Translated from Khmer by Socheata
The Sam Rainsy Party announced that it will hold its party congress on 08 and 09 September 2007. The meeting will be held to improve the party structure and to set the party political strategy. Next month congress will be held after the party ends all its provincial and municipal party congresses to select party presidents at the provincial and municipal levels through [democratic] election, as well as to determine the MP candidates to represent the party.
Bravo SRP! go forward and get win for the next election to save our country from communists.
11th August 2007
SRP Making False Assumptions
SRP leadership is going around the country in an upbeat manner, even talking about the taboo subject of a possible coalition with the CPP after the 2008 election. The SRP gung ho approach is misplaced. It is basing its findings on the commune elections of last April. The commune elections are different. Here, for grassroots citizens, the village chief is the most powerful figure for their every day lives (relations with higher authorities, security, food supply, allotment of water, public services, etc). In the national elections, national issues come into play. The CPP has made many inroads and opened up the country with development and rural infrastructure, thus providing the avenue for the SRP to traverse the nation and heap criticisms on the ruling party. Constructive criticisms are welcome but not rhetoric and nonsensical comments meant purely to confuse and hoodwink voters into making wrong choices. The commune elections will not be the basis for any forecasts for the 2008 general election. The SRP should be cognizant of this.
To anonymous 6:08 PM, your comment is a bunch of BS. I'm not a member of SRP but I have been to Cambodia five times and I have seen the so called development you are talking about. According to my observation the development of the country is mediocre at best.All the good major highways are all donated and constructed by the foreign countries. Any part of the roadways that was constructed by Cambodian government(with foreign aid money) are so poor in quality due to corruption. The railways in Cambodia are the laughing stock of the World. I don't think the Cambodian CPP government understand that communication system is the artery of the economy. I guess they are too busy land grabing and sucking the life blood from the Cambodian poors. I wish for the Cambodian people to realize that they deserved better.
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