Sunday, September 10, 2006

Prince Ranariddh’s reaction on beauty contest ban

Prince Norodom Ranariddh (Photo: RFA)

09 September 2006
By Kesor Raniya
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Prince Norodom Ranariddh, Funcinpec president, had expressed his reaction on the announce made by Prime Minister Hun Sen banning beauty contest in Cambodia in 2006.

The prince said that beauty contest is a display of Cambodia’s culture and tourism to the world.

The prince said: “It also means our culture as well. So if we answer to them [that Cambodia refuses to participate in the beauty contest], it is a shame [for us]. All over the world, every country sent their contestant [to participate], they do not organize the contest for the leaders to take [the contest winners as their mistresses]. The display of the beauty contestant is a tourism publicity for their respective countries. But for Cambodia, all that [the world] knows about us are: Pol Pot, corruptions, disputes, poverty. If we see that our culture can be exported overseas, we should do it. If we [the government] do not have the necessary funds, let the private sector do it…”

The prince’s reaction was expressed during a meeting with Funcinpec supporters upon the return of the prince back to Cambodia on Saturday morning at the party central headquarter in Phnom Penh.


Anonymous said...

The prince said that beauty contest is a display of Cambodia’s culture and tourism to the world " AND WILL BE EASIER FOR ME TO FIND MY MISTRESS THROUGH SUCH CONTEST"

Anonymous said...

I agree. The winner will either suck hun sen or ranaridh's dick a few minutes after she won.

Anonymous said...

Be a little respectful here. To suck or not to suck that's her business. But to show our culture and our history to the world that's our business - something positive from Cambodia for a change. I hate to agree with ladyman Ranarith but this time he has a point.

Hun San just listens to his wife who wants to ban anything that shows beautiful women. That fat old ugly lady just feeling jealous. Was she the one who ordered someone to pull acid on an actress's face? Not surprise here.

Anonymous said...

To 2:48p.m

You should be ashme of yourself to be our citizen. Cambodian people have a lot more diginity than you! Please go and wash your mouth with Clorox!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To 3:16 p.m

You too should be so ashame of yourself. Look over there! see the one gallon of clorox. You need all of that to wash your mouth. Ah at Pouch!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah At Mai prordou!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah ah youk Kley!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Regardless, this so-called Prince must learn to clean his arse...oops..acts!


Anonymous said...

Enough is enough to ah Koprey Hun Sen!!! He doen't know what is Prime Minister job he should do. Now he wants his job on everything in Cambodia.
-He wanted to close all Karaoke busineses which are related to Phnom Penh city councilors decisions. ( As a Prime Minister, it is not his job. He must shut his mouth).
-He wanted to ban all singers from wearing short skirt to perform in the national TV. That is not his job either. That is related to commercial of the TV and the ministry of culture. Even the ministry of culture is also finding difficult to stop if the TV company can prove that without this commercial their company will lose all their audiences.
-He wanted to stop football. This not his business either. Rannarith has stolen all this monies. So he must refer Rannarith to the court to make sure that Rannarith will repay back all this stolen monies and be prosecuted for stealing public monies.
-He wanted to ban beauty selection in Cambodia. What a Prime Minister of a country thinking only this private life. This a private business between participants, parents and the company.
-Public security to make sure no more kinapping, no more extrtions, no more killings in Cambodia. He must dare to suspend all officials who has failed their own duties.
-Forests. He must stand up to his promise. All of those who have committed these crimes must brought to justice eg Yeay Phu, Kong Triv, Mong Rithy etc..
-Public health. He must improve thsi area to make sure that no more fake medecine in the market. He must make sure that Cambodian people have full confidence into their national hospital and to their own health professional.
-Education. The quality of education is matching the requirement the need for Cambodian development to the future.
-Corruption. He must come clean about this. Now, all his ministers must declare all their assets from home and abroad. He must dare to prosecut all corrupted officils. These corrupted people are the worst enemies of the country than, short skirt, football, beauti-contest and karaoke etc... They are worst than USA fighting with terrorist ( USA fighting with terrorist is to promote USA sales of their arms and amuniation. But Cambodian corruption is to destroy Cambodian economy, social value and creating a social injustice which will make CAmbodia a failing Nation.
-HIs most important duty is to demonstrate to the public that he is a quality leadership with good knowledge and good leader. But now he is just a mafia leader?

Anonymous said...

Juste pour dire que le prince Rannariddh est simplement un singe marionnette de HUN Sen depuis 1993 à ce jour.

Ce prince Rannariddh ne sert strictement rien pour le peuple khmer, On doit lui envoyer à la casse auto


Just for saying that prince Rannariddh is simply a monkey puppet of HUN SEN since 1993 to date. This prince Rannariddh does not serve anything for the Khmer people strictly, they must send him to breakage car.

Teukphnèk Khmer

Anonymous said...

When you translate French to English, it sounds like shit. "Breakage car"?

Anonymous said...

Car salvages you meant.. smile not too tough on our friend's translation. People sometime lazy late at night to find correct word, decided to put something in then go to rest or drink.

Anonymous said...

Ar Rith got the point but you're just a smartass talk. Why don't you call the national assembly to vote on this matter.
What is your fucking job, Rid?

Anonymous said...

He is an idiot.
Those who support him are dogs