Friday, January 05, 2007

Voters invited to examine Cambodian election's candidates list

January 05, 2007

The Cambodian National Election Committee (NEC) in Phnom Penh on Friday called on all eligible voters in their communes to examine political parties candidates list that will be posted from Friday to Sunday in each Commune Elections Commission (CECs).

"This Calling is aimed to invite all voters to actively participate in the electoral process and especially to provide information to CECs to have basic ground in examine before accepting or refusing candidates lists," said NEC in a press release.

Altogether 12 political parties have registered their candidates for the election.

The parties are Cambodian People's Party, Funcinpec Party, Sam Rainsy Party, Norodom Ranariddh Party, Khmer Democratic Party, Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party, League for Democracy Party, Hang Dara Democratic Movement Party, Khmer National Party, Democratic Society Party, United People of Cambodia Party and Khmer Improvement Party.

The 2007 commune councils election's process started on Sept. 21, 2006, and will end on May 23, 2007. April 1 will be the polling day, ballot counting, and publishing of results at polling stations.

Source: Xinhua

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