Friday, September 01, 2006

Cambodia: Hun Sen, Hok Langdi Said Having Millions of Dollars in Overseas Banks

Hun Sen's family

Hok Lundy (Photo: RFA)

Hok Langdi Has $84 Million in Hong Kong Bank Account; Hun Sen and Bun Rani Have Hundreds of Millions of Dollars in Banks in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand

31 Aug 06
By Veha
Sralanh Khmer newspaper
Translated and summarized from Khmer

The Phnom Penh newspaper Sralanh Khmer in Cambodian on 31 August carries an article by Veha, saying the "owners of the $84 million deposited in a Hong Kong bank account were four-star Gen Hok Langdi, the chief of the Cambodian National Police."

The article said that on 30 August, the French review, L'EXPRESS, reported that Hok Langdi had "$84 million in the Hong Kong bank." As for Hun Sen and his wife, Bunrani, the article added, they had "deposited hundreds of millions of dollars in bank accounts in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand."

According to the article, Heng Peou, former Phnom Penh police chief and adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen, divulged the bank accounts to L'EXPRESS in an interview. Heng Peou added that to operate the bank accounts abroad, while "Hun Sen's wife, Saom Hieng, had changed her name to Bunrani, Hok Langdi's wife, Moeng Pheakdei, to Hok Kanhnha." He also said that Hun Sen's wife and Hok Langdi's each possessed "two passports, two identity cards, and two family books."

Heng Peou also told L'EXPRESS that if one wanted to find out the "dirty" money belonging to the two families, one should ask Hun Sen's son, Hun Mana, the Sralanh Khmer article concluded.


Anonymous said...

why!!!! La Di Da
Im not surprise

Anonymous said...

WOW! The drama continues...

Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!

Anonymous said...

Heng Peov is the key man. Hello Suhato of Cambodia. Your time is coming.

Anonymous said...

Imagine when the oil is drilled, both will have billions of dollars in the overseas banks while Sihanoukville environment will be poluted everywhere. Cambodian workers will be poor just like Nigeria. The two robbers.....

Anonymous said...

Heng Peov is the man of 2006! AH HUN SEN still continue to insist that Heng Poev fabricate all these evidences? Well! Well! Well! How about call those Bank officials and verify all account number and names? This is drug money and corrupted money and the whole world has an obligation to help Cambodia to get to the bottom of this!

Anonymous said...

No matter how bad our leaders are corrupted, we,the people of Cambodia, are hopeless. We cannot bring these men to be prosecuted. These corrupted officials are friends of high ranking police, militaries and judges. Moreover, Cambodian are manipulated. Therefore, by knowing who the bad guys are, our moral and mentality are hurt.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering how much these arse hole Hun Sen, Hok Lundy and the rest paid Hanoi in order to be able to accumulate so much wealth? Apart from the Vietnamization of Cambodia, Hanoi must have laughed all the way to the bank themselves. Will the world begin to see what's going on in Cambodia now?

Juste me demander combien tous ces trou de cul Hun Sen, Hok lundy et le reste ont paye HANOI pour pouvoir devenir tellement riche? La Vietnamisation du Cambodge a part, Hanoi devrait etre tellement amoureux de ces affaires de la FEDERATION INDOCHINOISE comme avait ete suggeree par la France, n'est-ce pas? Est-ce que le monde voit tout ce qui se passe au Cambodge maintenant?


Anonymous said...

Le peuple khmer espère bien que ces grands voleurs dirigeants seront condamnés par le tribunal populaire pour vole et pillage de la richesse du peuple khmer, ainsi que la destruction totale de nos patrimoines ancestraux, et que cette somme gigantesque (volée) par ces gangsters devrait être rendue à la nation khmère et au peuple khmer qui ont énormément besoin pour leur vie quotidienne, et leur développement durable. Voleurs du peuple khmer !

The Khmer people hope well that these large leader robbers will be condemned by the popular court for flies and plundering of the richness of the Khmer people, as well as the total destruction of our ancestral inheritances, and that this gigantic sum stolen by these gangsters should be returned to the nation khmère and to the Khmer people which need enormously for their everyday life, and their durable development. Robbers of the Khmer people!

Teukphnèk Khmer

Anonymous said...

It should not be a surprise at all because after all they have been controlling everything in Cambodia for three long decades. Basically, they own the whole country.

Anonymous said...

Well said "Teukphnek Khmer". I am applauding your idea! Thank you for making your voice heard. A bientot!


Anonymous said...

"Follow the trail of money".

Very important piece of evidence like this the iceberg because it is the evidence that could eventually sink the ship.

The one rat that recently got loose has made major damage to the credibility of the master and his circle cronies. The master is so desperate to recapture that one rat.

Almost every key evidence against the rats are printed right there on their forehead and still the world does not seem to be interested in OR, and those rats are continuing to exploit our innocent Khmer people and our Khmer natural resources.

