Cambodian singer charms with Vietnamese songs
VietNamNet Bridge - At the musical exchange performance within the scope of the recent culture week of Viet Nam organized in the end of August in Phnom Penh, Cambodian singer Sun So Vanari made Viet Nam’s artists so surprise by Vietnamese songs that she sang fluently in Vietnamese language. Nobody believed that she is a Cambodian singer because of her standard Vietnamese pronunciation.
Sun So Vanari has practiced more than 10 Vietnamese songs including Nha Trang mua thu lai ve (The summer comes back Nha Trang), Ha Noi, niem tin va hy vong (Ha Noi-faith and hope), Mua xuan tren thanh pho Ho Chi Minh (Spring in HCMC) and so on.
In the reception given by Prince Sisovath Panara Sereyvuth, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia, most Vietnamese artist were so moved and admired the duet of Sun So Vanari and Vietnamese singer Thanh Thuy, who expressively performed Nguoi oi nguoi o dung ve (Please stay, don’t go), a famous Quan Ho folk song of Bac Ninh, Viet Nam’s northern province.
“Formerly, I had studied at the Conservatory of Music of Ho Chi Minh City for a short time and enjoyed many Vietnamese songs. Although I has a limited Vietnamese vocabulary to understand contents of songs, emotional melody is sufficient for me to feel composers’ sentiment. I listened to imitate the Vietnamese song CDs until obtaining the most standard pronunciation. When I came back my homeland, I kept on practicing new songs.” Sun So Vanari said.
Sun So Vanari is now teacher as well as deputy director of the National School of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh. She is one of famous singers who are usually invited to perform at the receptions of the royal government of Cambodia.
Reportedly, Sun So Vanari will perform Vietnamese songs at the culture week of Cambodia which is expected to take place in the not-too-distant future in Ho Chi Minh City.
(Source: SGGP, NLD)
Sun So Vanari has practiced more than 10 Vietnamese songs including Nha Trang mua thu lai ve (The summer comes back Nha Trang), Ha Noi, niem tin va hy vong (Ha Noi-faith and hope), Mua xuan tren thanh pho Ho Chi Minh (Spring in HCMC) and so on.
In the reception given by Prince Sisovath Panara Sereyvuth, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia, most Vietnamese artist were so moved and admired the duet of Sun So Vanari and Vietnamese singer Thanh Thuy, who expressively performed Nguoi oi nguoi o dung ve (Please stay, don’t go), a famous Quan Ho folk song of Bac Ninh, Viet Nam’s northern province.
“Formerly, I had studied at the Conservatory of Music of Ho Chi Minh City for a short time and enjoyed many Vietnamese songs. Although I has a limited Vietnamese vocabulary to understand contents of songs, emotional melody is sufficient for me to feel composers’ sentiment. I listened to imitate the Vietnamese song CDs until obtaining the most standard pronunciation. When I came back my homeland, I kept on practicing new songs.” Sun So Vanari said.
Sun So Vanari is now teacher as well as deputy director of the National School of Fine Arts in Phnom Penh. She is one of famous singers who are usually invited to perform at the receptions of the royal government of Cambodia.
Reportedly, Sun So Vanari will perform Vietnamese songs at the culture week of Cambodia which is expected to take place in the not-too-distant future in Ho Chi Minh City.
(Source: SGGP, NLD)
To learn and understand other people language is a good thing. To use it for the wrong purpose is evil. Please be careful how you use it Miss Sonanni, especially such Viet's language are trouble.
Do we like them? It's your guess. Just know who you are and what your country is. We are watching you....
This is what I call a more systematic Killing Field crafted and engineered by Viet HANOI khmerizing by ah Viet dog HUN SEN and his cronies: in all facets and aspects of anything that is Khmer, the Viets are there to vietnamize it. The Viets are hoping that this time, they will come out and smell like a rose. Will us Khmer and the world just stand by arms akimbo and let that happen? Or will us all do like the U.S. Ambassador to Cambodia, Mr. Mussolini, the viet sympathizer does? How many Viet-Americans advisors to Mr. Mussoloni are there at the Embassy in P. Penh? Anybody knows?
