Saturday, September 23, 2006

A message to end all messages

Former Monarch Norodom Sihanouk (Photo: RFA)

King-Father to stop publication of news articles

22 Sept 2006
By Pov Ponlok
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by KI-Media

For monarch, King Norodom Sihanouk, had decided anew to stop the publication of all news articles detailing the last days of the Khmer Republic regime collected from news agencies such as AFP, UPI, AP, and Reuters, as well as daily articles regarding history, funny stories, etc…

In a message dated 21 Sept, the former monarch indicated that his decision was made because he received shames, threats, verbal attacks, and accusations, as well as numerous other graphical injustices.

The former monarch said that he has decided to permanently stop several other activities, such as the writing of movie scripts and other singing and dancing in order for him to live a normal life as a retired and old person.

Nevertheless, King Norodom Sihanouk said that he reserves the right to write and publish corrections and clarifications in order to preserve the truth when his honor forced him to do so.


Anonymous said...

See ex-King, treatment does help, I am glad you came to senses. Do good deeds before you kick the bucket. I've telling you so, at your age -- shouldn't be too much self indulgent.

You should be involved to save Khmer land and should castrate your son for being a don juan. Khmer government are laughing stock, especially the king family.

Anonymous said...

Il était temps.

Anonymous said...

It is about time for you to stop doing all those useless activities. Singing?Dancing or writing a movie script???? what are these nonsense? you are a you have so much free time please use them in appropriate way in order to help khmer people. Look how suffer they are...If you want to find something to do, i guess you should help them and especially fight against corruption.

More importantly, you should stop going to China and North Korea.Do something that could at least erase what you have done to Cambodian people.

Anonymous said...

I can only repeat what the previous blogger said. ....stop going too.....

What's currently playing out in Cambodia is something out of an Operetta, a bad one at that. If it were not such a serious matter one couldn' t help but keep laughing at all this.

Anonymous said...

Should never believe what comes out from his mouth. On the contrary,

". . . . Nevertheless, King Norodom Sihanouk said that he reserves the right to write and publish corrections and clarifications in order to preserve the truth when his honor forced him to do so."

Generally, people, especially, those so-called, leaders & politicians, always want to know the truth. However, when the truth reveals, THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!



Samlor Ma-Chou Yuon

Anonymous said...

One question to Somdach Ta Norodom Sihanuk. How do you see Khmer one hundred years from now?

Anonymous said...

All the former khmer leaders who had destroyed our beloved people and country for their own interest have deserved the same fate: decay time
But all the verbal attacks below made by YUON XEN last week have demolished and deshonoured our strong iron man.
- Hun Sen revealed he allocated him a
$600 000 budget.
-Hun Sen said that in the event Sihanouk decided to lead a front or a political party, he would lose his current status of "father of the nation, heroic prince, father of national union", and other things that come with the title, such as a budget form the government and the right to stay in the royal palace, immunity;
- The royal palace is only for the king, or the former king, or royal family members who are not engaged in politics, and not for leader of a political party. All expenses for the former king would be immediately cut. - - Hun Sen further said that if Sihanouk agreed to lead a political party the former king would be considered as equal and no longer be above anyone else and that "the CPP will be the first one" to call for the abrogation of the law granting privileges to the former king and his portrait, now on display in government offices, would also be removed.
- When the king SIHAMONI WAS in France, I stopped over in France and visited him; we talked for about an hour and a half. I reported to him and talked about this and that. The king said to me: 'Please, Samdech, help preserve the throne. I then talked about what happened from the beginning."

Hun Sen also said that in 1989 Sihanouk accused him of being a Khmer Rouge and then retorted: “No, I refused to be equals. No, it cannot be. There are three factors that this cannot be so. First, you [Sihanouk] are the chief and I am a subordinate. I was only 18 years old then; you appealed for people to join in the jungle; I had to follow. So, you were the chief and I was the subordinate. If there were rewards, you would receive the biggest reward while I, a simple soldier, would only get the clapping. If there were rewards. However, if there were punishment, you would be severely punished while I would go free.” [brief applause from the audience].
Hun Sen said the second reason for him to refuse to be Sihanouk's equal was that “when I was leading the struggle against Pol Pot, you [Sihanouk] were the head of Democratic Kampuchea, head of state of Democratic Kampuchea. Even though you had resigned, you were still with the Khmer Rouge.” For his third reason Hun Sen said: “Today, we are sitting here together, you as the head of the tripartite coalition government with the Khmer Rouge in it, and I, the head of the government opposing the Khmer Rouge.


