Thursday, August 17, 2006

Late birth for Thomico's "Sangkum Cheat Niyum Front" party

Prince Sisowath Thomico (Photo: Khemara, VOA)

Thursday, August 17, 2006
Thomico Now Says He's Set To Unveil New Party Sunday

By Yun Samean

The founding congress of the new party to be formed by Prince Sisowath Thomico will be held Sunday and the party's name will be formally announced, a spokesman for the Sangkum Cheat Niyum, or "national community," alliance said Wednesday.

The party's launch had been scheduled for last month, but at a July 27 press conference, Prince Thomico said he was delaying forming his party to allow other parties to join.

"The congress will elect the party president and then name the party," said Khmer Front Party president and alliance spokesman Suth Dina.

The congress will convene at the headquarters of the Khmer Front Party in Phnom Penh's Tuol Kok district he said. Barring unforeseen events, Prince Thomico will be the party's 2008 candidate for prime minister and the party will be called the Sangkum Cheat Niyum Front he said.

Campaigning in the provinces won't begin until after the party's official launch Sept 8 at Phnom Penh's Chaktomuk Theater, Prince Thomico said Tuesday. "We will lead party members to campaign in the provinces," he said.

Suth Dina also said two more parties, the obscure National Construction Party and the little-known National Democratic, Freedom and Liberation Party, had recently joined the alliance.

NCP President Leng Seng said his party had over 4,000 supporters and was joining because unity was necessary to defeat Prime Minister Hun Sen's long-ruling CPP. "Now is the time to unite," he said. "We must have hope."

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith welcomed the party but said it would not be democratic.

"The party is not a democratic party because [Prince Thomico] has claimed the party will be royalist," he said.

Hang Puthea, director of the Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free Elections, said the party's diversity could be its strength.

"The party will gain seats because they have many forces," he said.


Anonymous said...

Is prince Thomico really love royalist or nationalist? Time changes. Aunthoritarian Sangkum Reastr Niyum died comepletly. Now our world is walking to democracy. Again, has he ever looked at the electoral systems in Cambodia? The Proportional Representation based on d'Hont Highest Averages system only help the larger party with a larger chanches to absorb more seat from the smaller ones. Small parties will not gain anything. The most solution is only two-party system hopefully defeating CPP. So Thomico should not create more party but work with other protentianl the communist CPP. Good willing from JP.

Anonymous said...

He's el tico. He doesn't know anything except keep on running. He only knows he wants to be the leader. Yet, he never lead. he doesn't have any leadership quality, not educated, in fact, he never spoken up against anything in his life, except he's prince.
let us keep reminding him that he will destroy the future of cambodia if he's keeping on insisting having his own party. in fact all the royal princes and princeses should stop their annoying insistence on being the leader of this and that. come on... leaders are not born, they are made. go do something first, prove yourself first before you call yourself a leader.

Anonymous said...

To 6:52

I agreed with you. Those princes and princesses think that they are a leader even though they know nothing about leading. Some of those princes and pricesses are not well educated, and not to mention political experiences. For example, Ranaridh's daughter, princess Norodom Rattana Devi. She has never been in Cambodia for her whole life and she doesn't even speak, read and write in Cambodian language, and yet she is a member of parlaiment from F'Pec. Moreover, she has never have any political and social experiences. No wonder why F'pec will do anything just to be a second places.

Now again, prince Thomico, he is trying to have his own party by digging a remain from Sangkum Reas Nyum and imitated as Sangkum Cheat Nyum. Doesn't he notice that Sangkum Reas Nyum was a trying socialist state, except that it wasn't a collective property and collective living like Pot Pot Communist. Economically, Cambodian people, during Sangkum Reas Nyum, were sustainable which people could depend on their own and that was everyone had his or her own resource to produce. It wasn't the government of Sangkum Reas Nyum that made them better; however, the propaganda and the system of the government was the different. The people were already better and it was only a little change in leadership to impress the world.

Cambodian people now are so different in term of economic and social structures. The farming land is getting smaller and smaller. Our environment and the resouce is scarced. Some people cannot even make one dinner. They just want to be fed and protected.

Our Cambodian social structure is falling apart mentally and morally. We are coming into a suituation that we are not sharing anymore. It is a kill or steal society. It's happen from the top to the bottom. Hun Sen's regime has been misleaded, manipulated and threateninged by his authorities.