Srey Chan story (Posted on CCF website):01.27.2007
Srey Chan was found by Scott on a trip to Steung Meanchey, the city garbage dump.
When she was 4, her family moved from the provinces to Phnom Penh, to escape subsistence farming and try for a better life. They settled at Steung Meanchey in hopes that more money could be made picking garbage, but their life has been a difficult one.
After locating her mother, Srey Chan was asked back to CCF, and mother and child arrived the next morning at 8am. She took quickly to the CCF. Smart and enthusiastic, she now studies 8 hours a day, 4 hours at public school and 4 hours at CCF. She returns home nightly to her family on the CCF’s tuk tuk.
On a recent trip CCF field trip to Kep City in Kandal province, Srey Chan left Phnom Penh for the first time, and swam in the ocean.
By Jay Winsten
The Huffington Post (USA)
The world could use some good news right about now, so here's my contribution.
You've probably never heard of Scott Neeson. He was enjoying a successful Hollywood career, including senior marketing positions at 20th Century Fox and Sony. On a visit to Cambodia, he came upon Stoeng Meanchey, a notorious garbage dump where hundreds of homeless and impoverished children live and work, climbing through immense mountains of refuse to find materials to sell to survive.
Neeson was profoundly shaken by what he witnessed, and was forever changed. He started a program to try to help the kids, and then, in 2004, he quit Hollywood and moved full-time to Cambodia to build and run the Cambodian Children's Fund (CCF), a residential program for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children. Today, CCF serves 240 children, offering shelter, nutritional meals, a comprehensive education including English and Khmer reading and writing, math, computer training, in-house medical services, a cultural program of dance and drama, and a vocational training program.
Last week, Scott Neeson was honored as the recipient of the first-ever "Q Prize", a new international award created by music impresario Quincy Jones and the Harvard School of Public Health to recognize extraordinary leadership in advocacy for children. At an event in New York City to launch the Q Prize, something amazing happened. Neeson told the crowd of celebrities and financiers that he needed their help to stay afloat. Motivation coach Tony Robbins called out from the audience, asking how much. When Neeson answered $600,000, Robbins said he'd take care of one-third if others would match him. Designer Donna Karan raised her hand, followed quickly by nutrition guru Dr. Dean Ornish, and the deal was done, giving new meaning to "Let's Make a Deal." The entire $600,000 will go directly to CCF.
Since my goal is to spread good cheer, others who deserve thanks include the Swiss watch firm, Audemars Piguet, for hosting and underwriting the event; Sterling Stamos Capital and Time Warner for providing financial support for the Q Prize; and the Core Club for donating its meeting space for the event.
What Scott Neeson has done should inspire us all to "be the change in the world." There are plenty of ways to make a difference without moving to Cambodia. For example, a $10 donation will buy one insecticide-treated bed net which will protect an African child from deadly malaria-carrying mosquitoes that come out at night. For $10, you can literally save a life! And, if you organize a fundraiser--in your neighborhood, at work, or through the Internet-- you can protect the children of an entire African village. To learn more, go to MalariaNoMore.org.
Have some good news to share? Pass it on!
You've probably never heard of Scott Neeson. He was enjoying a successful Hollywood career, including senior marketing positions at 20th Century Fox and Sony. On a visit to Cambodia, he came upon Stoeng Meanchey, a notorious garbage dump where hundreds of homeless and impoverished children live and work, climbing through immense mountains of refuse to find materials to sell to survive.
Neeson was profoundly shaken by what he witnessed, and was forever changed. He started a program to try to help the kids, and then, in 2004, he quit Hollywood and moved full-time to Cambodia to build and run the Cambodian Children's Fund (CCF), a residential program for orphaned, abandoned, and abused children. Today, CCF serves 240 children, offering shelter, nutritional meals, a comprehensive education including English and Khmer reading and writing, math, computer training, in-house medical services, a cultural program of dance and drama, and a vocational training program.
