Friday, September 21, 2007

Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres' Letter of Clarification on the 03 May 1975 Paris Match Article posted on KI-Media

On 19 September 2007, KI-Media posted an excerpt from an article published on the French magazine Paris Match, dated 03 May 1975, which was translated from French to English. As we indicated in the header of our posting, the article was picked up by one of team members from the Internet bulletin board Camdisc, our team was not involved in the selection of the excerpt, nor did we translate the article ourselves. We apologize if there is any misunderstanding on this issue.

We are pleased to provide below a letter of clarification sent by Ambassador Julio A. Jeldres regarding this article. Please click on each page of the letter to zoom in.
Click on each page of the letter to zoom in


Anonymous said...

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.

(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

Ambassador Jedres,
You raise another stake regarding intellectuality dishonesty.

Do you think Sihanouk is dishonest to Cambodia all along even now?

Anonymous said...

Kulen Monorom

The real Cambodian cancer is YOU! People with your mentality that killed million of Cambodia during Khmer Rouge by acusing everyone else as enemy. You should be put on trial for your unstable mind.

Keep in mind that King father still loved by the majority of Cambodian. He had done so much for Cambodia. For you the only thing you done is running your dirty mouth.

Anonymous said...

all along. from all my reading, i never seen anything about King Sihaunok protested, nationally or internationally, against the khmer rouge's actions such as evacuating all the poeple from PP or starving the people to death, etc.

Didn't Sihaunok even think that all those events seemed stranged or odd to him? As one of the world leaders and as a caring leader (as he said), didn't he know that it was wrong? why didn't he protested?

I want to see all the documentations that protested KR's actions. Can the King or Mr. JJ do that for us?

Anonymous said...

7:21PM are you blind or deaf or you are to young and know nothing about the past. Look, Cambodia now wath happen? This is the result of Prey Marqui. Yes Sihanouk had done to much for Cambodia by ordering to kill the people from the cities because of revenge because these people did not support him because he want to save his face because he want to be in the power and so on. So brush your teeth and wash your mouth the turn 100 time your tongue before talking.

Anonymous said...

all along, from all my readings, i've never seen anything about King Sihaunok protesting, nationally or internationally, against the khmer rouge's actions, such as evacuating all the poeple from PP or starving the people to death, etc.

didn't Sihaunok even think that all those events seemed strange or odd to him? as one of the world's leaders and as a caring leader (as he said), didn't he know that it was wrong? why didn't he protested?

I want to see all the documentations of Sihaunok's protesting KR's actions. Can the King or Mr. Julio Jeldres find proofs of those documentations for khmer people?

Anonymous said...

with over 2 million khmers dead, the country was totally wrecked, and many of his relatives died, Sihaunok only showed inkling that he tried to protest KR's actions.

most caring leaders would have sacrificed themselves for their country and their people.

for a leader who claimed to be caring for his country and people, what a strange leader Sihaunok is???

Anonymous said...

7:21 PM. You are so RIGHT about this eccentric Kulen Monorom. THis person and many who are just like him contributed to the dead of the Nation. This person can be easily manipulated by the enemy, because of his ignirance, and lacks of a premise in his arguements.
Sad for Cambodia to have many idiot like Kulen Monorom.

Anonymous said...

The King's enemies are not only the Viet Cong alone but some Cambodian as well. His enemy among Cambodian mostly those who advocate of ultranationalism such as Kulen Monorom and a few lunatics in here.

His enemies mainly Viet Cong who used those lunatic Khmers to use the voice digitization technique to make it like the King did speak.

No way JOSE that the King did speak bad of his Beloved Mother or called everyone via Radio to go to get killed.

When did the Viet Cong troop LEAVE Cambodia after they helped Khmer Rouge on 4/17/1975?

Anonymous said...

9:33 PM,
Your comments are well served, but the King does not want to testify as long as the KRT is inside Cambodia. If it is at outside Cambodia (at an International court) he will testify. This Court cannot be fair because the top Vietnamese agents are in Cambodia roaming everywhere ready to shut everyone who would speak of their criminal actions before, during and after Khmer Rouge regime.

The KRT should be at outside of Cambodia, but those who were behind the killings would not let it happen.

Anonymous said...

9;51PM. How do you know the King killed his own people?
From those yuotube, fake voice and documents created by his enemies?

When the Viet Cong Troops left Cambodia after they helped Khmer Rouge to fight against the American and Lon Nol after 4/17/75?

