Monday, July 30, 2007

Cambodian provincial governor and deputies dismissed over real estate scandal

July 30, 2007

Prime Minister Hun Sen has sacked Kandal provincial governor and two deputy governors for their involvement in the filling-up of Kob Srov Lake, local media said on Monday.

"They were removed as they are involved with other problems as well as the issue with Kob Srov lake," Water Resources and Meteorology Minister Lim Kean Hor was quoted by English-language newspaper the Cambodia Daily as saying, identifying the persons as Khim Bo and his deputies He Kann and Cheng Nhanh, who are members of the ruling Cambodian People's Party.

Kob Srov lake, which is met by a several-kilometer-long earth dyke and road that has protected Phnom Penh from flooding for decades, was filled with tons of earth by Long Chhin Resorts construction company for a housing development without permission from the government.

Lim Kean Hor on July 19 demanded the company stop the filling and dredge earth already dumped at the site. The demand was later supported by Hun Sen, who asked Lim Kean Hor to form and head a committee to deal with the issue.

Kob Srov lake is located in both Phnom Penh and Kandal. The part of the lake that has been filled up is located in Kandal province.

Khim Bo was replaced by Chhun Sirun, former deputy governor of Phnom Penh.

"I was informed by telephone today (Sunday) to attend a ceremony Monday to be sworn in as Kandal province's governor," said Chhun Sirun.

Source: Xinhua


Anonymous said...

The removal of these provincial governor and their deputies was claimed by the Government as from their illegal involment of land grabbings and lakefilled. If these removal was truely from such activities, they should be sent to court for prosecution. These land grabs and lakefilled were very serious crime because it created a big problem for Cambodian society and also to damage flooding into Phnom Penh. But, if these criminal will not prosecute, then the removal must come from other agenda. Eg removal because there are other who want to pay more for these positions.

Anonymous said...

It may not a crime just miss judgement! Killing Ho Sok was and is acrime! Also cutting wood after there is law against it!

Anonymous said...

According to Rasmey Kampuchea, Khim Bo is transferred to a high post in MoI. Is his remowal a demotion or promotion?

KHMER2LOVE said...

government should dismiss them from government work and let new generation take over.