Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Second Study of Contrast: Authorities' behavior towards monks in Cambodia and Thailand

Anti-Hun Sen monks clashing with police after the 1998 elections. (Photo: Heng Sinith, The Cambodia Daily)

A Thai soldier puts his hands together in a traditional Thai greeting after giving alms to a Buddhist monk near the Government House in Bangkok September 22, 2006. REUTERS/Darren Whiteside


Anonymous said...

It is remarkable that someone was able to capture such a hardcore evident! I am sure there are many more hardcore evidents waiting to be revealed! In the name of Budda AH HUN SEN will not escape his seven layers of hell!

Please continue your hard work of evil and soon hell will catch up with you!

Anonymous said...

These pictures will prove that Cambodian military are still elements of tamil ( ot sasna ). This is a kind of unacceptable act against religion.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is safe, as these are fake monks.

According to the Vinaya, the Buddha banned real monks from participating in politics.

So the monks who were protesting Hun Sen could not have been real monks.

Anonymous said...

Hi 12:53, You must be one of the tamil ot sasna. Any monk can be stay still out from politic if tehir country is fully independent and free from foreign invasion. But when their country is being ran by a puppet dog, every single human being must get involve to free their country. You look at Khmer krom, how many khmer krom monks have sacrified themselves for the sack of their country? They have burnt themselve alive to protest the invasion of Vietnam in their territory. During Pol Pot, how many monks have been killed that animal for staying out from politic. Have the communism of Vietcong and Khmer rouge Pol Pot ever spared the live of Samdech Pang Khath and Samdech Huot That? How must an idiot to make this kind of comment !!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To 1:35pm, I totally 100%.

Anonymous said...

KHMER must wish and pray that the THAI or the LAOTIAN don't provoke CAMBODIA military or KHMER will see hundred of thousands more of Viets military and their families roll into to CAMBODIA on top of those hundreds of thousands that have been there for over a decade now. And that is what ah HUNSEN and HANOI military treaties are all about. And if that happens, under that pretext, the new arrival of the VIETS military and their friends and families will never return back to Vietnam....We all can guess what happens next, can we not?


Anonymous said...

Politics mean different things to different nations. China crushed the Tibetan Buddhist monks rebellion against its occupation, and it said the Tibetan Buddhist monks should not be involved in politics. The Dalai Lama is still spending his life in exile, and China is still campaigning to isolate him.

If Buddhist monks could not be involved in the Cambodian politics then the Venerable Tep Vong should resign from his position as the head of the Buddhist monks in Cambodia. He was appointed by the CPP, and he lacks the necessary qualifications to be an impartial and qualified head of the Cambodian Buddhist monks. He has done many things contrary to Buddhist teachings.

For Buddha's sake, they did not take up arms against Hun Sen's army to deserve such an unholy treatment. Has anyone questioned the Buddhist monk, allegedly one of Hun Sen's bodyguards, appearing on national TVs denouncing those protesting Buddhist monks? Where is he now? I would not be surprised if he was found in Hun Sen's bodyguard unit.

Anonymous said...

To brother 11:51AM

Please forgive those stupid Cambodian people who are ill informed! They continue to be stupid and uneducated!

It is painful to be stupid!

Anonymous said...

Many unbelievable things had been existed in Cambodia. This picture revealed the brutal act of policemen against the monks. During Khmer Rouge, many monks turned-up Khmer Rouge cardes went on torture/killing.

Anonymous said...

To brother 8:32PM

It is no surprise because the communist Khmer Rouge and the Vietcong had understood how Cambodian society is structured! At the top of Cambodian society, the monks get the most respect from Cambodian population. The Khmer Rouge and the Vietcong used monks for their propaganda to brainwash and to control mass Cambodian population and at the end they all get kill! Who said Communist belive in God or religion?

In case you didn't know, the very first thing right after the Khmer Rouge came to power and they abolished religion! Thousand and thousand of monk are forced to disrobe to live as normal people!

Anonymous said...


Please don't ever call Khmer people "STUPID". Suffices to say that "it takes one (esp. one like you) to know one!".


Anonymous said...

Dear all,
These two photos showed us clearly the difference between the leadership of these two countries.
So, we should know how to do during the next election.