Did you see they really leave Cambodia after they helped those Khmer Rouge to overthrow Lon Nol and kicked the US out?

Did they leave right away before the Capital and cities were emptied or after?

If the KRT is at outside not inside Cambodia the world will see the real killers, now no.

Anonymous said...

The Viet Cong and Viet Minh created the Indochinese Communist Party.

The Viet Cong/Minh helped the Khmer Rouge to kick the US and Lon Nol out of Cambodia.

They WON, so when did they leave Cambodia?

The people want to know from Noun Chea, and from those leaders.

Ps: The two leaders Pol Pot and Ta Mok are already dead but their messages were the same. They told us that Viet Cong troops (agents) were among them.

Can this question be asked during cross examination?


Anonymous said...

1:58AM, Sihaunok is one of the people who hated the Americans too.

All of you Sihaunok supporters made it sounded like his hands are all clean.

From Lon Nol to Pol Pot to Sihaunok, they are all to blame for the destruction of cambodia and khmer people. Sihaunok is not all clean, he is not a strong leader nor a determined leader with clear vision. He's just a spoof, opportunist. you all must be blind to think that he is God-like and wise. It's under his leadership that cambodia is where we are today. that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

it's Sihaunok's fault that the viets are in cambodia now.

then he got brainwashed by the chinese to hate the USA. even today, he still used communist's slogan against the USA. and for that, cambodia is a pariah to the world.

what is wrong with him? why is he so closed minded? wake up sihaunok, communism is dead, international diplomacy the way. be neutral to all countries for the benefit of cambodia. guess can't teach old dog new tricks.

Anonymous said...

Did you see the Viet Cong Troops LEAVE Cambodia after they fought side by side with Khmer Rouge to kick the US and Lon Nol out?

Answer the question, instead of trying to distarct it.


Anonymous said...

1:30 AM,
you put words into the King's mouth now. you made him out to be this wise, caring, visionary khmer leader. in fact, he's just a guy who enjoy french food and when he had enough, he just want to spend his hours watching the sun go down. that's all. not a thinker or a planner nor ... anything.

don't made him out to be complicated. he even said earlier that he would testify. words from his own mouth-website.
no, no...
he's just chicken out after he saw the Guillotine.

Anonymous said...

not only viets didn't leave cambodia, but cambodia is already viet's, like loas.

and it's not only hun sen, even the police at the border and in pp, the khmer working to prevent khmers from voting, the khmer police helping send monk Tim Sakhon to viet's jail, they are all helping giving cambodia away to the viets. and don't blame it on the viets. they are all khmer.

But the person who got cambodia to where it is today is still Sihaunok. without a doubt. he's a failure. one of the worst leaders in the 20 the century. he's an ambarrassment.

Anonymous said...

That is not pertinent what kind of life the King or any leader enjoys.
Come on now even Buddha had a wife, child and many beautiful women.

Don't try to distract my question I am looking for the answer from these big mouth like you.


Anonymous said...

2:49 AM,
viets helped KR to fight the USA because Sihaunok called them and let them. Yes, that's true. he's that selfish. wanted his power back so bad that he begged anybody, viet, china, anybody. in the end, he only destroy cambodia. not only KR didn't give him his power back, but they used him.

yes, Sihaunok is a brain dead child who is used and abused by everybody, from Charles deGuall to Ho Ching Ming, to Mao tse ting tong. he's that screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Now you answered my question.

"not only viets didn't leave cambodia, but cambodia is already viet's, like loas."

That is enough I wanted to know.
You answered that the Viet Cong Troops who helped Khmer Rouge side by side and fought against the US and Lon Nol have never left Cambodia. The rest of your answers are not corresponded to the question I asked.



Anonymous said...

So the Viet Cong Troops have never left Cambodia after helping Khmer Rouge to fight the American and Lon Nol, so who were the boss during Khmer Rouge Regime?

Anonymous said...

The idiot 3:10 AM who answered that
the Viet Cong Toops have never left Cambodia after helped KR to fight US & Lon Nol, keeps bla bla.. non stop. If he or she is in court room she or he will be declared as psycho who cannot fit to stand trial or be a good witness. How many more loosers like this still?

When the court ask one question the witness should only answer what the question implies to, but humm... many crazy like this around, no wonder Yuon are ahppy to do business with to screw them up all.

Anonymous said...

The idiot 3:00 AM who answered that
the Viet Cong Toops have never left Cambodia after helped KR to fight US & Lon Nol, keeps bla bla.. non stop. If he or she is in court room she or he will be declared as psycho who cannot fit to stand trial or be a good witness. How many more loosers like this still?

