Thursday, January 04, 2007

Cambodia's ex-king regrets continued violence, sex abuse in his country

Thursday, January 4, 2007
The Associated Press
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia

Cambodia's retired King Norodom Sihanouk bemoaned killings, child sexual abuse and other violent crimes in his country, in a New Year message to his fellow citizens.

Sihanouk, 84, said he has been "very perturbed morally and psychologically" by such acts as jealous husbands killing their wives, women cutting off their partners' penises and jealous women throwing acid at their husbands' mistresses.

The former king, who is being treated for various ailments in Beijing, implored fellow Cambodians to refrain from violence.

"Please stop acid throwing, killings ... pedophilia, rape," he said in his handwritten message dated Monday and seen on his official Web site Friday.

Sihanouk also took aim at the pedophiles, who "maltreat, torture, kill children." The message was written in French.

"All these crimes or acts of cruelty are anti-Buddhist and dishonor our country, nation and race," Sihanouk said. "They are unacceptable."

He did not mention any specific incidents.

Sex offenses against minors remain a major problem in the impoverished Southeast Asian country, and many of the abusers are foreigners preying on poor children.

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