Either learn to sing in Vietnamese or be like TOUCH SREYNICH? (*sarcastic*)
J’ai une question à demander à Mme SUN SO Vanari, Pourqoi chante-elle des chansons en vietnamien ? Le peuple khmer possède plein de chansons khmères qu’elle pouvait chanter et qui permet aussi de montrer à la communauté internationale notre langue et notre culture. Je crois qu’il soit extrêmement grave que la chanteuse SUN SO Vanari ait fait une propagande pour le gouvernement de Hanoi.
Et aussi, le ministre de la culture khmère ne réagit même pas quand la chanteuse pro vietnamienne était en train de détruire notre culture et nos chansons khmères. Grave !
Le peuple khmer et la nation khmère n’ pas besoin de ce genre de propagande gratuite de la part de la chanteuse provietnamienne.
Je demande à Mme SUN SO Vanari de faire des excuses publics devant le peuple khmer pour faire la propagande gratuite des chansons vietnamiennes sur le territoire khmer.
I have a question to require of Mrs. SUN SO Vanari, does Pourqoi sing Vietnamese songs? The Khmer people have full with songs khmères which it could sing and which also makes it possible to show at the international community our language and our culture. I believe that it is extremely serious that singer SUN SO Vanari made a propaganda for the government of Hanoi.
And also, the Minister for the culture khmer does not even react when the singer pro Vietnamese was destroying our culture and our songs khmers. Serious!
The Khmer people and the nation khmer not need for this free propaganda of share of the singer pro vietnamesse.
I ask Mrs. SUN SO Vanari to make excuses public in front of the Khmer people to make the free propaganda of the songs Vietnameses on the Khmer territory
Teukphnèk Khmer
The racism displayed here is despicable.
IMHO you get the govt you fully deserve.
If Mrs. Sun So Vanari enjoys Vietcong culture so much and no Cambodian people are going to stop her! But she should be a little more private about her business sing the Viet song and she doesn't have to make it public and use her position as deputy director of the National School of Fine Arts to advertise the Viet culture in Cambodia! This is so wrong! This stupid woman is being used by the Vietcong to promote their agenda and she doesn't even have a fucken clue about it! She is being used for free and she is worst than a hooker! This is so sad!
There is a boundary to what Mrs. Sun So Vanari can do and can not do when dealing with Cambodian politic and she must stay out! The question she needs to ask herself is: Does she appreciates the Viet culture for suppressing million and million of Cambodian people(Khmer Krom)? If the answer is no! then don't even sing about it! Don't even touch it! Don't even look it! Just keep it in a black box!
What about her husband? Does she even have a husband? What does her husband think about her sing the Viet song?...Please stop the Viet song!
She might be a Viet agent. The viet agents are living all over Cambodia. In the US Khmer business people learn to speak Vietnamese language because they're afraid that the Viets won't come to their stores. On the other hands, the Viets knows all Cambodia provinces by heart and they don't speak Khmer. In California, the Viets don't shop in the Khmer stores, but the Khmers go to shop the Viet stores because they're afraid of the Viets get poor. When Khmer married the Viet, the Khmer forget to go to socialize with the Khmer people. They distance themselves from the Khmer. They admire the Viets.
She must be the Viet-cong adapted child. If the Viet wants to exchange the culture, that viet singer, thanh thuy needs to sing in Khmer songs too. If you know that viet telephone, let me know. I want to pay a private visit with that Diep Lam girl.
"If the Viet wants to exchange the culture, that viet singer, thanh thuy needs to sing in Khmer songs too."
This is the most enlightened comment that I enjoy reading. Aint the theme is "cultural exchange" between Viet and Cambodia? The Cambodian counterpart has done its role in honoring the Viet side, but what has the Viets done to honor the Cambodian side?
According to records, during the ten-long years of occupying Cambodia, Vietnam had exploited the forests in the eastern part of Cambodia. At the same time, the Vietnamese immigrants depleted and exploited the fish in the Cambodia's Great Lake. The combined total of Cambodian timber and fish resources worth trillions of American dollars. Now how much more do the Viets want from Cambodia????
There is nothing wrong to be able to sing and sing well in vietnamese.
It is unjust and even ignoramous, obscurantist to label any Cambodian who can sing or speak or scholarly good in Vietnamese language as of dubious element. For that would
smack of POL POT's mentality.
I used to watch Sihanouk singing mostly French songs. Can we judge him also as a non patriotic Khmer?
