26 April 2007
By Kem Sotheavin
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Khmer Krom organizations and associations in Cambodia issued a statement calling all Cambodian leaders to help resolve the problems faced by Khmer Krom people whose rights have been severely violated by the Vietnamese authority.
In the statement dated 24 April, Khmer Krom people also request Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam Assembly chairman who is currently visiting Cambodia, to help intervene so that the Vietnamese authority put an immediate end to the human rights violations perpetrated on Khmer Krom people.
The statement also declared that if Hanoi does not resolve and put an end to the oppression of Khmer Krom monks and Khmer Krom people, a struggle movement will be formed all over the Kampuchea Krom territories (South Vietnam) to demand the freedom rights [of Khmer Krom people], in that case, the Khmer Krom organizations and associations will not be responsible for the formation of such movement.
In the statement dated 24 April, Khmer Krom people also request Nguyen Phu Trong, Vietnam Assembly chairman who is currently visiting Cambodia, to help intervene so that the Vietnamese authority put an immediate end to the human rights violations perpetrated on Khmer Krom people.
The statement also declared that if Hanoi does not resolve and put an end to the oppression of Khmer Krom monks and Khmer Krom people, a struggle movement will be formed all over the Kampuchea Krom territories (South Vietnam) to demand the freedom rights [of Khmer Krom people], in that case, the Khmer Krom organizations and associations will not be responsible for the formation of such movement.
These Vietcong are terrorists!!!!!!
The world must take a stand against any terrorists organization or group including the Vietcong!!!!
Khmer leaders are so dumb, so stupid, and so more-on. They let Hanoi to control them and their country. They couldn't stand up with Hanoi including Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Sihanouk, and Sihamony.
They don't protect the country and their people. Let Hanoi do whatever they want. They're all under Hanoi's Srey Youn. Khmers are easy to control, just give them beautiful girls. They'll be unconscious for a long time to come.
If foreigner wants a piece of Cambodia land, just provide those leaders with girls.
good advise!
Actually Cambodian King is Vietnamese and CPP government is Vietnamese. Hun Sen is a pussy and the problems is these fucking leaders are nothing but a hostage to the Hanoi and greets for money.
Cambodia is not a battle ground
for Ah Khmer-Yuons. They should
find other places for that.
The Vietcong bastard will pay for their fucken sin!!!!
Sihanouk (Sdach Thmil)was born to destroy the Khmer nation. He has transmitted his virus treason to the following idiot Khmer leaders. This traitor is really vermin. We could do nothing for our country as long as this virus lives.
Soon he dies, better will be for Cambodia.
According to Put tumneay (Khmer Nostradamus), this virus must die this year at Tonle Bourn Mouk.
8:27 AM
Don't blame the victim Khmer Krom!!
The Vietcong don't have to follow the Khmer Krom people all the way to Cambodia!!!!These Vietcong don't need to!!!
Observingly and interestingly enough, the YUON/Vietcongs pretending to be Khmer, disrespecfully abusive of the freedom of speech, walk all over Khmer's head here on KI-Media. And as a political news blog, there isn't a DAMN thing KI-Media can do about it! What a shame!
Damn, our city looks like a rat
nest with spies sitting all over
our street. Could someone remove
them please.
The Vietcong took away everything from the Khmer Krom to live as human!!!!
The Vietcong took away their religion!
The Vietcong took away their land!
The Vietcong took away their language!
The Vietcong took away their culture!
The Vietcong took away their opportunity in the field of higher education, good housing, and good healthcare...job...
Now the Vietcong think that they are better than Khmer Krom people!!
I must say Khmer Krom people do way better in moving forward to live a better life in United States than in their homeland control by the Vietcong in Vietname! The Vietcong will never give the Khmer Krom people an opprotunity to live as human!!!
Uncle HO tomb must be destroyed and burned to ash!!!!
Yes, go to the US and don't come
4:52 AM you forget the Killing Fields already motherfuckers?
11:14 AM you motherfucker do eat rats so start eating now or you can remove the fucking brothels the smell are bad there.
1:25 PM go back to China or Hanoi. You seem to love your uncle so much but stuck in Cambodia. One fucking lost dog here.
I will go to China or Hanoi once
you send me some cashes, bro,
because it costs more to live
Dear KI-Media friends et al,
Let's do it by asking each and everyone of us, friends and families and relatives to write/email to our scholars, doctors, lawyers, intellectuals and the like to, in turn, write/email to SAM RAINGSY, KEM SOKHA, RANARITH, THOMICO and other political figures to please set their personal interest asides and join in with one another to form one single democratic party to vote HUN SEN and his regime out of power in the general election of 2008.
Let's do it on a grand scale as this is may be our last chance to save our homeland and little of what we have left during this more than a three decade long of HUN SEN pro-viet regime control of CAMBODIA. Let's see that it happens and disseminated it on every Khmer site on the internet. Below is my email to Dr. Lao Mong Hay. Please help by writing yours right now. Thank you so very much for helping save Cambodia and ourselves.
Very sincerely yours,
Crazy Glue
Dear Dr. LAO Mong Hay,
I am writing to implore your understanding to write/email to SAM RAINGSY, KEM SOKHA, RANARITH, THOMICO and other KHMER political figures alike to please set their personal interest asides to join in and form ONE SIGNLE DEMOCRATIC party to vote HUN SEN and his regime out of CAMBODIA in the general elction of 2008 since this may be the only chance Camdodia has for her existence.
Very respectfully yours,
Crazy Glue
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