Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Former Khmer Rouge No. 2 leader praises, pities Saddam Hussein

The top surviving leader of Cambodia's brutal Khmer Rouge regime, Nuon Chea, arrives at Phnom Penh Municipal Court in this December 12, 2002, file photo. Nuon Chea, a former Khmer Rouge leader who may also face charges of crimes against humanity, felt pity for Saddam Hussein as he watched the former Iraqi dictator's execution on television, a newspaper reported Tuesday January 2, 2007. (AP Photo/Andy Eames, FILE)

Monday, January 1, 2007
The Associated Press
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia

Nuon Chea, a former Khmer Rouge leader who may also face charges of crimes against humanity, felt pity for Saddam Hussein as he watched the former Iraqi dictator's execution on television, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

"The way they were treating Saddam on Saturday was too extreme. I really pity him," The Cambodia Daily newspaper quoted Nuon Chea saying.

The former Khmer Rouge leader said he was moved by the TV images showing Saddam's defiance during the hanging, the newspaper said.

"He was very firm and strong, and his spirit was high even though executioners were standing by him," it quoted Nuon Chea, 80, as saying.

"Saddam Hussein had a spirit of national love," he said, adding, "I love him."

Nuon Chea was the chief ideologue of the now-defunct Khmer Rouge, whose dictatorial rule in Cambodia in 1975-79 caused the death of some 2 million people from starvation, overwork, diseases and execution.

He was the No. 2 figure after Pol Pot, the movement's leader who died in 1998.

Judicial officials of a joint Cambodia-United Nations special tribunal are currently building cases for bringing a handful of former Khmer Rouge officials to trial.

Nuon Chea is thought to be a prime candidate along with two senior colleagues, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary, for prosecution on charges for genocide and crimes against humanity committed by their regime.


Anonymous said...

Hey motherfucker NUON CHEA,,,
You've said; you are pity for saddam. But during your fucking POLPOT's era ,yours fucking soldiers(yothea) killed cambodian's baby by throwing him in the air and bayonneted him to death.Don't you know that motherfucker... I think we should do the same to you too....

Anonymous said...

Ah Noun Chea, you must know that YOU SHOULD BE HANGED AS WELL. Do you ever think Cambodian people you killed were even more pity than this killer Saddam??? And you, you were THE SUPPER KILLER. I praise you die with suffering mental disorder starting from now with fear. Very pity to hear you're in fear ah changray N. 2.

Anonymous said...

a the To every one who 's realy interested to the political point of view between sarouding the neiborhood country.it according to the situation in Cambodia and it has been a long history during the Vietnam war north and south if,we could study enough a bout the dictator political leader whose is the most dictats to our country ,I think China,Vietnam and Russa.Yes,we understand during the
communist regim that was dictated by the top leaders which is Pol Pot
Nuon Chea Ieng Sary and so on.. this is not acceptable that our khmer people wanted to bring these
people to the justic in order to release for their spiritual duing three years eight mounth and tweenty day as we could say .khmer
people die ,excecusion,starvation,to all khmer people inclode forieners so we must do the punishment like Saddam Husien.On the other hand we must find out who's stand behind.