When the court ask one question the witness should only answer what the question implies to, but humm... many crazy like this around, no wonder Yuon are happy to do business with to screw them up all.

Anonymous said...

Analog to Digital converting or make a fake voice many people can do it. I can make my voice just like King Sihanouk and broadcast myself through Radio, no body knows a thing. Those Pro Viet Cong or Viet Cong may have done the same thing to King Sihanouk. It is political assassination. He will be torn apart by some of his own people not by the conspirator Viet Cong.

Speaking of which, Noun Chea tied to Thai Cong based on I read his bio educated in Bangkok.

Anonymous said...

Hello every body. I am a khmer in France. For me, Sihanouk is the worst king or leader in the world.
He never wants to protect his compatriots. I have some videos of sihanouk when french journalists interwied him during the Pol Pot's regime. At that time, some countries such as Canada and Finland wanted a military intevention in order to save cambodians lives, but our Former King told them not to do that.
IF you want a proof, I can give you the web site tomorrow: there many videos archive of the world (maybe in French only).
I want to tell everybody that Cambodia must not be communist becaue we enjoy smiling even if we have suffered all the time.
Now we have to find a clever leader who loves khmer because our compatriots always think that Khmer people are just born for being killed .In one day Cambodia will be a peaceful country.

Anonymous said...

Being a Royal King-Ambassador,
Ek Oudom Julio A.Jeldres,an Ausralian citizen from a Chilian refugee bg,has to do a dirty job for the Great Hero King of Cambodia.
If you need to learn more of the Royal Suffering pls contact the Royal Ambassy at a small table-Office,Asia Institude of Monarch University,Melbourne,Australia.

Anonymous said...

Dear lauk 4:48AM who lived in France, I am so sorry I could not write nor speak French.

Some of our beloved Khmers here do not agree with my ideas, that is OK, because I am only the rice farmer's son, but I would like every true Khmer who lives around the world to carve my words onto their hearts and remember them for ever. At the end of the day you all will see whether the rice farmer's son (have never been a Khmer Rouge or Khmer Rouge supporter)words are full of meaning or just useless hated sentences.

Monsieu 4:48AM would you please give me the Websites of Sihanouk's interview.

May God and America, Canada, Finland, Australia, EU, UN, NATO help to rescue our beloved country Cambodia from YUON'S(Vietnam, Vietcong, Vietminh)occupation and China's communist influences.

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.

(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

I wish Mr.Mrs or Miss 3:17AM go to speak up for Seihaknouk at UN court because this 03:17AM just wanted to win,it doesn't matters his comment it doesn't make any senses, I hope they not going to make him look like a monkey in-fact. Actually Vietnam create all this master mind with the killing field,but Seihaknouk if he smart enough why he invited Yiekcong to come in and kill Khmer people 3:17AM you have the gut to answer this? Your question it going to be no where and look dumb on your self which is comes first chicken or the egg? In 1970 yiekcong came in to kill khmer lon nol they wear Seihaknouk's pin on the chest and the caps said they come to help Seihaknouk. This king is not good like you think replace your brain and come in to give your comment again,Seihaknouk lose the game with Vietcong and killed it own people,Seihak nuk wanted to use yiekcong and in the return Yiekcong borrow his name to killed khmer,now he is stucking wanted to tell the truth he can't he so embarrassing or get kill by yiekcong or China,this is called is your stupid do not play the game,now Seihaknouk make all us are victims and looser of his ignorance and psycho game,so 3:17AM before your brain is mess up try to find the therapist to take care it or take some medicine be bore it getting contagious and kill all your the beloved one at home. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Ah Yeik Cong 7:40 AM. How many more Khmers you want to kill ah Kantorb?
F** off ah Srakei daung. Do Mae ah cho m'ray niss.
We love our King. Stay away from my country, ah kantorb, before we will burn you azz.

Anonymous said...

Ah cho m'ray kulen monorach. Srok Khmer is in trouble because ah cho m'ray eign vea chhkourt ott sup. Ah kulen ah runteass banh, i wish you dead miserable.

Anonymous said...

These Yuon Communist sympathizer like 7:40 AM caused too much greatest pain to Cambodia. They blamed on the King forgot that they are the trouble makers.
Knowing that Yuon communist troops never left Cambodia, these trouble makers still serve Yuon and want to kill and balame Khmers.

