Monday, September 24, 2007

Alain Peyrefitte's article is a fiction invented by a small group of people nostalgic of Khmer Republic regime?

Click on each page to zoom in on Alain Peyrefitte's article originally published by the French magazine Paris Match

Click here for the source of the document


Anonymous said...

Thanks you for this Doc.very important, go to hell mother fucker! Cambodian killer.

Anonymous said...

Khmers are my children! only lunatic Sihanouk would claim that. Probably he meant all harem bastards are his children.

Shame on him

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...
Shit this is others insects living under Seihaknouk's dust feet ,why don't Cambodian people get the bugs killer let this insect go away, this is 21 th_ century,it still have the profiteer exist? sad give inaccurate Doc.
2:37 PM

chhim said...
Lok Ke Kim Se,
Listen to who's talking? 
People of diffenent views from lowly Sihanoukists are not all Khmer Republic elements but Khmers who saw clearly that Sihanouk is the ultimate cause of the nation downfall and people suffering.

Again Sihanouk is no Buddhist but a communist pawn who would not think twice to have own people killed because of his own egotistical and narcissistic nature.

He,Sihanouk, is quick to judge and condemn anyone who saw difference in his self destructive policies.before Khmer Republic,Sihanouk killed thousands of landowner in Battambang because of his inept government officials and profiteers in collusion to steal their lands. 

Khmer Republic was the schematic and consequence of Sihanouk political entrapment after he had allowed Viet Cong to use Khmer land for their war mongering agendas. Sihanouk is clearly a monkey that play with matches on the roof of its master house.When all happened where was the monkey then? It was far above Beijing Plum tree.Because of that foolishness,he had no choice but to kow tow to Khmer Rouge.Becaue of that he agitated people to fight Khmer Republic government efforts to restore national integrity and sovereignty.
Sihanouk,is no one else, who had burned the house,plundered treasury and neglected own national defense.
Sihanouk is a stooge who disgraces true Khmer nation in allowing enemies to advance their agendas at Khmer expenses,not once but repeatedly.Sihanouk is the violator of Geneva conference and UN agreement.Sihanouk cowardly abandonned Khmer Krom land and inhabitants without uttered a protest to French as Cambodia king. 

Other hand Sihanoukists are categorically enemies accomplices then and now like yourself who insulted folks of different views but yet spinelessly laid beneath the unscrupulous Sihanouk feet.
Shame on them.
2:38 PM

Anonymous said...

The politicians sometimes said something which they did not mean to; forgot that they are being followed and watched by their opponents or by the extreme or liberal groups; and so they said.
Like Cheney used the "f" world, and George Allan used "Macca"; boy his rivals taped it and played over and over again.

So big deal what King Sihanouk said; he was just trying to fit with the Khmer Rouge of Ho Chi Minh and to fit with Mao Tse Tung. If they did not trust him how could he get into their grounds.

I am not surprised if the French Journalist was paid by Communist Vietnamese. The French and Vietnamese were buddies long time ago and their intimited relashionship gave the Vietnamese far ahead of Cambodian as the results of Koh Trol and Kampuchea Krom.

Politics is not that simple, and the Vietnamese Communist cannot take a chance, trusted King Sihanouk who could jeopadize their movement; so the stories of his games keep flashing by his rivals used his own people Cambodians to do the jobs.

Cambodian politicians are no matched with the Vietnamese politicians. The Vietnamese had been through for thousand years and they already learned about their enemy and knew what to do.

King Sihanouk did try but his people are way far behind of this ideoly; thus the losing side is always Cambodians because they have no clue that they are viwed only killing their own people.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is still respected by the world politicians, but many of his people like poster who posted in #1 and #3 keeps dragging the nation to forever lost.

His enemy are not only his neighboring countries, Thailand and Vietnam, but his own people mostly the radical immature groups like poster #1 and #.

No body sees his enemy do this but only his own people who keep flashing all dirts and allegations.
These people think that politics is simple; so they keep cutting their own people throats.

This Nation continues to be torn apart by no one but themselves; just like they did in Khmer Rouge regime.

Yes the losing side is only Cambodians.

Anonymous said...

People who are agaisnt Sihanouk are not all radicals as you claimed. Political discourse is healthy in a democratic society where one can expresses his/her opinion without threath from a barrel of a gun.

Sihanouk's policies and actions are well documented. No smoke and mirror ae needed to hide his failures.

We already know who are losing and want to know who is responsible for this fiasco. It's hard to believe for a man who clamis to be the father of Khmer and the King of the Kingdom still refuses to accept any responsibility for the effect of his actions.

