Saturday, September 22, 2007

Comrade Nuon Chea demands nothing less than New Toilet, Mattress and Better Prison Food ... if only he knew how people live under his KR regime

Former Khmer Rouge Leader Demands New Toilet, Mattress And Better Prison Food


PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA: Days after being indicted on crimes against humanity, former Khmer Rouge official Nuon Chea is finding plenty to complain about in prison.

The top aide to late Khmer Rouge leader Pol Pot was detained Wednesday (19 Sept) for his alleged role in the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people during the regime's 1975-79 rule. He since has demanded a mattress, a new toilet and more fish in his diet, his lawyer Son Arun said Saturday (22 Sept).

Nuon Chea was especially upset with his squat toilet, which the frail, 81-year-old found difficult to use, the lawyer said.

"He has had difficulty trying to get up after using it because of an ailment in his knees," Son Arun said. "I have requested the tribunal to replace it with a sitting toilet for him."

He said Nuon Chea also complained about backaches from sleeping on a woven mat and has asked for a mattress.

"As for his food, he has asked for his meals to be made of fish and vegetable, and his soup to be less salty. He doesn't like meals with fat in it," Son Arun said.

Reach Sambath, a spokesman for the U.N.-backed genocide tribunal, said the squat toilet was better for security reasons because they "have less moving parts that could cause injuries and less places to hide things."

He said, however, the tribunal was considering Nuon Chea's requests.

Nuon Chea is the highest-ranking Khmer Rouge leader detained to appear before the panel.

Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Duch, who headed the former Khmer Rouge S-21 torture center, was charged on 31 July with crimes against humanity. Prosecutors have recommended three other suspects for trial, but have not named them publicly.

Both defendants have been given services out of reach for most Cambodians, including cable TV, round-the-clock access to medical care and high-calorie meals.

Reach Sambath has said such services are necessary to ensure they live long enough to have their cases tried in court.

Nuon Chea "planned, instigated, ordered, directed or otherwise aided and abetted" crimes that include "murder, torture, imprisonment, persecution, extermination, deportation, forcible transfer, enslavement and other inhumane acts," a charge sheet says.

Nuon Chea has denied any guilt.


Anonymous said...

To be honest with you his request is simple,

The surviver of killing field said.

Anonymous said...

Next he will ask hun Sen to wipe his ass for him too.

Anonymous said...

To be honest with you the genocide was created by Viet Communists.

Philip Short wrote in his book.
"..the Cambodian communists with huge numbers of recruits armed by the Vietnamese were able to achieve power..". Albeit Philip did not clearly make after helping the Cambodian Communist, when did the Viet Cong leave Cambodia?
Where did they go? The Viet Cong cannot just disappear in one day.

Why these XViet Cong like Nguyen Van Son (Hok Lundy) is not on trial?

Why is he Nguyen Van Son Hok Lundy having a highest position and he is not even elected?

Why those XKhmer Rouge on Viet Communist Faction such as Hun Sen, Hor Nam Hong, Chea Sim, Heng Sam Rin, Tep Vong etc. are not arrested? These XKhmer Rouge in power today must have seen or known or who killed people too. If not why did they run to Vietnam?
Or were they the ones who killed but run to Vietnam because they are pro-Viet Communist?

The Viet Communist recruited those Khmer Rouge to fight Lon Nol backed by the US, so should not the court look for the source of the genocide?

What prompted the Khmer Rouge to kill each other?

Was it coming from an internal fight between two factions? One was with China and one was with Vietnam?

If not then why China invaded Vietnam?

It must be some sort of problem within the Khmer Rouge members, and where were the Viet Communist who recruited the Khmer Rouge? Should not they take responsible for the cause they created?

How about Pol Pot was interviwed by others journalists? Should his testimony be included? The killer should know another killer who employed him.

Viet Communists should stand trial for sure.

Most of Khmer people believe that the Viet Communist created the genocide in Cambodia and they do not believe that this court can be fair at all. This court is looking for 60 USD into the pockets.

Anonymous said...

You Son of a bitch, I lost all my family, do not speak for most khmer people, you are the khmer Rouge who killed your own people and blame the VN because the VN ousted you.

Anonymous said...

You son of bitch, I lost my family members too, but I knew ah Yiek Cong who created this genocide. And you are Yeik Cong stop hiding yourself insdie my country. Take ah Nguyen Van Son Hok Lundy son of Yeik Cong bitch with you.
Ah Yiek Cong ousted KR because Ah Yiek Cong wanted China faction out.

Anonymous said...

Ah Son of Yiek Cong Bitch 12:04 AM is scared with the truth.