Anonymous said...

To Somdech Ta Norodom Sihanuk, how you like to see yours people in a different way. Cause Cambodia is all mess up with the internal affair? just Click Click you will see

Anonymous said...

It is time that Sihanouk has to learn how bad he is. He must understand that at 4 millions people left from his stupidity regime and are the witness of the real history of Cambodia from 1965-till now. He must understand that he cannot manipulate the history which shown his shames. He must realise that the Buddha teaching is right. You deserve the shame of what you have done to Cambodia and Cambodian people

Anonymous said...

I think if Somdech Ta Sihanuk keep comunicating us it will be more fun. Khmer people like to let Somdech Ta Sihanuk understand how average Khmer feels.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that ta king kong stop doing his .......
Can we Khmer count on the rest of pouch king kong's Khmer?

Anonymous said...

please log in to this website to see what other Khmer people doing to reserver Khmer culture.,

Anonymous said...

Please leave the old man alone! He needs to enjoy his last day and be able to see his grand children growing up! He is no longer in Cambodian politic for sometime now! No Cambodian people or his son
(Ran-now-ripe) including
Mr. HUN SEN will never listen to him anyway!

He used to say that the real super star of Cambodian politic is
Mr. HUN SEN! I thought for a moment and I am thinking that he was wrong but he is right! The reason I said that he is right because Mr. HUN SEN has the power to eliminate monarchy for good from Cambodia! The worst part of it all is that Mr. HUN SEN even has the power to look down on Cambodian monarchy in anyway he wanted! After all it is Mr. HUN SEN who is in power and Cambodian people should pay more attention to Mr. HUN SEN not King Sihanouk!

To be a Super Star, Mr. HUN SEN knows that he needs poor, uneducated,and corrupted Cambodian leaders to play with him!

So just throw the ball and let the game begin!The rest of Cambodian people who want to be Super Star will have to wait for their turn!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr 10:25 !! You must tell your old man to stop bushit about the history of Cambodia because we are all still alive and we knew everything by heart. It was also Him who has kicked out UNTAC from Cambodia so all the expenses from UN 2 billions were all wasted to create a real democracy Nation. It was him who has created Hun Sen today. He has born to create suffering to others and to shame his ancestors and his children. Look at the mirror yourselve, if you are quality to tell us???

Anonymous said...

A compulsive liar!


P.s. Et que va-t-on faire si tu n'arretes pas, SIHANOUK?

Anonymous said...

To brother 1:42PM

Please don't blame everything on the old man. It is Uncle Sam that want Mr. HUN SEN to be in power from the start. Not many Cambodian people keep track of what is going on during the the 1980 the Khmer Rouge and the resistence were joining force to kick Mr.HUN SEN'ass! With unlimited supply of weapons flow from China, the Khmer Rouge and the resistence forces were able to kick Mr.HUN SEN and the Vietcong all the way to Phom Phen and the Vietcong sponsor government led by Mr. HUN SEN were about to collapse!

Then came Uncle SAM to the rescue with 2 billion dollars to stop the fighting! Uncle SAM save Mr.HUN SEN government intentionally for fearing that the Khmer Rogue would come to power again!

Do you really think that King Sihanouk have all the power and the 2 billion dollars?

If you don't know your own history and you will be condemed to repeat it again and again until you learn from it!

Anonymous said...

King norodom sihanuk didn`t know the suffer that cambodian people obtain nowadays because he wanted to be a father of peace,let HUnsen to be the second priminister_it`s like he freed the tiger in to the forst.Now everything is in the grip of Hunsen,King or Queen just only a scarecrow that Hun sen set up.It`s funny that royalists who use to have power to do whatever they want now being under pressure of a former pagoda child.Therefore,no more royalists in cambodia and cambodian lost faith to the king for a long time