Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Khieu Kanharith's confidence: "We think that we will get the amount of aid that we have asked for"

Gov't Optimistic on This Year's Aid Disbursement

Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh

Government officials said Monday ahead of this week's donor meeting they were optimistic aid would continue to flow, despite recent criticism from human rights and advocacy groups.

The Cambodian government will be looking for $600 million from countries including the US and Japan, to support its national budget in two days of meetings that begin Tuesday.

Government spokesman Khieu Kanharith told VOA Khmer that donor countries will give the amount that the government has asked.

"We think that we will get the amount of aid that we have asked for," he said.

The government's confidence comes in the wake of serious accusations of abuse and corruption, including a forestry report by Global Witness that links illegal logging to Prime Minsiter Hun Sen, his cabinet and a powerful "kleptocratic elite." The report, whose findings the government denies, also reprimanded donors for failing to use aid as proper leverage for governmental responsibility.

Other critics say the aid given Cambodia each year does not reach its intended agencies, but instead slips into the coffers of corrupt officials.

Opposition legislator Yim Sovan said donor countries should push harder to abolish corruption and reduce poverty, while pressuring the government to solve a land-grab problem that has grown worse as Cambodia develops. Meanwhile, the government has continually failed to pass an anti-corruption law.

"Up to now, all the promises have no meaning, because up to now, the anti-corruption law has not been in place, so the international community should be aware of this issue," he said. "It should do something to help the government make an anti-corruption law."

Since 1993, the annual donors meeting has elicited promises from Cambodia's leaders that are rarely kept, said Kek Galabru, founder of the rights group Adhoc.

"So I think that this year, I still think there is no change from last year," she said.


Anonymous said...

Khieu Kanharith's confidence: "We think that we will get the amount of aid that we have BEGGED for"

Anonymous said...

To Khieu Kanharith,

You said with full confidence that "donor countries will give the amount that the government has asked" for. Like your boss Prime Minster Hun Sen, you have no shame in saying that at all. There is no surprise, because a mafia regime has no shame and feels no guilt. Otherwise, present Cambodia would not have been nicknamed as a mafia State.

However, let me remind you that your days are numbered for 2 reasons:

1- The CPP's reputation and legitimacy started to go up after the UN-supervised election in 1993. It reached the parabolic peak in 1998 after Hun Sen crushed Ranariddh's FUNCINPEC in a bloody coup d'etat in July 1997. As people used to say, however, that everything that goes up must come down. And this communist party has been coming down since. Whenever it lands flat on the ground, there will be zero probability for the Hanoi-controlled CPP to get up again. You, your boss and your party will be finished.

2- You have been tested HIV/AIDS positive for quite a long while now. How many more years can you survive? Not very long> And after you go to hell, your boss will go there, too. Why? Because he can't find an as good perrot as you have been to repeat after him. Your boss will certainly die of boredom. Amen!

Anonymous said...

If you become a good leader for your Country you must:

1: Beg forienge money$$$$$

2: Corruption, Put money in yours pocket ect.

3: Cheyo Sadach Hun Sen for 2008.

Anonymous said...

There should be more then enough money in Hun Sen and the CPP PERSONAL accounts to fund Cambodia Budget for the next ten years.

I cant understand why other countries want to donate funds which top up Hun Sen's and CPP official private accounts. You are NOT helping Cambodian people but Hun Sen himself + family members and the CPP incompentent and greesy lips services CPP's official....

Doner countries should mind their own business and respect cambodia by leaving Hun Sen & the CPP to manage Cambodia affair on it's own.. because CPP is more then capable of running and funding the Country budgets....So stay out of Cambodia internal business.

Anonymous said...

that mean i, khiev phnaek will have lots money pay to send more poor yuon into khmer to kick khmer out of their lands, and to protect me, the cCP, and the gay king's families....eeyore

Anonymous said...

youns (vietnamese) are the China's
ethnic people, so youns culture and
their old characteristic letters are the
same as those of Chinese

No wonder that the tradition of this Chinese
ethnic people(youns called by chinese) is that :
- vietnamese men in in any country, most
of them are thiefs or robbers
- and vietnamese women in in any country,
most of them are prostitutes