Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cambodian police chief's US visit condemned

Police in Phnom Penh. A US-based human rights group Tuesday condemned Washington's decision to host Cambodian police chief Hok Lundy for counter-terrorism talks, saying he is implicated in numerous crimes

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A US-based human rights group Tuesday condemned Washington's decision to host Cambodian police chief Hok Lundy for counter-terrorism talks, saying he is implicated in numerous crimes.

Cambodia's top police officer will be in Washington Thursday for discussions with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, "even though (he) has been implicated in what the FBI itself has classified as a terrorist act," Human Rights Watch said.

The group was referring to the 1997 grenade attack against anti-government demonstrators which killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 120 others.

The FBI officially called the attack an act of terrorism.

"According to information Human Rights Watch has shared with the US government, Hok Lundy was part of a conspiracy to carry out" the attack, the group said in a statement.

It added that security personnel loyal to Hok Lundy carried out hundreds of extrajudicial killings following the July 1997 coup against then co-prime minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

Hok Lundy has also been implicated in drugs and human trafficking, the group said, citing evidence given by US Drug Enforcement Agency officials and a former US ambassador to Cambodia.

"The State Department's human trafficking office specifically cited Hok Lundy's alleged involvement in human trafficking as grounds for denying him a visa," Human Rights Watch said.

US embassy officials in Phnom Penh could not be reached for comment Tuesday, and Hok Lundy has repeatedly denied all of the allegations against him.

But "Hok Lundy's alleged involvement in political violence and organised crime in Cambodia means that the FBI should be investigating him, not hosting him," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

"By inviting Hok Lundy to discuss the rule of law and effective police enforcement, the US government is likely to breed cynicism among Cambodians about its commitment to human rights and political reform," he added.


Anonymous said...

The FBI is not crazy to host Lundy, but to arrest Hok Lundy when he arrives US.

There are enough evidences leading to the arrest of Hok Lundy with his previous crimes and illegal trafickings.

US's court is suitable to bring Hok Lundy justice better than the court in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Nope ,the U.S invite him over for one reason only which is GLOBAL TERRORISM. Don't confuse between domestic and international affair.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but what about his murder and his criminal case. He has killed a lot of people even the prisoners in Battambang province

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that the Yankee would not give a damn whatever Hok Lundy has done in Cambodia. The most important thing is that security matter in Cambodia is now under the control of Police Hok, whom the Yankee might have a secret deal with regarding the assurance of action against terrorism.

Anonymous said...

Anyone you thinks the US is a good guy is totally crazy. The US would against anything that's not to their benefit and they'd do anything for their self interest even if it's a criminal act. They like to play the good guys.

If you look back at history, most Asian countries were colonized by these people, abused by them. Until recently in history, with blood still wet in their hands, they've started to play Mr. nice guys by trying to globally policing and dictating everybody. Talking about human rights here and there while they're committing worse human rights violations on their own.

Don't give me wrong. I'm no friend to Hok Lundy. He is a first class criminal who should have his two balls removed, his arms and legs cut off, his eyes burnt with gasoline and his ass raped by a man infected with aids. But just don't be surprised that the US has said one thing and done the opposite. It's just how these people are. They are fully capable of against and commit human rights violations at the same time. They see Cambodia as a retarded little asian guy in the far East who they think they can fool, kick around, taking over at anytime they want. I think they will try to drug and/or buy Hok Lundy into helping them to take over Cambodia since Cambodia now has so much natural gas.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing relate to Natural gas or oil. If they are really concern about that thing the first person that they should talk to is Hun Sen not him. I believe they just want Hok Lundy to cooperate with the international terrorism to reduce as such the drug production case which we have just cracked down. We are asking for their help in order to destruct those kind of drug but it needs quiet a lot of money.


Anonymous said...

Daniel Noriega, ex-president of Panama had killed many Panamian politicians under US watch. Nothing happened, only when he had mistaken threatened US interests.
Hok Lundy continues to walk and stand firm as long as your cooperation is good with Uncle Sam.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hok Lun Dy is LOVER of Madam BUN RANY (Wife of Ah Hun Sen)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

America will be accused of interfering into somebody else's business if she try to bother with internal affair of others.
The goal is international terrorists, and Mr Hok LUNDY seem to be the right guy for that purpose now. You can't ask him to cooperate and in the meantime backstabbing him....whatever happen in Cambodia is Cambodians's business....

Anonymous said...

Your Guy Shut Up, Shut Up for comment....Hun Sen is a smart like King Jayaman II & VII so you all Khme Rouge lived in abroad should call him Preah Bat Jayaman Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...


Plus, I am sure that Somdach Euv
would say the samething. Hmm ...
are you Somdach Euv, 2:49?