Saturday, August 19, 2006

VOA News Briefs From Cambodia August 18, 2006

Reaksmey Heng
Voice of America
Phnom Penh

Cambodian and civil societies officials cautiously support Prime Minister Hun Sen's comments on transfering his government's power to the winning party should it lose in the 2008 election.

The comments were made at the convention of first term final result of communal council (achievements), and Mr. Hun Sen says that the transition will be done in one hour to let the new government govern.

Opposition Sam Rainsy party legislator Keo Remy and Cambodia Center for Human Rights' director Kem Sokha support Mr. Hun Sen's comments saying that the National Election Committee (NEC) and the political infrastructure have already been set up.

Mr. Hun Sen dismissed election results in the past when his Cambodian People's party (CPP) lost the U.N. Transitional Authority for Cambodia's (UNTAC) brokered election in 1993.

But royalist FUNCINPEC party's leader, Prince Norodom Ranariddh agreed to share power with Mr. Hun Sen, resulting in two prime minister positions.

Mr. Hun Sen's adviser Om Yentieng, and government spokesman Khieu Kanharith cannot be reached for comment.

In another development, the cabinet passes a royal decree draft to create a board of certified mid-wives organized by the Ministry of Health due to rampant illegal and dangerous practices all over the country.

The draft will be sent to the National Assembly soon. Board of certified doctors and dentists will also be formed.


Anonymous said...

You must not believe to hun sen 100%. This man has never honoured to his own words. He wantsyo fight with all evils in the society. Which evils has he succeeded or has try to do it?
-How many landgrabbings individuals have been jailed? Eg Ly Yong Phath, Kong Triv, Kith Meng, Mong Rithy etc.....
-How many forest destroyers have been arrested and been jailed? Eg Hun To, Yeay Phu, Kong Triv, Tao Seng Hour etc...
-How many corrupted officials have been jailed?
eg, Sok An, Sar Kheng, LU Lay Sreng, Sun Chan Thol, Kiet Chhon, Cham Prasit, Khiev Kanharith etc..
-How many kidnnapers in Cambodia have been arrested and have jailed?
eg Net Savoeun, Hok Landy, Mok Chito etc...
Cambodians must stand up together and say to Him enough is enough. You must go or els you will be kick out like, Marco, Souhartho, Milosovick or Saddam Hussein etc...
He must choose which exampleof the world leader he wants;
-Deng Xiao Phing is a leader of 1.30 billions people has retired from all his position with pride and proud
-Zhang Jemin was a leader of 1.5 billions people has retired from all his position with pride and prouded,
-All Vietnamese leadership have retired from all their position with pride and prouded.
-Mahatir of Malaysia has retired with pride.
_all western Nations Leaders have retired with pride.
-Marcos, Souhartho, have been removed from people power.
-Saddam Hussein, Talibarn leaders have been removed by bombardement.
-Milosovick has been removed by European troops
-Thaksin will be out from office by people power.
The more you resist people power, the more fleshes be destroyed from your body.

Anonymous said...

I hope It will help reduce the death of new born babies cause Cambodia have the highest infant birth rate death in Asia.

You know when come to think about it! It is going to cost some money to become BORD OF CERTIFIED MID-WIVES and do think these poor Cambodian people can afford it? And how many years will the person be recertified and go through re-education to get their certification renewal?

Anonymous said...

Can we form our own independence T.V broacaster in Cambodia? or can somebody save his comment in some form or fashion better than this writing article?

If we can save his comment with his very own word in video that would be a terrific idea and let's us play it on national television!
I'm sure Hun Sen like any other human bieng wants respect as a man who will be keeping his words and not a lier!

As far as certified mid-wife, Khmers need to go to the next level of education. That means,if it take ONE OF US four or five OR EVEN 10 YEARS to go thru the training, let it be!

We have to find a way to provide our Khmers kids grant and scholarship to send them to school of medicine. Out side and inside of our country or bring Khmers kids that are certified mid-wife, nurses, pharmacists and doctors that are already trained outside of Cambodia back to our country.

I have five of my own immediate family that are in medical profession living abroad. Not that they don't have a job, but the condition of the country and the safety of goind back it's just not there. We left it own our own, do our own thing, saving thousand of lives out there everyday. That is just fine.
These are Khmers that were willing to go thru hell to get that profession and that certificate. Do I call my Khmers family and ordinary Khmers?. I don't think so.

We need to take The Oath of Honesty just like every other medical profession in the world do.
and crimianl back ground check? sure,let's get to the buttom of it.

We are about to deliver a baby into the world and we'd better know what we are doing. This is someone's life and baby. Want some thing fast and easy, go do something else!

Leave this role of intelligent, integrity and respect to true women and men that ARE WILLING TO GO THRU HELL TO EARN IT!! that is my comment and our Governmnt system as well. We need to start changing it by voting out the bad one regardless of a party. If they don't do the job, tell them YOU ARE FIRE!!!!!!!
and do you know who will be the person that can do that? US, OURSELF and our little legs that will carry our bodies to the voting booth next year with our own true conscious HEART AND MIND. . Us! Us! Khmers! we can do it!
I love Mr. Sam Rainsy. Everytime, I see him on a podium or place that no one else dare to go, I see a good honest man from head to toes. If you are to ask me who i will vote for? THAT IS THE MAN OF MY CHOISE. Thank you