Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Last Days of the Pol Pot Regime and me (The concluding chapter)

Translated from French by Luc Sâr
“The Last Days of the Pol Pot Regime and me,”
By N. Sihanouk
(Continuation and end)

Beijing, December 27, 2006

1- The (driving) Armed Forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam are very close to Phnom Penh.

The glasses of the windows in “my” house “shook” at each artillery shot fired by the Khmer Rouge gunners against the Viets, and [also] at each artillery shot fired the North Vietnamese on the last Khmer Rouge “(not at all) Democratic Kampuchea’s” defense line of Phnom Penh.

2- At Pochentong airport, we heard these artillery shots as well as the “sound” of machine guns.

The “last” plane of the People’s Republic of China took me and members of my family and my entourage in the direction of Beijing.

3- In Beijing, in a big banquet room of the large and luxurious (Chinese) People’s Palace: a (gleaming) banquet in my honor. An atmosphere full of Friendship, Brotherhood and Solidarity. But, nobody smile, nobody joke around.

A high-ranking Government official from the P.R. China came to the banquet honor table honoring me, to inform us that the Viets have entered Phnom Penh and that Pol Pot (and co.) (were safe, and pulled out to) the resistance Maquis.

4- At the UN Security Council, I gave a speech asking this Council to formally condemn this “aggression,” this Viet invasion of an independent, neutral, non-aligned, and “pacifist” Cambodia.

The voting result by member countries of the UN Security Council: almost the unanimous [number of] these members are in favor of the “assaulted and invaded Cambodia.” The USSR and 2 other (pro-Soviet) countries voted against the Democratic Kampuchea and for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the “liberator” of the Kampuchean Nation and People (this famous January 7, 1979).

The Cuban delegation Chief accused me loudly, in front of the UN Security Council, of [being an] “operatte Prince” –sic! – who “is not ashamed of advocating for the ‘tyrant Pol Pot’ and should hang himself (sic!), kill himself rather than living as an anti-Cambodian People” –sic! –

5- My “mission” at the UN Security Council completed, I asked the USA for political asylum. The US, while refusing to my demand for political asylum, provided me (and my wife) generously with room and board in a luxurious hotel. The US let me know that I can stay in their country as long as I would and that I would always be provided with room and board at their expense in a luxurious hotel.

6- I asked for political asylum from France. The French Government granted it to me … under the condition that I do not get involved in politics in France, and that I do not talk to the news media, that I would never give interviews to one or several journalists.

7- President Deng Xiao Ping officially invited me to accept the affectionate and unconditional hospitality of the P.R. of China. And he added: “The People and the Leaders of the Democratic Kampuchea are inviting you to become again their Head of State – President of the Democratic Kampuchea.”

I accepted the generous hospitality of the P.R. China. But, I do not accept “the amicable” invitation extended by the Khmer Rouge and their Pol Pot.

(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk


Anonymous said...

It is hard to stop when once a slut of foreign influences.Excuses and denial of being Pol Pot pinky is usual game of people like mind of Sihanouk.

Once an abandonned dog especially a dwarf type of old trick although under new titutlage,the damn cripple mind dog never can learnt new trick.

Anonymous said...

I can't believed that he still thinks that he's an important person in the country. Who care of what happen to him and his family. Because of him that Cambodia became what it is today. He's a power hungry DOG that welling to sleep and dance with anybody that give him a little bit of power. For example, he joined Pol Pol because he thinks Pol Pol will give him the power, but he was wrong. When Pol Pot took over, his whole family and him was under house arrested. Now, he is sleeping with Hun Sen, even made Hun Sen his adopted son and gave Hun Sen a title as a monarch. Sick, Sick, Sick....

Anonymous said...

It is correct to say that if we want any foreign power to help Cambodia we must help ourselves by uniting among all Khmers first.

I strongly believe until today, no one foreign country (except China , YUONS and North Korea ) will come to rescue Cambodia while Sihanouk remains alive or pokes his nose into Cambodia 's political suffering non stop.

All Khmers can not and will never ever be united while Sihanouk is the complementary of YUONS slave Vietminh/CPP/Hun Sen drug dealer-exporter syndicate/Royal crooks stay in the present government and to let them destroy the whole nation of Cambodia number one.