Somlor Machou Yuon!

Anonymous said...

These are BLOOD money. When the donor countries donated for the good cause for the society, but it turns out Hun Sen/Hok Lundy/HCM had a different plans. This is what Hun Sen do, spend a couple of thousands to improve public infrastructures and fabricated the documents to reported to world banks. And asked for money, so his bank accounts will ballooning even more.

Now, the FBI should investigate further about '97 Grenade attack. The CPP is a true terrorist and will become the spawning ground for the followers. The INTERPOL should freezes all accounts and his assets. Find justice for the people...

Anonymous said...

It's disgusting that these powerful mafias can still laugh all the way to the international banks and remain in power to carry on plundering Cambodia's riches. They treat Cambodia as their playground and kitchen, while poor Cambodians are getting poorer.

As the only superpower in the world, the U.S. can play a crucial role in freezing those bank accounts and returning the loots back to the Cambodian people. They oversee the flow of the world monies, as most transactions are made in U.S. Dollar. But, they seem to turn a blind eye to the shameful activities of these powerful mafia families as long as they cooperate on their war on terror. These mafia families couldn't care less about that, they may even make a handsome profit from both sides.

Khmer compatriots in the U.S. should write to their congressmen to draw their attention to this massive swindle of Cambodia's resources so that those concerned congressmen can apply pressure on the U.S. administration to ensure that there will be no safe haven anywhere for any loots coming out of Cambodia. Cambodia is poor, it cannot afford to keep losing so much revenues and resources to those few people.

While they are busy with their war on terror, the U.S. should also cast an occasional glance on Cambodia to make sure that democracy, good governance and social justice are not undermined by these powerful mafia families who are also in control of the military and the police.

In God We Trust!

Anonymous said...

Please help Cambodia, Cambodian people, to arrest these two Mafia leaders.

Anonymous said...

Since our independance from France no khmer dictators (Sdach Thmil Shit-Ha-Nouss, Lon Nol, Pol Pot) could'nt stay for life as they had believed.
The Chef of the YUON MAFFIA and traitor HUN XEN won't make an exception to the rule. He will pay soon for his ungratefulness toward Khmer people. We will recuperate back all his money and send him to justice.

Koh Tral Khmer

Anonymous said...

Dear Khmer Compatriots:
All of us knew pretty well that our country is running by communist viet and their puppets, Hun Sen/Hok Lundi click. They plundered, assassinated, murdered, oppressed,persecutedect.ect.ect.They destroyed khmer soul and spirit and vietnamize our coutry. Tochange
we, khmers, have to do the works, take actions(get together, unite, plan, take action) not just email, talk. No outsiders will do the works for khmers. Take Actions&Do it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chumrearb Suor
Somlor Machou Yuon, In God We Trust, and Koh Tral Khmer:
Well said! Thank you for sharing your comment. A bientot!
Salut Somlor Machou Yuon, In God We Trust, and Koh Tral Khmer:
Tres bien dit. Merci pour avoir partage votre opinion. A bientot!


Anonymous said...

Chum Reap Sur and Thank you Lok Bong AKnijaKhmer,

You have been offering brilliant political observation on Khmer issues. I'm pretty sure you have tons more to share and enlighten us. Please do!

Personally, I neither want to over state nor generalize on the issues, but if we have you and the rest of Koun Khmer in here to run the show, despite whatever obstacles and challenges may be, Khmer definitely would have better future.

How many decades have had we, especially, our parents and our ancestors lived in the dark. Now that we know the world is bigger than the mouth of a well, and when we are looking back at our Khmer historical events, our jaws drop wide open like a hippo and questioning one another, what the hell had happened in all those times? Why we Khmer allowed those [things] to happen to us?.

Chouk Chab Nas! Why! Why! Why this Sihanouk [things] had been going on for decades after decades?

My Khmer compatriots, the Cold War Policy in Southeast Asia is not over yet between the Superpowers. Enemies become friends and friends become "Enemies Within". You can guess who is going to die.

My clock shows 11:08 p.m., and it is probably mid-day in Cambodia, I wonder how many millions Khmer children have not had anything in their stomach yet!

Good night AnijaKhmer and Good night friends.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Chum Reap Sur and Thank you Lok Bong AKnijaKhmer,

You have been offering brilliant political observation on Khmer issues. I'm pretty sure you have tons more to share and enlighten us. Please do!

Dear Friend,
Thank you for your kind words. Wrongly or rightly, Khmer must speak up before it's too late. Nothing more, nothing less.
Tres bien cher(e) Ami(e),
Merci pour vos bons mots. Juste ou faux, Khmer doit dire quelque choses avant qu'il soit trop tard! Rien de plus, rien de moins.


Anonymous said...

Hey! my friend look the mafia com out now who the well one. what did Hun Lond earn per month and how they get from 84m to 100m. It's the well leadership mafia lok Hun and Longdy thank you for help our land to yuon bong HS/HL