Dead to all these Yuon Communist sympathizer.

Khmer Youth group love the King

Anonymous said...

10:09AM, 10:00AM and 09:55AM Who is invited Yikcong in who is a close friend with yiekcong and when Yiekcong leaving Cambodia you can ask your king because he knows and he love to make business with Yiekcong, we don't understand if Seihaknouk=Yiekcong why you are supporting Seihaknouk? That not going to make any senses,so one of the poster said Vietnam love to make business with you because you are so dumb and then when you are so dumb like Hun Sen and Sei Haknouk you will be getting served yiekcong as youn servant you are looser,no wonder Cambodia has never getting to be a peace place to live,because too many ignorance born to be idiots knowing nothing beside making trouble them selves and bring others to be the looser like Hun Sen and Seihaknouk.
By supporting Seihaknouk=love Yieckong= supporting Hun Sen=Cambodia destroyers

Anonymous said...

Dear commenters please stop fighting for spilling milk. Yes most people blame youn I agree with that and who are youn? some one who never think about khmer people some one who make benefit to Viet Nam even he/she has khmer blood. The simple questions that every body know: Who accepts the Vietcongs to stay inside Cambodia territory along the border during the decade of 60? Who provide food and carry the weapons from the seaport kg Som across Cambodia to Vietcongs? During the war did the Vietcongs fought with Lon Nol'soldiers or not? Who calls the khmer people over and over to be in Prey Marquis? And look at the head of the letter of Mr. Julio, he work for Whom? Who got killed first after 4/17/75? Who killed khmer people and why? Please do not blame any one or any country we have to concern about responsible of the leader.

Anonymous said...

Hello every body.I am a kmer in France.
For Mr. Kulen Monorom, Here is the web site of video archive of INA (Institut National de l'audiovisuel) :

You can find many archives on tv or radio during the Pol Pot's regime ( Make a search on the high left of the screen: Sihanouk, Son Sann etc ..).

But please, stop killing each other. We have to work all together to protect the country, otherwise the enemies will become stronger and it is too late to do something.

Anonymous said...


I am not blind, deaf or too young to know the past. I take consideration of the whole past and not just pick and choose the even of the past to fit your agenda and believe. You think you know the past but you only know part of the past. Yes, without Prey Marqui Cambodia might not be like today. For this it is easy for you to say b/c you have the benefit of hindsight. Beside, why do you think that the King choose Prey Margui? If you can open up your rusty mind and do some research as to why the king choose to side with China and called his people to join him in Prey Marqui, you wouldnt be talking nonsense like you are now. Go do some research before you open your dirty mouth again.

Anonymous said...

10:03PM you put your head under the dust of the royal feet is it dirty or not, you are so dumm and you know nothing beside english I don't want to use the bad word to you and I think that you are in the old fashion who want to send their nice sister or daughter to the king to become a royal familly and get happy on the back of their people which suffer by had nothing to eat. Most of our writer said that Hun Sen is the youn's pupet and according to this theorem A=B and A=C consequence B=C get your brain and think about that if you are smart u will know who you are? I do not want to explain the guy like you because you have no brain.

Anonymous said...

5:29 PM. You've been followed. Did you join Khmer Rouge? Or Were you Viet Cong? Your propaganda dividing Khmers needs to stop.
You are one of the xtreme lunatic, a trouble maker and an idiot. You and Kulen Monorom are the same kind of people who are having the same kind of mentality. You don't see far but short. When you see black you said black when you see white you say white. Cambodia needs educated and wise people not the looser like you. Too many looser and diot like you that is why Ah Kvak the idots running the country. When we are trying to work hard to solve the problems for Cambodia there are always lunatic and idiot like you and kulen monorom pop and destroy it.
People can just read your comments even a little kid in high school can tell you and kulen monorom are stupid.

Anonymous said...

HAHA.. Read this idiot 10:38 PM wrote:
theorem A=B and A=C consequence B=C
What if I say A(King)>B(Ah Kvak), and A>C(you), should B = C? It depends. HAHA..

Anonymous said...

10;53PM Yeah you are knowing far enough for destroying your self and the country,I do not wanted the world look at me that all Cambodian are stupid like you,if Cambodian PPL have me and Kulen Monorom it should be better place to live because my citizen have a free talk,walking with their feet not with their knee like you and for our Cambodia we shall not sold out our land and Nation like Seihaknouk and Hun Sen do not confuse the room 10;53AM you are making the world look how stupid you are,every one they love freedom and living in the good environment not put your head under king 's toilet and and breath the dirts from the king feet, so if you are spyco go and get some pills to take care your rusty brain before it too late, if you are still depend on your king just give me a break hun sen will help KRT to lock him up like the others comrades because they scare the king might big and shit mouth about them .EVING
Thanks you

Anonymous said...

