April 26, 2007
Houston Chronicle (Texas, USA)
A teenager was convicted of capital murder and automatically sentenced to life in prison today for stabbing the owner of a Baytown doughnut shop during a robbery that netted $20.
Jarrett Delaine Driver, 17, was not eligible for the death penalty because he was a juvenile when he killed Bonrith In. Driver was certified to stand trial as an adult.
Driver, who was 15 at the time, claimed that he was asleep at home when the slaying took place on Aug. 13, 2005, said his attorney, Skip Cornelius.
In, 47, and his wife, Mon Meach, operated Dina's Donuts in the 3700 block of West Baker in Baytown.
Meach identified Driver as her husband's killer and testified that he also put a pistol to her head and demanded money. She was not injured.
The $20 that Driver got was all of the money in the cash register at the time, Meach told jurors.
Prosecutor Bill Hawkins said Driver lived near the doughnut shop and had been there about 10 times before the day of the holdup. Meach testified that he had stolen doughnuts twice previously.
Driver, a former student at Baytown's Robert E. Lee High School, ran away after stabbing In but was arrested four days later.
In and his wife fled their native Cambodia in 1979 during the bloody regime of dictator Pol Pot.
Jarrett Delaine Driver, 17, was not eligible for the death penalty because he was a juvenile when he killed Bonrith In. Driver was certified to stand trial as an adult.
Driver, who was 15 at the time, claimed that he was asleep at home when the slaying took place on Aug. 13, 2005, said his attorney, Skip Cornelius.
In, 47, and his wife, Mon Meach, operated Dina's Donuts in the 3700 block of West Baker in Baytown.
Meach identified Driver as her husband's killer and testified that he also put a pistol to her head and demanded money. She was not injured.
The $20 that Driver got was all of the money in the cash register at the time, Meach told jurors.
Prosecutor Bill Hawkins said Driver lived near the doughnut shop and had been there about 10 times before the day of the holdup. Meach testified that he had stolen doughnuts twice previously.
Driver, a former student at Baytown's Robert E. Lee High School, ran away after stabbing In but was arrested four days later.
In and his wife fled their native Cambodia in 1979 during the bloody regime of dictator Pol Pot.
Do we have any angel to speak on
this child behalf?
If not, stay the fuck out of
cambodia. You got that?
sad to see that every lose in this case. A child life is cut short as a father dream of better life in America is also cut short.
God bless them.
Observingly and interestingly enough, the YUON/Vietcongs pretending to be Khmer, disrespecfully abusive of the freedom of speech, walk all over Khmer's head here on KI-Media. And as a political news blog, there isn't a DAMN thing KI-Media can do about it! What a shame!
We are not against anything, but
double-standards, idiot.
So what are you saying 9:59? Let
the child go because one lost is
better than two lost. Is that your
And what about an appeal, anyone
think the kid deserved an appeal?
Are you guys saying let the kid
rotten in prison?
somehow i stumbled upon this page trying to look up a news article about about dad. the bottom line is that my dad will never again get the chance to expereince life. but this kid will get the CHANCE to experience many memories. he might even get the chance to learn some type of goodness, but he should be happy that he even gets this one chance. people tell me that i will feel better when i learn to forgive, but how can i even begin to forgive anyone when that person feels no remorse that he has taken an innocent life.
I know what you mean, bro, and I
also know it will be years before
you get over it (but never
completely). I still haven't
fully got over of my losts to the
Khmer Rouge either, but I can
cope with it better and better as
years gone by.
Good luck to you, and may the lord
Buddha helps you and your family.
Sorry that you got shot in the line
of fire. I am just sick and tire
of foreigners' hypocrites.
Dear KI-Media friends et al,
Let's do it by asking each and everyone of us, friends and families and relatives to write/email to our scholars, doctors, lawyers, intellectuals and the like to, in turn, write/email to SAM RAINGSY, KEM SOKHA, RANARITH, THOMICO and other political figures to please set their personal interest asides and join in with one another to form one single democratic party to vote HUN SEN and his regime out of power in the general election of 2008.
Let's do it on a grand scale as this is may be our last chance to save our homeland and little of what we have left during this more than a three decade long of HUN SEN pro-viet regime control of CAMBODIA. Let's see that it happens and disseminated it on every Khmer site on the internet. Below is my email to Dr. Lao Mong Hay. Please help by writing yours right now. Thank you so very much for helping save Cambodia and ourselves.
Very sincerely yours,
Crazy Glue
Dear Dr. LAO Mong Hay,
I am writing to implore your understanding to write/email to SAM RAINGSY, KEM SOKHA, RANARITH, THOMICO and other KHMER political figures alike to please set their personal interest asides to join in and form ONE SIGNLE DEMOCRATIC party to vote HUN SEN and his regime out of CAMBODIA in the general elction of 2008 since this may be the only chance Camdodia has for her existence.
Very respectfully yours,
Crazy Glue
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