Number two if Sihanouk dislikes the USA, at least before he dies, he must make contact as soon as possible with the United Nations or the European Unions' Armed Forces to beg their pardon for his conspiracy with YUONS/Vietminh/CPP/Hun Sen the mafia drug’s trafficker(Heng Pov alleged)in kicking UNTAC out in 1993.

After Sihanouk begs their pardon he must ask all the above armed forces to come back, without carrying AIDS/HIV's positive with them this time. All those above armed forces must walk with a new leaders or a new regime until clearly all 4 and a half million YUONS plus YUONS' disguised arm forces return home to YUONS country in an orderly manner.

Even if all Khmers are united, we still can not do anything if YUONS and YUONS' disguised arm forces are remaining inside Cambodia territory and pushing all Khmers to kill each other.

The root cause of Khmers suffering is Sihanouk + China + YUONS + Vietminh/CPP/Hun Sen the mafia drug’s trafficker + all of the Royal crooks that is why I insist that Sihanouk must tell ECCC and KRT the truth about 4 and a half millions’ YUONS, still remaining inside Cambodia against the 23rd October, 1991 Paris Peace Agreement with 19 countries signatory to it, and as

1- Sihanouk must be brave in volunteering to come in contact with ECCC and come out to tell everything that is the truth and nothing else but the whole truth to the KRT. Sihanouk’s confessions must be televised worldwide through international media. He knew how to sing songs in Karaoke; he must know how to confess through microphone and television cameras.

2- Sihanouk must let the KRT decide his fate whether he is guilty or innocent. He must stop yapping through his non sense BMD, if he wants HM Sihamoni to survive with his YUON’s (Vietnamese) wife Monique plus all the rest of the royal crook families’ members

3- Sihanouk once wore two or three stars as a general in Khmer Army uniform. The army general commander must be brave by taking responsibility of what he directly or indirectly commanded his subordinates to do in past operations.

The British army only put Napoleon in house arrest, they never arrested the whole of Napoleon's generals, did they???

Now let the whole World + ECCC + KRT bring Sihanouk to justice too, not only small fish like Duch.

4- Sihanouk and Hun Sen the mafia drug’s trafficker must stop letting YUONS eliminate the Khmer Rouge leaders and all Khmer Nationalist leaders one by one before the KRT, to try and hide out YUONS real motives in swallowing our beloved Cambodia for ever.

5- Sihanouk must wake up now, that when YUONS completely swallow Cambodia, then they will kill his YUON’s wife and his gay son HM Sihamoni and all the royal crooks family too!!!

Because to let the Monarchy live YUONS/Vietminh/CPP/Hok Lundi, Sok An, Sar Kheng, Hun Sen (the 36 Kilograms of Heroin and 7 tons of Marijuana drug exporter-dealer syndicate) etc…will have to pay all the living costs and it will cost the YUONS too much money for nothing, if they keep the Khmer Monarchy alive.

6- If Sihanouk is guilty, he must beg or apologize to the whole nation of Cambodia and the whole good, honest, loyal Khmer people who live on this planet Earth who lost their relatives during Khmer Rouge and K-5 plan from Khmer Vietminh/YUONS/CPP/Hok Lundy, Sok An, Sar Kheng,Hun Sen (the 36 Kilograms of Heroin and 7 tons of Marijuana drug exporter-dealer syndicate.

7- Until such time as he has apologized, Sihanouk cannot be excused to live freely like now. Then he can call all Khmer from all walks of life to unite and support the KHMER REPUBLIC GOVERNMENT in Cambodia bright future. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY, THERE IS NO OTHER EASY WAY, please trust me and stop wasting time. Otherwise we can never rescue Cambodia from YUONS annexation and China swallowing it.


Anonymous said...

In 1979 Sihanouk see buy Chen ---->he had given a beautiful speech at the UN.
In late 2006 Sihanouk see buy Youn ---> He had thanked to January 7 = Youn-hanoi whom had saved his family & himself from Pol Pot's regime.
In Khmer-tales ,we called him:

" Ar Lee Hoeuv "
See Buy Neak-Nar leuk Kdieth Neak-Nong !!!

Bun H.Ung

Anonymous said...

