Monday, June 18, 2007

Evicted people ask for the king’s intervention in land dispute

16 June 2007
By Sok Serei
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Representatives of 107 Cambodian families from Sihanoukville wrote a letter to King Norodom Sihamoni and Chea Sim, Senate president, to ask for their interventions to obtain the release of 12 people currently jailed in the Sihanoukville prison since April stemming from a land dispute.

Chan Than, a 38-year-old woman living on commune No. 4, Mittapheap district, Sihanoukville, said that the arrest of the people jailed in an unacceptable injustice. She added: “We request that they are immediately released because their wives and children are suffering and they lost their income earners.”

According to the complaint sent to the king, the 107 families living in Mittapheap district, Sihanoukvile, lost their lands because Sihanoukville Governor Say Hak used violence to burn down their homes to evict these families out of the 16-hectare lands they occupied and turned the land over to a private company.

On Saturday, officials from the king’s cabinet could not be contacted regarding the letter requesting the king to intervene in the release of the 12 people jailed. However, Meas Sopheak, the prosecutor of the Sihanoukville court said that the whether the people jailed are released or not, depend on the decision of the judge.

The 12 people jailed are: Nom Chrey, Chrey Roeun, Chrey Phoan, Phon Roum, Doeur Sambath, Son Samrev, Petr, Yeng Ren, Sim Sopheap, Ken Nov, Ron, and Chan Sitha. One of the 13 originally arrested was allowed by the Sihanoukville court to stay out of jail temporarily because he is a minor.

Bun Narith, an investigator for human rights organization Licadho in Sihanoukville, said that there is not sign indicating the 12 jailed will be released. He said that the Sihanoukville court intents to sentence these 13 people in the near future.

Bun Narith said: “We interviewed the witnesses and those whose houses were burnt down, we interviewed them all already so that the hearing can be held soon. The lawyers (of the jailed men) ask us to act on behalf of the witnesses during the court hearing, and to provide answers to the court so that the jailed men could escape the charges.”

On 20 April 2007, the Sihanoukville authority, under the order of Governor Say Hak, used violence to burn down about 100 homes and arrested 13 people who were charged of destroying properties belonging to other people, and they were also charged of creating unrest, and living on lands owned by the (CPP) Tycoon-Senator Kong Triv.

After the violence perpetrated by the authority, a number of organizations including Pact anti-corruption group in Cambodia stepped forward to send a complaint to Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Ministry of Interior asking that Sihanoukville Governor Say Hak and his accomplices be punished for using violence to grab 16-hectare of lands belonging to 107 families.


Anonymous said...

ou majesty norodom Si HAK MONNY this time if
your majesty not help these Cambodian innocent
The history will be blame your majesty mistakes
That you let the Hun Sen 's government did the
cruel thing to the Cambodian kingdom ,you have the
power to do for your own good. You will gain the
political support from around the world.
Please forget about your own brother Noranorit,
He makes the big mistakes,that only one and bad.
But these are your majesty good ppl& innocent.
Long live king of Cambodia!!

Anonymous said...

he,didn't even know that he is king. he thought that just his job his father told me to do so, b/c it can generate some money for it 20 some royal families.
if he don't do this job, he will be dancing for the noth korea, which they il-retard like only pretty girls.
he, look innocent b/c he like only guys, n' most hide in the bathroom, that why hun sen like him.
he is worse than his father. no shame ..why can he step down or that khmer can start ne like in our homeland! jeeeeh