Monday, June 18, 2007

Ok Socheat facing NRP reprimand for negotiating with Funcinpec

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Ok Socheat, the information advisor of Prince Norodom Ranariddh, is reprimanded because he is accused of secretly negotiating with Funcinpec without the knowledge or the consent from Prince Ranariddh and the NRP leadership. This declaration was made by Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, on 15 June.

Muth Chantha told Rasmei Kampuchea on 15 June that Ok Socheat’s talk is opposite to the party line, to the group of (the Prince’s) advisors, and to the NRP steering committee, Muth Chantha said that, on 08 June, NRP secretary-general issued an order to stop all official and unofficial negotiations. However, Ok Socheat continued the negotiation, and it is opposite to the party goal and the party bylaws. Therefore, the group of advisors (to the prince) will soon hold a meeting to review the prescription (of the punishment to this act) as stipulated in the party bylaws.

According to Muth Chantha, Ok Socheat may face party verbal reprimands, membership suspension, or firing from the NRP.

Ok Socheat, the information advisor of Prince Ranariddh, said that he did not conduct the negotiation in secret. He then recited the general goals in the unification of democrats with the Sam Rainsy Party, however, before this can be done, we must have a unification of the royalists first. He added that: “I did not negotiate with anyone at all.”

Ok Socheat added that NRP voters will welcome if there is a unification of all the democrats.

NRP is currently facing with internal strife, and this reflects the opposite trends found within the party in its search for a resolution for Prince Ranariddh so that he can be pardoned. (If a pardon for the Prince can be reached,) he can return back home to become involved in politics again prior to the upcoming 2008 general election. It is known that party elders who use to follow Prince Ranariddh long ago, believe that Funcinpec is the only entry door to reach to a pardon for the prince. Therefore, negotiations between this group of party elders and Funcinpec took place, but now Muth Chantha blames Ok Socheat for negotiating with Funcinpec while the latter denies the charge.

There is also another group of NRP followers who want to see the prince staying far away from Funcinpec, and this group does not want to see any negotiations with Funcinpec. This group rejects the use of Funcinpec as a mean to reach a pardon for the prince. Muth Chantha said that only Prime Minister Hun Sen can resolve this problem.

In the past, Funcinpec openly declared that it is opening its door to receive Prince Ranariddh to return back to Funcinpec to fulfill his position as the party historical leader, a position which he held in the past.


Anonymous said...

Being a Monarchist , I feel tired and tired with those " Prince-Parties" . If you don't listen the Father King advise,Please go aways and let common people do they work.

Anonymous said...

Being a human of Khmer heritag, I can see the monarchists are revealing their true weakness and loser mentality.

This is exactly how the communists use those royally fools to stay in power since 1975 until now.

Never learnt the royal fools are the cause of Cambodia tragedies.

Anonymous said...

Hi Preah Ang Mchas,
Those so-called Royalists Animals/DOGS are still Barking and Biting each other ??????

Ha Ha