Oh your Majesty!!!Why didn't you refuse the Chinese help??? Why did you get on the Chinese plane in the first place???Why not allowed yourself to be kidnapped by the Vietcong troop and you would have taken the place of AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave today and maybe Cambodia is far better off under your leadership under the Vietcong!!!!ahahahah

But you know what!!!You never did want to be rescued by the Vietcong army in the first place!!!!Do you remembered how those Vietcong leaders had betrayed you for help them fight the American in Indochina??? After American lost the war in Indochina, the Vietcong still oppressed 13 million Khmer Krom in Southern Vietname, Cambodia lay wasted to American carpet bombing and Cambodia economy in a state of shock and you were put under house arrest by the Khmer Rouge!!!

You majesty!!!You will die with bitterness and vengeance because your life filled with so many betrayal and too many dark secrets and you can't even share with anyone for they will call a traitor!!!

Anonymous said...

Every majors TV stations in the U.S commented on that invasion, and everybody seem unanimously agreed that ;of all event in human history ,the vIET's invasion is a right one . The whole world felt a sign of relief to see the bloodthirsty,the cruelest,inhuman regime of the fucking khmer rouge got wipe out. And now it is confirmed by Sihanouk who said, Every members of the U.N security council voted in favor of the invasion...on a live television, you can see a cuban delegation kept interrupting Thmil sihanouk...

God should not create three things:
2-khmer rouge

Anonymous said...

you pieces of shit ... shut your mouth up and learn history !!! you guys always say bad things about Cambodia... why don t you go there and help ?? don t be a big mouth ... anyway you guys can talk , but you can t do shit ...

Anonymous said...

And you can, 6:PM??? you bigger piece of shit yourself 6:PM! lolz...

Anonymous said...

Lolzzz haha at least i go there and help people .... We Khmer will never be developed if we don't love each other .... if there is some peeps like you who talk bad and don t even help our country please don t talk bad. We khmer have been fighting for decades why don't we love each other ? so we can help each other and together we can build up our country. Don't stay in the state and come to KI then write shit about Cambodia .. please ...

Anonymous said...

Talking about helping Cambodia?

I will tell what! Remembered half of CAmbodian population are Vietnamese and the Viet people can't be indoctrinated the concept of helping Cambodia or Cambodian people by any mean!!! So how are you going to tell all those Viet people to help Cambodia????

The Viet eat, shit , and sleep in Cambodia and they don't even give a fuck about Cambodia!!!

For Cambodia to progress into a civilize nation, all Cambodian population including the 5 million Viet population in Cambodia to join force!!!!

It is so sad that the 5 million population have different agenda and Cambodian people will have to fight alone to help Cambodia!!!If these fucken Viet don't want to see a better future for Cambodia then they need to move back to Vietname!!!!No Cambodian people invited these Viet into Cambodia in the first place!!!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is this 6:00pm motherfucker.This shit is just a fucking bully. Why don't just you run into big rig and be over with...

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is a traitor to the khmer nation. He should be hanged just like Saddam Hussein. He was the master mind of the killing field. He collaborated with the chinese to use khmer rouges to kill khmers and at the end would transplant chinese to replace khmers that were killed.

Vietnamese used khmer viet minh (current government) to also kill khmers but had to invade Cambodia to prevent the chinese from taking over Cambodia. Because, if the chinese were successful in transplanted and repopulated the country with chinese who disguise themselves as khmers and the jumbo jet runway in Sre Ches (kompong Chhnang) was finished, then vietnam had to fight the chinese army instead of the then weaken Pol Pot army.

So all started with Sihanouk's plan. He has to get rid all whose help deposed him in 1970. He wanted no more khmer subjects because he never trusted them. China promised him that his new chinese subjects would never turn against him ever again.

Sihanouk is not khmer. Everything he did and do, he did and do all in foreign style, writing, speaking, eating ect... He is proud of his knowledge of foreign language and culture, especially french. He has nothing khmer. All his children have nothing that you can identify as khmer. The king that was crown is not khmer.

As long as Sihanouk is alive, he will do everything he can to break khmer unity so he can manipulate and reign over them. Hun Sen serve vietnam, Sihanouk serve China. There are as many vietnamese as chinese in Cambodia today because of the two guys. They both are traitors.

