Sunday, May 06, 2007

Siv Sichan: "I am the one who worked the most on these [Paris Peace] agreements. It was because of my participation that Cambodia found peace."

Interview with Siv Sichan, former US Ambassador to the United Nations

04 May 2007
By Chivita
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
"... I work on important topics for the US and the US people" - Siv Sichan, former US Ambassador to the UN, a first Cambodian-native high-ranking US official.
Siv Sichan, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), is the only official in the US government who was born in Cambodia and had held a high-ranking position at the White House, in the office of the US President. In the past, he was the subject of several criticisms which accused him of failing to take advantage of his high-ranking position at the White House to promote Cambodian interests.

The following is the defense response provided by Siv Sichan on the accusations made against him, as well as details about his life during his escape from the Khmer rouge killing fields. These are his responses to questions asked by RFA’s Chivita.

Chivita (RFA): I want to ask you about your trip to escape from Cambodia in 1976. How did you get out? What was your experience during that period?

Siv Sichan (SS): In 1975, I was working for the CARE organization, and I was stuck in Cambodia for one year. In 1976, I was able to escape out. During that one year, myself, as well as other Cambodians, we were the victims.

RFA: In which province [were you]?

SS: At the fall of Cambodia [to the KR regime] on 17 April, I was in Phnom Penh, my entire family left [Phnom Penh to go] to Tonle Bati which is my father’s birthplace. During that time, the Khmer [Rouge] divided us into three families to live among the local people. At the time, I fled from that area because of my past [working with CARE] could bring me imminent danger. I used to work for the US, I used to study at a university, and I wore glasses, so I fled. I fled on bike for three weeks, and I arrived in Sisophon [Banteay Meanchey province, near the Thai border]. I was stuck there for almost a year, and I fled again through Banteay Chhmar.

RFA: Then you went into Thailand?

SS: Yes, when I was crossing the forest, I fell into a large ditch, I was injured in the leg. When I arrived in Thailand, I was jailed because I had no documents. It was then that I wrote letters to friends in Bangkok who came over to help and bail me out. The Thai authority transported me to a camp in Aranya Prathet [near O’Chrov, Banteay Meanchey province].

RA: In what year did you arrive in the US?

SS: In June of 1976, I arrived in the US.

RFA: I know that you used to be the US ambassador to the UN, but now, what are you doing?

SS: Currently, I am taking a break because my 5-year duty as ambassador was very hectic.

RFA: From when to when were you the US ambassador?

SS: From 2001 to 2006.

RFA: So you were representing the George W Bush administration?

SS: Yes, President George W Bush nominated me [to that position].

RFA: Some Cambodians are wondering whether you are related to President George W Bush. How are you related to him?

SS: Our relation is through my wife who was born in Texas only. Secondly, my wife used to go to school with First Lady Laura Bush also. However, I know President George W Bush’s father better because I used to work at the White House for the father of President George W Bush, who was the 41st US President.

RFA: So your wife is not related [to the First family], she just knew them, right?

SS: Yes, that’s all it was.

RFA: To help clarify a number of Cambodian people, you may have seen through publicly posted emails, the criticisms raised against you. These emails claimed that when you were occupying a high-ranking position for the US, since you are Cambodian, you should act as an important representative of the Cambodian people, but the critics accused you that, during your work, you did not do anything to serve the Cambodian interest. What do you have to say to these criticisms?

SS: The Cambodians say that there are 2 types of craftsmen: the one who is busy making his craft, and the one busy with talking [criticizing]. When I was nominated by the US President, whether at the White House or as Ambassador to the UN, my role was not involved with Cambodian affairs. I was responsible in many activities in the world, therefore, the Cambodian affairs is only a small issue under my responsibility.

Those who criticize me, they are not aware of what I had done at the White House from 1989 to 1993. That was the first time in the US history that they (White House) were most involved in the Cambodian affairs. Those who criticize [me, if they were] in Washington DC, or they went to the White House, they knew that I organized … a lot of Cambodian issues.

