Friday, August 18, 2006

King-Father to son: Keep a good relationship with PM Hun Sen

Cambodia's ex-king hopes his son to have good relations with PM
August 18, 2006

Cambodian former King Norodom Sihanouk on Thursday asked his son, Prince Norodom Ranariddh, to keep a good relationship with Prime Minister Hun Sen, state television TVK reported on Thursday evening.

The retired king made the remarks while meeting his son at his Siem Reap residence. The prince, who left the country in March, arrived at the Siem Reap International Airport Thursday afternoon and went to see his father.

In his message to the nation, the former king said that he was very glad to see his beloved son return home, and hopes his son will have a good relations with Prime Minister Hun Sen.

More than 100 FUNCINPEC party members greeted Ranariddh at the airport. The prince will spend two nights in Siem Reap and return to Phnom Penh on Saturday.

Ranariddh said at the airport that he had returned "to strengthen his party and unite party members and leaders for the preparation of next year's local election as well as the national elections scheduled in 2008."

The prince also said that another aim of his return is to restore and strengthen the relationship with the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), especially the relations with Prime Minister Hun Sen.

Source: Xinhua


Anonymous said...

Go to suck Hun San's dick if you want to live longer.

Anonymous said...

These two people are worst than Heng Pov. Heng Pov was born from a poor family but he has his guts to clean up corrption, criminals activities and drugs trafficking. He has sacrified his luxury life in Phnom Penh for a dangerous path to confront the regime which is full of dirty politic and crimes. He left phnom Penh by knowing that his wife , his children and all his monies will be in dangeur. The funny side of the problem is that The King has sign under the instruction of hun Sen to strip off all his duty. How the King knew that Heng Pov was corrupted? Why he did that to please Hun Sen? They must sack Hok Lundy instead of Heng Pov. Come on, all Nationalist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh King father! Spare the rod and spoil the child!

Anonymous said...

Who asked what you return for? Who care about your strengthening party when you are back? Have you just known that your party was recently broken? When was your relationship with ruling party broken had you told our nation about the broken relationship with CPP before you left Cambodia? How can the people trust you while you come just to strengthen your party and restore relationship with CPP without doing anything for the nation? Have you ever thought that Cambodia is your country? It seems that you come to Cambodia as a mission to do only two things, prepare to take power and to beg for some power from ruling party. good luck with your mission.

Anonymous said...

Shit-hanouk, how stupid can you be at your age? Haven't you thought about improving the condition in Cambodia? How can tell your Pighead son to become another Hun Sen's cronies or buddies?

Why don't all the Norodumb die or commit suicide? When you die, we going to incinerate you because the people abhore your family.

Anonymous said...

50+1 formular is clear cutted. CPP or SRP or Funcinpec itself could get enough votes to run Cambodian government with its own right. who cares about your bumb foolish sucker? NO ONE CARES!!

Anonymous said...

Stupid King-Father produces stupid son Ranaridh.

Anonymous said...

sdach thmil si-ha-nouss,

when you die, you will go straight to hell.
All your family since Ta trasak Paem have been all the cowards, the traitors, the corruptors, the selfishmen, the felons, law-breaker,gansters, crooks, sexual abuser, rapists, murderers, poygamist, destroyer of Cambodia.

we don't want you all anymore. Go away.

Anonymous said...

The King Father is stupid because he has done many things wrong. Howver, he is loved by millions people, especially old people as he loves his country, and has done many things for the country even though some of his deeds are not good.

However, King-Father has done a very big mistake as he has produced a STUPID-MONEY MINDED AND SEX HUNGRY SON Ranarith, who returned to Cambodia decades ago until now for power, money, and young girls.

But King-Father is also good that he has produced a kind-hearted Sihamony even though Sihamony is not so smart and independent.

I also love the King-Father, but I was so disappointedn when I heard that King-father told his STUPID USELESS son Ranarith to put up with HUN SEN, a communist one-eye prime minister of Cambodia and an obident pupet of Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

King Norodom Sihanouk is a best king and also our new king, Norodom Sihamony. He performs very well as a very kind king of Cambodia. I wish he get long life and to be shelter of Cambodian people.