Last week, Scott Neeson was honored as the recipient of the first-ever "Q Prize", a new international award created by music impresario Quincy Jones and the Harvard School of Public Health to recognize extraordinary leadership in advocacy for children. At an event in New York City to launch the Q Prize, something amazing happened. Neeson told the crowd of celebrities and financiers that he needed their help to stay afloat. Motivation coach Tony Robbins called out from the audience, asking how much. When Neeson answered $600,000, Robbins said he'd take care of one-third if others would match him. Designer Donna Karan raised her hand, followed quickly by nutrition guru Dr. Dean Ornish, and the deal was done, giving new meaning to "Let's Make a Deal." The entire $600,000 will go directly to CCF.
Since my goal is to spread good cheer, others who deserve thanks include the Swiss watch firm, Audemars Piguet, for hosting and underwriting the event; Sterling Stamos Capital and Time Warner for providing financial support for the Q Prize; and the Core Club for donating its meeting space for the event.
What Scott Neeson has done should inspire us all to "be the change in the world." There are plenty of ways to make a difference without moving to Cambodia. For example, a $10 donation will buy one insecticide-treated bed net which will protect an African child from deadly malaria-carrying mosquitoes that come out at night. For $10, you can literally save a life! And, if you organize a fundraiser--in your neighborhood, at work, or through the Internet-- you can protect the children of an entire African village. To learn more, go to MalariaNoMore.org.
Have some good news to share? Pass it on!
This little innocence girl has very bright eyes, and she looks very brilliant. She will have a great future, eg., Doctor, Engineer or any branch of Scientist. She wil be a successful person in the future. I can see through her brightly brilliant eyes.
Thank you so much Mr. Scot Neeson for your excellent humanitarian works.
have a good evening,
Somlor Ma-Chou Yuon
I Think this is what everyone should do when they all so free doesn't have work to do or so much money left, this kind of gesture of contribution is best for poor and without support family living in Steung Mean Chey dump site.
Because it is not on any political agenda and it is humanitarian. $10 can save life is time for all of us to consider.
I will visit the place once i'm in PP.
His Majesty King Sihamony should give out a fund raising party, inviting all high government officials and merchants a like to raise money for these poor Khmer's children and by all means, please honor Mr. Neeson. Thank you
Ordinary Khmers
Good idea, but no one have money
to give to Charity.
It's quite inspiring/admirable for what u've done mr. neeson. We definitely need more generous individual like yourself to spread such vision/heart to those children whom needs help. You have my prayers for your continuous beautiful work. God bless
Yeah, and to all khmer parents:
Make sure you keep a close eyes on
your kids when these heavenly
angels around your area. You
should know the risk by now.
Is $20 to $100 too much for a ballroom's banquet with a King?
Think again, this campaigne could have done across the country. Get your family from over see involved.
It's very possible.
King needs to do something!
Please read oversee as oversea.
Get your PERSONAL picture taken with his highness to benifit this helpless children $1000-$5000.
Would that work? for Cambodian living over sea? AND THOSE KHMER HIGH OFFICIALS AND MERCHANTS? Very possible!!!! and our favorite movie stars?, any of you planing to campaigne in order to help his Royal highness?
Who know everyone's home will have their fine memory's pictures hanging on their walls with his Majesty and whose fine King would that be?
Ordinary Khmers
don't have any money, put on your Master Credit Card.
Look out photographers and magazines publishers! It will beninit you as well.
Would we want to buy a magazine with His Majesty's picture or our favorite movie stars on the front page? We sure will.
Ordinary Khmers
New York City is home to 40 American Billionaires and numeruos movie starts & rock stars.
What is his ( King ) chance of getting an invitation from President Bush to visit America?
But for our King to do otherwise? is possible. Inviting him and the New York's Mayor and Governor. The whole world know that we are poor. American are very generous and kind.
Mr. Neeson should not do it alone and he is not even born in Cambodia!
Please please think of us King and get your cabinets to plan out this magnificent event as soon as possible.
Ordinary Khmers
"should, could, would, " don't mean
crap. Leave people alone, will ya?
You should/could/ or would also be
seven feet tall had you drink all
the cow milks in the US. Get it?
oops someone prefere to play with themself long!
We forgot. didn't we that baboon doesn't speak human language. Its preferes tree bedding,tree language and play with itself.
Of course you forgot. How can you
remember anything, when you
haven't have a drop of brain in
your head, retard.
Yes, only baboon has brain. Real people sure don't.
Nope, Real people does have brain,
but the backstabers SISOWATT
Sarimatakis people certainly don't
have any brain.
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