Secondly, I helped a lot in the Cambodian affairs during the [1991] Paris [Peace] Agreements [on Cambodia]. Those who criticize me, it’s their right to criticize, they can say whatever. In this country (US), they have the freedom [to do so], but before criticizing, they should do some research first. If they want to know for sure, they should go to the George Bush library at College Station [Texas, USA], and look at the documents, they are all there. I am the one who worked the most on these agreements. It was because of my participation that Cambodia found peace.

RFA: Did you say that the Paris Agreements led to the end of war in Cambodia in 1991?

SS: Yes, these agreements. As soon as I took my position at the White House, the US government started the negotiations on this issue.

RFA: What was your function then?

SS: I was working at the White House, I had the title of Deputy Assistant to the President. It was the first time that this highest ranking position was occupied by an Asian native.

RFA: Besides the above, can you clearly provide a number of other works that you accomplished for the Cambodian people, so as to clarify those who criticize you? What are they?

SS: Recently, when I was the US ambassador to the UN, I was the one who raised the issue of Human Trafficking. I traveled all over the world to discuss this issue.

As usual for the US, before setting up a UN conference, the ambassador in charge of this conference topic, must travel all over the world to discuss with our allies [of the US] on the important issue to be resolved. When I was the ambassador to the UN, along with a number of our allies, I traveled around the world to raise the issue of human trafficking, and as example, I discussed about this problem in Cambodia.

For this type of issues, you have to follow it very closely to find out. Right now, if you go to the US permanent mission the UN, you will see hundreds of my speeches there, and I do not mean to promote my name, I work on important topics for the US and the US people.

RFA: For the future, what are your plans?

SS: Currently, I am writing a book titled “Golden Bone” which details my biography. This book will be published in March of 2008.

RFA: Do you have anything else to say to the Cambodian people who are focusing their attention the on the trial of the former KR leaders?

SS: I hope this tribunal will function and that the KR leaders involved in the tragedy of Cambodian people will be brought to face justice very soon.

RFA: Do you think that there are other obstacles that could prevent the functioning of KR Tribunal?

SS: You ask me this kind of question which is very difficult to answer. I cannot predict the future, the main factor for this tribunal is its independence.


Anonymous said...

Let's say thank you to for he has done for Cambodia especially putting Sihanouk back in place where he should npt be there in the first place.

Let's he is American by day and Khmer by night, there are many thing he could help in here too like mobilize legislation bill for Killing Fields genocide survivors treatment earmark.

Agree he could do a lots more for himself here.

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feeling about this. One I am proud to have Khmer serving in the US high ranking position. However, I am first timer learn about Mr. Sichan Siv's story and accomplishments.

I think Mr. Sichan Siv should have done the way most Jewish-Americans have done for their Israel.

My suggestion to future Khmer leaders, please work at your best capabilities to serve in the interests of Khmer nation.

Current Hun Sen he is looking after in the interests of Yuons above all. Sihanouk seems to favouring China. Worst of all, these neighbouring countries can cross over the borders at their will, with no restrictions--the Yuons have done to Khmerland, continue to encrouch...

For Thailand, or Hong Kong, South Korea,etc. the US and the West have the geo-politics influence, but these countries are more prosperous and powerful and no lands have lost to the US.

Please help change Khmer's old thinking, before Khmer nation completely dissappear from the planet Earth!!!

Anonymous said...

Chhim Wat Koh is ah min sov kroub (khoj sar sey prosat)

Anonymous said...

Much Khmers are wise and have high national wisdom

but don't believe on Hun Sen's government and CPP (Communist Pro youn Party) because Hun Sen and CPP are youn servant,
and Communists youns don't like Cambodians intellectuels

see examples: the case of youns and Khmer rouge relations!!

Take care of youns!!!

Anonymous said...

see also: the case of youns and Sihanouk relations!!

Anonymous said...

Do you see how you can be a US
ambassdor? Just married to a chick
who know people in higher place,
and you are on your way. No school,
or Phd is required as a bunch of
stupid idiots here have been
bragging all along.

Anonymous said...

Watch YouTube "Sihanouk & Vietcong"

Anonymous said...

We as Khmer should be proud for having a fellow Khmer Citizen holding such a hight position is foreign country especialli the USA. He must have a good quality of leadership to be chosen by the white House to work for them. We need more Cambodian to have this kind of opportunity. I would like to wish him and his family all the best for the rest of their lives. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but only through their own
merit, and that's obviously not
the case here.

