Thursday, August 17, 2006

Khmer Krom: Waves of Recognition For KK Dragon Boat Team

Khmer Krom team (Photo:

Dressed in red, yellow and blue colours of the Khmer Krom flag, the Khmers Krom teams were a sight to behold at the 5th Club Crew World Championship.

An ancient sport of the Khmer Krom people, the dragon boat racing known in Khmer as “TOUK NGO” is one that has placed them in the international spotlight. Even to this day, the Khmer Krom people continue to have the Om Touk festivals along the banks of the great Mekong Delta River in Khleang (renamed SocTrang) province in Kampuchea Krom.

Under the leadership of the KKF Board of Directors, the Khmers Kampuchea Krom Federation and its community supporters have managed to capture the attention of thousands of spectators with their lively cultural tradition including the blessing “Cha Yorn To” by the monks and the performances of Chay Yam and Yeak Rorm by both elders and children. The unique Khmer culture was the centre of attraction in the Opening Ceremony, attended by thousands of people including the Canadian dignitaries from all levels of Governments and the foreign diplomats.

On the first day of the races, the Khmer Krom team made a big effort coming third against Australia and Canada. In the Premiers Open 2000 meters and Open 500m in the second and final day has placed our team 4th out of the 12 countries present.

It was an outstanding effort for the Khmer Krom mixed team members who were participating for the first time at the international level. Unlike most of other competitors at this championship, the teams were all volunteers. This phenomenal achievement is a reflection of a dedicated team including many behind the scene who dedicated their valuable time and finances prior and during this event.
“Win or loss does not matter” said one first timer who come from the province of Alberta Canada, “In fact Khmer Krom team is the big winner because it drawn Khmer Krom all over the places together and shown Khmer Krom identity to the world”.

Khmer Krom people across the world came to Toronto in show support to their teams, including Calgary, Winnipeg, Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Windsor, London, Kitchener, St. Catherine, Hamilton and New Market. In addition, Khmer Krom people from Cambodia as well as the United States representing Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhodes Islands, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan, California, Washington and Ohio.

The next Club Crew World Championship (CCWC) in which our KK teams are invited to participate will be held in Penang, Malaysia 2008.

On behalf of the KKN team, we would like to express our sincere thank you for our youths and their dedication in volunteering their time and finances to such a cause. Your contribution will be admired and celebrated by communities around the world. Lastly, we also thank the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation for their strong support financially and morally as well as providing vital encouragement, guidance and patience towards our Khmer Krom youths of today.



Anonymous said...

It is time that the Khmer Krom need to stop living in the shadow of the Viet. The Khmer Krom have their own motherland, their own culture, and their own language!

Anonymous said...

It is a pity for KHMER KROM people to live under communist Vietnam, who has done many evil things to them.

Morever, it is a pity that the WORLD, United Nations, the US, France, the UK, China and other don't pay much attention on KHMER KROM.

However, KHMER KROM PEOPLE should join hand in hand and work harder to achieve the mission and make the whole world know that KHMER KROM people are good people, with own cultures, languages, traditions, and so on.

Also, KHMER KROM should do the best to show communist Vietnam that KHMER KROM will not let those communits look down on.

GO GO GO GO KHMER KROM. We love you all, we support you with every decision you make.

Anonymous said...

It is the right time for you to stand up.
I love you Khmer Krom. Stand Up and Go.......