can imagine too.

CPP is a brothel full of thieves the same as FUNC. RRidh is a corruptive and mischievous pim as ever.

Anonymous said...

The reports sound more like a s--- stirrer than news.