Anonymous said...

We got one Khmer Intelligent. Mr. Sichan Siv had more than a chick wife who knew the president. He was once a drop dead good looking Khmer man in the US also and those degrees, he busted his rear end for in college full of strangers, we didn't thnk, it was for nothing. He definitely was more than just a skin deep. Good for you Sir! Keep going! To tell the least, he knew how to get there, before all of us fool find it out. Let's go eat your heart out! and good luck for trying to follow him!

Ordinary Khmers

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, when you got the right
chick with connection, you are
connected to any degree you want.
There is no need to sweat, just
show her fun times.

Anonymous said...

First, let me congratualte the golden bone boy. And, lastly he blows "..." hot air, I think. Well, it is not too late for him to get his shit together.

Anonymous said...

you fool Mr. Sichan have higher drgree than your grand father!

Anonymous said...

And where did he bought his degree
from, huh?

Anonymous said...

To Mr.Siv Sichan!

Thank you for your hard work and that is why the Vietcong tore up the Paris Agreement!

Cambodia ain't found peace!Cambodia still have the same fucken puppet government since 1979!ahahahhahhahahh

Uncle SAM understand more about Cambodia geo-politic than you and that explained why Uncle SAM just sit and wait and all the chips will fall in place!

If I were you I wouldn't give myself too much of a credit because Uncle SAM is looking over your shoulder! ahahahhahahahahhahah

Anonymous said...

Yep, and don't call us, let us
call you instead, okay?

Unknown said...

First I would like to congratulate a fellow khmer who have accomplished a lot. Great Job Mr. S Siv.

On the other hand Mr. S Siv, Cambodia needed a break and I thought you would be that break to help but instead we got the same old thing, poverty and sex slave for tourists. A country that is filled with HIV infected people and mother selling their daughters to feed the family. For a man in your position you have done nothing for khmer except help killing her with your acceptance of the current standard. Your support of the current progress has given false hope for many people and this is the most dangerous for Cambodia and her people.

Mr. S Siv, you have been bought. You have been bought by your false impression. As a Cambodian that has been through hell your standard of accomplishments is low. Good luck to you.


Anonymous said...

Ok, those of you fool that criticized H.E Mr. Siv, what have you done or are you still on welfare? When one get appointed to work in a position such as him he must do what are within his scopes of business. If you want him to work to better Cambodia, you should call Hun Sen to engage Mr. Siv when his duty is over. If he was to try going alone without the Cambodian engagement, this is not proper and would impede on the progress in Cambodia and that is a no no.

Anonymous said...

We need not judge and blame as the truth always has two sides. As immigrants, many Cambodians have to face many racism and prejudism in the work place. If being married to a wife who has connection help your career there is nothing wrong with that. We all need a little push and mentorship from an insider. I do believe that modesty is a required trait of a good leader. I do not see it in this case of Pou Sichan. Furthermore it seems to be the traits of many Cambodian leaders. We all need to learn from history of what arrogance can do to a human being and to a nation.

Anonymous said...

He was not a US Ambassador to the UN. He was a US Representative to the UN.

He escaped Khmer Rouge Regime only on work for Khmer Rouge in Washington DC while Khmer Rouge still hold on to the UN seat. He quited work for Khmer Rouge in DC in '87.

Anonymous said...

These are ridiculous comments. Mr Siv Sichan did as much as he could to help Cambodia.

What you do not realize is that as a Cambodian AMERICAN, you can only do so much to help your motherland. He set in place the stop of violence, in order to bring around Cambodia to it senses.

It is the Cambodians in Cambodia that are to blame for their lack of action and stepping up to the plate. Why has Srok Khmai continually allowed the false voting in of Hun Sen? Why are the Cambodians still poor and hungry - filled with corruption?

This was written in 2007. Nothing has changed.

Siv Sichan helped bring Cambodia back to the Western World, only to have Cambodians continually ignore the situation they have at had.

Do the Korean blame the Korean Americans? Chinese blame Chinese Americans? Japanese to the Japanese Americans?


They are AMERICAN and America comes first. They always have the homeland in mind, but they must do whats best for their new country, the country that brought them in when the homeland tossed them out due to war.

So quit your whining,