It will take a strong khmer arm force to chase them out. Only khmers who can believe in themselves can help.

Anonymous said...

I concur with you, 11:00AM.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon. @11:00 A.M.

Somlor Ma-Chou Yuon

Anonymous said...

Le Cambodge: terre à conquérir et terrain de conflit de la guerre assymétrique Chine-Vietnam

L'espace cambodgien est bien quadrillé et les militaires du PPC clament assurer sa sécurité à 2000 pourcent (deux milles au lieu de 100%).

Aprés vérifications sur le terrain, les militaires cambodgiens apparaissent en effet trés motivés dans le contrôle de leur région. En effet ces régions militaires sont devenues leurs terres. Ils sont autorisés à en faire ce qu'ils veulent: vente des terrains à la découpe, exploitation abusive des ressources naturelles et minérales, exploitation touristique et économique. Ils ont fait des pistes partout pour mieux exploiter et contrôler leurs "richesses". Les grands chefs militaires cambodgiens sont peut-être aujoudhui parmi les plus riches du monde mais ne le savent peut-être pas encore. La richesse des militaires ne se cachent plus aujoud'hui, mais c'est un phénomène publiquement visible que récemment à l'oeil non-averti. C'est venu depuis que les chinois ont commencé à donner des aides sans conditions au régime Hun Sen, vers les années 1998-2000. Alors les vietnamiens ont du aussi donner pour s'assurer de "la solidarité révolutionnaire" des militaires cambodgiens. La subtilité, c'est que les vietnamiens donnent aux cambodgiens des ressources qui appartiennent aux Cambodgiens. C'est un habile subterfuge. Les cambodgiens se laissent berner facilement. Reconnaissons aux communistes vietnamiens l'art des subterfuges et de la dissimulation. Les Cambodgiens en gaspillant stupidement leurs ressources naturelles, deviendront plus vulnérables et plus facilement controlables.

Le Cambodge est placé dans une zone de guerre assymétrique entre les chinois et les viets. Les viets essaient de mobiliser les financements internationaux à travers des projets d'échelle régionale placés sous leur contrôle ( e.g. le triangle du développement) . Les occidentaux ( les blancs et les japonais) et certains asiatiques alignées avec les japs et les USA (Korée du sud) financent les projets du GMS (great mekong subregion) et donc le plan vietnamien de triangle du développement qui a pour but d'amener le centre de gravité de l'empire vietnamien vers une région facilitant le contrôle militaire et l'administration des territoires et peuples récemment conquis : Cambodge, Laos et Vietnam du sud. L'opération reste encore assez discrète aux yeux de l'opinion mondiale car réellement bien dissimulée sous la couverture du développement régional. On peut nettement observé le début des "infrastructures de développement " mises en place à Rattanakiri et Mondulkiri et les encouragement soutenus du Vietnam à coloniser ses provinces.

Souvenez-vous de l'annonce un peu forcée du régime PPC informant le monde qu'ils ont confié la gestion du pétrole et gaz cambodgiens, offshore et TonléSap, au Vietnam.
Rappellons que l'île de Koh Puos, situé à 500 mètres de la ville de Sihanoukville, a été donné en longue concession à des entreprises russes. Les américains avaient commencer les pourparlers avec Phnom-Penh pour une concession des koh Rung et Rung Sanloem situées juste en face du port khmer. En outre des indiscrétions américaines ont dévoilé qu' une brigade spéciale Marine vietnamienne basée sur Koh Tral (île Phu Quoc) est chargé de contrôler tout le territoire maritime cambodgien et l'accés au littoral khmer et au port de Kampot Som.