Khmers are clever enough to know what "HERO" means. So stop telling us that Sihanouk is a hero because it make foreigners around the world laughing.
Our ennemies love saying that because they want to humiliate us.

Anonymous said...

10:53 AM I was evacuated from Phnom Penh in 1975
I left Cambodia in 1979 two to three months after the country has collapsed the answer IS NO. Are you the part of Cambodian 's treason as you mentioned ???
I am so up set that your mother took the wrong pill while she gave birth to you,if you are so good you better do some thing or make Hun sen get assassinate, instead backed up your messed up king like you in the room,I am shame on you that the world laughing their butt off because you are alone so stupid and make every one from Cambodia look like you, I'm sorry to say this homy some thing wrong in you rusty mind why you become to be Seihaknoukis's sandals? ,I tell you what after you have your brain checked please go to find a pair of eyes glasses also,the world have known Seihaknok is the opportunist and selfishness son of the gun, he care no one except his power,by supporting him when ever he defeat hun sein and kill all Cambodian left over again please let me know I will take care of the rest.

Anonymous said...

10:39PM I never paint any color to any one, yes I am an idiot, how about yourself is it enough to be under the dust of the royal familly's feet and put the king's toilet on your head. Like some one said in this comment who supports the king is khmer vietcong. Hun Sen supports the king and you support the king too so Hun Sen is the youn's puppet and you do so. Ah si ach pourk ah sdach. Pourk ah de tear.

Anonymous said...

Go mate you got me. ;)) This psychopath keep barking.
Man why don't you get a life? Your time was up for a long time.
Get help man. You need it. Your brain is loosen. HAHA.

Anonymous said...

HAHA.. mate 3:46 PM. Did you see what I said about that same psychopath. How many this psycho wrote? HAHA.
4;23am ,4;38am,10;40am ,11:57 am.

He'll hang himself pretty soon. HAHA..

Anonymous said...

3;46PM &4;50PM Sorry homy you need some help for real go to take care or replace your brain before it too late,I do not understand why you are so young and your brain all messed up, if you are just the looser chicken why you wasted your time for nothing?
I understand it now all the secret yiekcong job have to do is eliminate the Cambodian nationalism,like me, they did it in Kampuchea Krom and Cambodia now please take my advise if you get rid one 10:40AM, there more 10:40AM on their way.
Please tell your mom quit creating ignorance baby like you Cambodia now she need smarter babies because her enemies has 90million and they all are tricky and natural criminal born.

Anonymous said...

3:46PM & 4:50PM you are very sick now because you bark like a dog. Reader please analyse their word in this comment it seem that they know english from the street and they are not educated well. And I advise you that your mom might get the wrong pills or got the sperm from Sihanouk's familly when she get pregnent. If Sihanouk is your good father king let him stand up in front of the trial and swear loudly. Why you protect him and hide the head of killer behind you? Don't be a chicken when you know that your father king did a lot good thing for Cambodia you can tell the world what they are. Shame on you, you act like you are well educate but really you know nothing it looks like the empty vase makes a lot of noise.

Anonymous said...

Stop making this psycho kulen and his clowns going crazy.
Alrite 6:34 PM 10:28 PM, stop barking. Save your energy to fight ah Youn Hun Xen, will ya?
You need a real job, buddy 6:34PM/10:28 PM.
The reader don't by what you write, they said you are a psychopath. Preik Tnot is not available for you. Now get a life.

Anonymous said...

03:O4AM you are so mess up in your life ,and your brain,like 10:28PM had mentioned,EMPTY VASE SHOULDN'T MAKE ANY NOISE you are just a fawning person and profiteer. The scholar person ,they know what are they talking about,but for you need to be a temple doggy four to five more year to gain your education then will talk abut that again now I am sorry I do not wanted to waste my time with the animal because it costing my pride. Go home like my advise and go straight to pagoda and become to be the monk student then come back.

Anonymous said...

I thought I can read some good debate but found mostly mentally ill such as this 11:13AM.

Anonymous said...

Me too ,I thought 11:24AM is a normal personality like the others observers but instead he or she just an achoholic and drug user sorry you need help for real,go and get some help before it get contagious.