Not one utterance of regret from him or his KR comrades. Somehow Khmers were being killed left and right under their watch but no one is aware of the slaughters.

Yes. This is the time that Khmers must unite for the sake of stability. No one should question the party leaders about anything that concerns Khmer affairs. Too disruptive?

Just shut the fuck up and continue to be a worthless, miserable human being forever and do what the party says..........

Long live Angkar!

Anonymous said...

Some of our beloved Khmers here do not agree with my ideas, that is OK, because I am only the rice farmer's son, but I would like every true patriot’s Khmer who lives around the world to carve my words onto their hearts and remember them for ever. At the end of the day you all will see whether the rice farmer's son (have never been a Khmer Rouge or Khmer Rouge supporter, and never have been a YUON’s slave)words are full of meaning or just useless hated sentences.

May almighty God and America, Canada, Finland, Australia, EU, UN, NATO help to rescue our beloved country Cambodia from YUON'S(Vietnam, Vietcong, Vietminh)occupation and China's communist influences.

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.


(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

Why you guys want to cut the head of the King on the say-so of a bastard french (one of them is founded criminal killer during wwII),are you the lost french
colonised kids ?

Anonymous said...

7:01AM need apair of eye glasses,and hearing aids to read and hear this French Match Nes?

Anonymous said...

If the original poster truly believes in the concept of fairness and truth, how about scanning and posting the ENTIRE ARTICLE instead of taking out of context only the parts you selectively want the readers to see.

Based on the context of the writing and posted materials on the part of Mr. Anthony Ly, (who originally posted this article on Camdisc) Mr. Ly is clearly a very angry person who is hell bent on his own ideology of vigilante revenge and has an extraordinary obsession with smearing the name of the King Father. Anyone who goes to the various forums where Mr. Ly regularly posts documents and expresses his opinions can see what kind of a person he is, and what he is hoping to accomplish. Mr. Ly has no credibility in the eyes of anyone other than his immediate fan base of anti-Sihanouk propagandists.

Anonymous said...

11:52PM I have read this article 9 year ago,and this article still here,that is reliable sources,so do not
put the mud in the clear water,people grow corn they get con,people that an international criminal born like former king of Cambodia no mater what the attorney from space come and help him,indeed he still the leader of Cambodian genocidal again human.
No one can mess around with UN court in my prospective.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

U.N. is Dangerously Corrupt, Badly Needing Reform: Investigators
Latest report into massive Oil for Food program fraud says blame lies largely with Kofi Annan and U.N.'s corrupt culture

A panel of independent investigators last week slammed the United Nations and Secretary General Kofi Annan for indulging a culture rife with corruption, mismanagement, and laxity that contributed to massive fraud within the organization's Oil for Food program.

The $64 billion program was intended to cut off the income of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein by imposing strict limits on Iraq's oil sales, allowing proceeds to fund only the purchase of food and humanitarian supplies for Iraqis.

Instead, Saddam and a network of corrupt officials from participating countries, companies, and the United Nations rigged the system to enrich themselves, with Saddam pocketing nearly $2 billion in illegal surcharges, kickbacks, and bribes.

Wrapping up a $34 million investigation that took 18 months, the Independent Inquiry Committee concluded that the corruption was largely caused by mismanagement and negligence at the United Nations.

"Our assignment has been to look for mis- or mal-administration in the oil-for-food program, and for evidence of corruption within the U.N. organization and by contractors. Unhappily, we found both," former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, who led the inquiry, told the U.N. Security Council last week.

Volcker's fourth report into the Oil for Food fraud pinned much of the blame on United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, who was criticized for negligence and deficiency in his oversight duties, noted the Washington Post.

"His sins were ones of omission basically; there were things that he might well have done and should have done that he didn't do," a senior investigator told the New York Times. Annan was faulted for failing to ask warranted questions, failing to pursue evidence of misbehavior, and allowing his position to be used by his son, Kojo, who sought favors and contracts by dropping his father's name.

"The inescapable conclusion from the committee's work is that the United Nations organization needs thoroughgoing reform -- and it needs it urgently," warned Volcker's report.

World leaders from more than 175 nations are scheduled to return this week to the United Nations to vote on reform measures, though disagreements between members may derail the process, noted the Los Angeles Times.

While Volcker's panel has concluded its investigation, at least one more report from the group is forthcoming: a naming of implicated corporations and their abuses, scheduled for release next month.

By Ethic Newsline