Monday, June 18, 2007

Cambodia deserves swift justice

Monday, June 18, 2007
The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

About 2 million people are believed to have died in Cambodia's "killing fields" between 1975 and 1979, either murdered or dead of torture, exhaustion, illness or starvation. No one has ever stood trial to answer for one of the world's largest mass murders.

The leader of the Khmer Rouge guerrilla force that set in motion the insane social-engineering experiment in which urban residents were forced at gunpoint into the countryside, Pol Pot, died in a jungle hideout in 1998.

But other, now elderly leaders survive, living openly in the country they tried to destroy, a constant reminder that justice has yet to be served.

The killing of nearly one-quarter of the country's population is more than just unfinished business. It is a deep and lasting wound in the national psyche. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen is right to say "Cambodia will not have a bright future unless the problem is resolved and the trial is held and they are punished." It has taken too long to create a special tribunal to try the remaining Khmer Rouge leaders. But last week, after years of negotiation, judges reached an agreement on how the tribunal would work. Robert Petit, the Canadian who is co-prosecutor, said he will file his first formal accusations within "a few weeks." It is important that cases now proceed with a sense of urgency. Just last year, one of the top Khmer Rouge leaders, Ta Mok, died at age 80.

Trials are indispensable for laying out the facts and determining the truth of allegations. This is especially true in cases of genocide or mass murder where political fantasies, left unchecked by painstaking investigation and weighing of the evidence, can undermine the truth. Cambodians deserve the truth.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen has always said the same and same thing over and over again, but people know he was one of the killer. There won't have any KRT because the Viet Communist will not let it happens.

Ho Chi Minh created KR since in 1930's for his "Indochina Communist Party" for purposes, Ho Chi Minh is dead but his plan to take over Cambodia and Laos is going.

The Genocide in Cambodia and in Laos were created by Viet Communist. Pol Pot and his camrades were all the tools the Viet Communist used as a bridge.

Hun Sen and his camrades are Viet Communist's clowns against Pol Pot the Chinese Communist' clowns.
No doubt about it Pol Pot killed, but Hun Sen et al. and Yuon agents killed millions, so the blame goes to Pol Pot because he was the ruler.

To say there were no Viet Communists in Pol Pot regime is wrong. Just look at Hun Sen regime now, how many Viet agents like Chiem Yiep, Hoc Lundy, ...? The Viet Communist created its own Cambodian, the same as they're in Pol Pot regime.

"Lest we forget," Hanoi maintains a contingent of 3,000 troops, a
mixture of special forces and intelligence agents, with tanks and helicopters, in a huge compound 2½ kilometers outside Phnom Penh right next to Hun Sen's Tuol Krassaing fortress near Takhmau. They are there to ensure Hanoi's puppet, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, doesn't stray far from Hanoi's policy of neo-colonization of Cambodia.

Several million Vietnamese have settled in eastern Cambodia and have been given Cambodian citizenship by Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

That leave us wondering who will be the defender of The Khmer Rouge Regime?
Cann't not wait to see and hear all the evidents.

Mr. Noun Chea had already said that S1-Prison was running by a seperate chairperson. So what do we know other than the method of torturing and killing?

That man " dutch " had better know what he was doing. Blind Obedient? Not this time,he had better telling the truth. All truth and nothing, but the truth.

By all mean who was telling them all to run around with the Communist anyway?

Ho Chi Min was lucky to be able to win over French and have all the Vietnam strenght to him. Our men on the other side ? what are they?

Didn't they know Ah Youn And Ah Chin are enermy? Ah Youn and Ah chin were confusing the hell out of The KR's head! That is how most of us are looking at it. Ah Youn and Ah Chin need to go to court as well. How dare they confuse everyone and got 2 millions of us kill?!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As far as we concern, one of them either the Vietnamese or the Chinese Government will have to answer to the court along with Khmer Rouge.

One of them just got to go! and it deosn't matter. The sooner the better. If they don't know how to defend themself, let's just say tought luck!!!!!!! You just need to go to hell that you deserve!!!!!