To 11:57a.m
French laguage didn't bother me as much, but Youn. Talking about annoying! Are you kidding me?. Their accent is trash to my ears. Sorry...
That SonvanViet women is stupid! Ugly woman! She can sell her record to her Veit dog, but she won't get a penny from me. No way!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO way that i'm going to buy her stupid record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Khmer trash woman!!!!!!!!!!
Fat pig Vietname girl. Her hair looks stupid. Why don't you go and cook at the temple for Pchem Ben instead? Don't get me start it.
Bag paone Khmer,
Don't blame her, please? It's no surprise she sings Vietnamese songs, because she is pure Vietname.
Answer To comment 11:57am
Take a look at the website below and you will be informed about the patriot King Father Norodumb Si-ah-Nouss
i agree with one poster here that the racism portrayed here is despicable.
^ I agree with the above. I can't believe how predujice we cambodians are.
To 1:04AM
I agree you with totally! The Viet are more racist than Cambodian people! Please forgive some stupid Cambodian people who have dog brain!ahahhahah
The Viet better free the Khmer Krom and stop taking Cambodian people land now because soon or later bad things will happen to the Viet politically!
Anon. @8:03A.M, @10:36 P.M & @11:17 P.M
Few millions of Viets have already been on Khmer land, naturalized, and more coming in freely every day. Soon they outnumber native Khmer if not already and the entire Cambodia is being vietnamized. HUN SEN and his cronies are there to finish KHMER off...AND THREE OF YOU ANONS, ESP. ONE OF YOU @ 10:36 P.M. USING SUCH WORD AS "WE KHMER" CALLING A FEW OF OUR VOICES HERE RACIST??? All three of you ANONS, in my opinion, are no different than the 9/11 terrorist.
To 9:42a.m
Thank you Aknijakhmer. Thank God there is someone like you out there that understand us better.
If those three people are to ask me what's the word dispicable mean? I'll say THEM! and a hundred times over with zero regret or hesitation and I mean it. Do I need you 3 dispicable people to advice me to whom I should discriminate or whom I should not ? You 3 dispicable people know nothing about us and you listen to me!I will never looking at you Youn people more than anything, but a blood thirsty and hell people on this earth. You people have 70 millions population and more in a tiny tiny cost. you have no land to produce food. Tsumani and Hurican are coming, why don't you people beg or ask, instead of stealing? or killing my people for a place to stay?. Did you ever ever thought of how cruel and bastard you people are to us Khmers? Go up north! Ah Chin have a lot of land. Get some from them. Make friend with Ah Chin. Ah Chin have half of this planet to themself. They don't need all of it. They understand that you ugly people need some. Go and ask them. Be a man like everybody else! and get out of our land! There is still hope for love and respect........I'm not going deny it or being rotten to you people all the time. As for as now let's keep the way it is.
^^ i said despicable.
adj 1: worthy only of being despised and rejected; "a contemptible lack of courage"; "A little, wretched, despicable creature, a worm, a mere nothing...that has risen up in contempt against the majesty of Heaven and earth"- Jonathan Edwards [syn: contemptible] 2: morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them" [syn: ugly, vile, unworthy]
WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
you folks are funny. i hit you at a hard core, and you related me to being a 9/11 terrorists. how do you know am not 100% khmer who love my country. for once, will you please accept constructive criticisms, and stop being irrational.
i agree that 11:17pm's generalization is wrong.
To 7:37PM
Whatever! You choose to see one side of the coin! You think it is funny to say that Cambodian people are racist but not the Viet? You are the kind of people who don't even have a clue of what Cambodian history is in relation with the Viet! I bet you didn't know that Viet still oppressed over
10 million Cambodian living in Southern Vietname. What else you want to know?
Please don't try to disguise yourself as Cambodian people because we Cambodian people know where we have been especially in dealing with the Viet!
Now get lost!
The first thing that I'll do if I'm become the President of Cambo is to wipe out all Viet Agents. These are pests living and stealing from Cambodia. Mark my words!
^ correction: i never said "Cambodia people are 'racists'". get it right!
To 3:08AM!
You didn't say but you are insinuating that Cambodian people are racist! Enough of your subliminal messages!
You want to play with words and I can play with words too!
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