En bref, il y a effectivement un regain d'activités stratégiques assez dynamique en dessous de la moquette développement régional du GMS. La coalition anti-chine se prépare à des confrontations futures. Chacun essaie de retarder la date derriere la diplomatie gestion des conflits entreprise par les Nations-Unies depuis quelques années, en espérant gagner du temps pour consolider ses avantages défensifs sur un vaste espace de la péninsule indochinoise. Le Cambodge et son port Sihanoukville est connue par les divers belligérants comme base logistique stratégique qui a permis à la chine d'approvisionner les troupes vietnamiennes dans la guerre qui a donné la victoire aux communistes en 1975 sur les américains. La découverte du pétrole offshore dans les eaux maritimes cambodgiennes et la découverte du gaz et du pétrole dans le lac Tonlésap, a transformé le Cambodge en pays de toutes les convoitises. Le contrôle du Cambodge est devenu stratégique de point de vue ressources économiques et de point de vue militaire comme ressouces de carburants. Le Cambodge, par son pétrole est redevenu un espace géostratégique courtisé. Du coup Hun Sen est devenu fréquentable. Les USA ont construit à Phnom-Penh leur plus grande ambassade de la région et les vietnamiens y installent le plus grand réseau de distribution de carburants (Sokimex,etc...).

Au Cambodge, les militaires cambodgiens profitent sans restrictions de la nouvelle conjoncture et de leur nouvelle richesse pour mener une vie outrancière qui rend les conseillers vietnamiens installés au Cambodge jaloux à mourir. D'ailleurs certains chefs militaires vietnamiens khmérisés en profitent et ne voudraient pour rien abandonner leur fonction au pays de l'Eldorado. Car au Vietnam c'est bien plus pauvre et on vit bien moins luxueusement qu'au Cambodge. Est-ce la vision d'un conflit proche ou la naïveté congénitale khmère qui poussent les militaires cambodgiens à profiter de la vie d'une manière si débordande et ouverte ? Un capitaine cambodgien, un ancien gradé qui a fait les campagnes de Preah Vihear, Anlong Veng et Pailin, rejette totalement l'idée d'aller vivre sa fortune au USA disant qu'en amérique il ne pourra jamais entretenir trois femmes aussi facilement qu' aujoud'hui au Cambodge. Le bonheur est en ce moment au Cambodge, assure t-il. Que penser quand certains autres cambodgiens-cambodgiennes continuent à soutenir l'immigration clandestine vers les Etats-Unis en acceptant de payer 45 000 dollars USD par tête aux trafiquants ? Ils n'ont pas encore appris que le vent a tourné pour leur pays.

Chaque jour débarquent des "hommes d'affaires" chinois empressés d'acquérir des concessions à perpétuité. D'ailleurs on peut voit le long des routes du Cambodge des milliers de tombes façon sino-vietnamienne. Elles poussent comme des champignons dans les belles campagnes verdoyantes du pays. Ces tombeaux florissants sont-ils la démonstration de la présence d'une grandissante immigration au Cambodge ?

Assurément les belligérants du prochain conflit asie-pacifique choisissent le cambodge comme leur terrain de guerre. Les vietnamiens préparent leur lignes de défense au cambodge en noyant l'armée cambodgienne dans l'alcool, les vices et les abus sociaux, s'assurant de la sorte que cette armée khmère reste inoffensive et ne pourrait s'émanciper de leur contrôle. La vie dans les forêts cambodgiennes est plus active que jamais. Y prépare t-on déjà un nouveau mur de bambous pour les soldats adverses ?

Comment le Cambodge va-t-il sortir de ce piège à mort ? Comment faut-il agir pour éviter au Cambodge et à son peuple une nouvelle catastrophe ? C'est le défi que les cambodgiens réchappés de la mort pendant le conflit est-ouest doit relever. En attendant le tribunal international contre les khmers rouges manquent du vent dans leur voile.

Le monde s'intéresse déjà au prochain conflit qui opposera prochainement la chine à une coalition de pays du Pacifique. Le Cambodge peut redevenir à nouveau un side-show, mais qui s'intéresse au sort du peuple khmer ? Le monde se contentera de venir visiter les vestiges culturels qui témoignent de l'apogée de la civilisation d'Angkor. Les touristes du monde contemplera les trésors antiques laissés par le peuple khmer disparu en murmurant que ce peuple était de grands artistes.

Un peuple qui ne se défend plus est voué à la disparition.


Anonymous said...

Can you write it in English?
Anon. 2:57am is right for the most part. Cambodian know themselves more than other foreigners. Nearly half of Cambodian population are Vietnamese. No records to prove who was who.

Anonymous said...

7:09PM, your posting is gobbledygook.

Anonymous said...

sick people so full of hatred at this site
why dont you get a grip on reality and please find psychological help