Ah Yiek Cong created Khmer Communist and Ah Yiek Cong recruited Khmers to join Communist to fight Lon Nol backed by the US, so where were Ah Yiek Cong after they won? Busy emptying the capital and rushing to kill all the Khmer intellectuals?
The genocide was created by 1st Ah Yiek Cong then China faction fought them so the two evils started to kill my people for 2 millions.

Ah Yiek Cong MUST STAND TRIAL, because we want to know where were ah Yiek Cong after their employees Khmer Rouge and then together fought Lon Nol?

Don't TELL LIES that Ah Yiek Cong were not with the Khmer Rouge.

That idiot Khmer Rouge would have never won without ah Yiek Cong were with them. Are not ah Yiek Cong with XKhmer Rouge Hun Sen today?

Anonymous said...

1-Nuon Chea receives 3 meals of high calories per day at the KR Tribunal and will received more as he requests. But between 1975-79 Cambodian people received 2 times porridges.
2- Nuon Chea receives medical care while more than 30 years ago people got "Thnam Ach Tonsay".
3- Nuon Chea has a cable tv in the room and electricity but what we got? the light of the moon! right?
If the people would received in the Khmer Rough regime like Nuon Chea receives today they would all gone to jail.
Sophorn Sar

Anonymous said...

How long for an 82 years old live to stand trial? Should you beat him up so he will die faster before he can tell us his side of story?

If he is beated up or if he is given only one meal a day, you will freak you azz up from Finland and accuse the govt' want to kill him before the trial, now when the givt' tried to keep him alive you still are not happy.

Anonymous said...

Come on. They wait until he is very old 82 years old, there must be reaons why? They will say he is old and if he testifies like Pol Pot and Ta Mok told the reporters that Viet Cong troops were inside Cambodia with them, they will dismiss his testimony and may be declare Noun Chea as old age with forgetfullness or alzheimer disease.

This trial is a Show that this govt' uses as a pretext after King said he does not trust this trial under ECCC run by Vietnamese puppets. They cannot force the old man to confess like Viet Crook forced the monk to confess.

It is so bizarre to witness a trial of century where the killers both: one stands truial and one prosecutes.

I want to see the Vietnamese Communits stand trial too. Because they were the source of the nightmare. This trial is for 60 USD most likely, because it is in Cambodia, if it is outside I have hope.

Anonymous said...

To 1:18AM

I totally agree! It can get worst than this once the trail start!

Anonymous said...

Ah youn in Srok khmer support Ah youn yeak cong &Ah khmer rouge to kill khmer. i hae my sister in law she is a bo doi(vc army).Until now i never talk to her folks.

Anonymous said...

Nuon Chea made a fuss to force Viet Cong/CPP mad so they will kill him like they killed Pol Pot and Ta Mok. Viet Cong may be so frustrated and they wanted to kill Nuon Chea quick, but if they do kill the witness again, they will be fully accused of trying to silent the witness.

Based on Nuon Chea said. Imagine, the whole country was shut off all communications, no telephone no TV, nothing, and how did they manage to contact with each others? Nuon Chea said no communication from where he was to Capital PP. Wonder who lived there after they emptied the capital and cities?

Most books I read no one dares to say more than "Vietnamese Communist recruited too many Khmers
to join Communists to fight Lon Nol backed by the US, then they achieved power." But none of those authors dared to write "after the victory, did the Viet troops leave?" Those authors left that part hang out and let us to figure out.

Are they afraid of being assassinated? You know Yuon death squad militia are in Cambodia, they shoot people with no mercy.

Yes I started to figure out when I saw they controlled everything even have the full power to kill or jail Khmers like they are doing under Hun Sen gov't.

I figured out when I saw a few names like Nguyen Van Son now Hok Lundy is not even elected but he is on the top and he can kill everyone. The funny thing was Nguyen Van Son declared he will stay in power for 15 more years, after people asked him to step down during protest against T'ai.

Oh I read articles about a big demonstration led by Rainsy and Rannaridh, CPP had its own, but guest what? They're mostly Yuon.

Anonymous said...

The Trial for 60 million dollars (USD). Yep it is funny to witness the Khmer Rouge Trial where the defendants were ExKhmer Rouge and the prosecutors or I should say the boss of the trial were also EX Khmer Rouge and their Boss Viet Communist and both sides are suspected killers.

This KRT should call the Viet Communist to stand trial also.
Where were they on the day their puppets/Khmer Rouge defeated Lon Nol backed by the US?

Don't tell us that the Yiek Cong were not with the Khmer Rouge.

Without Viet Cong to stand this TRIAL to clear up the record, this trial is the trial for 60 Million dollars only.

Anonymous said...


Where were them

Anonymous said...

You guys are idiots, blaming Vietnam for everything. You should grow up a bit and start accepting responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Com on' why are you afraid of? We are taking responsibility that's why we wanted to know all the detail. Are you scared of getting shot by the Viet agents in PP if the people demand the answer with respect to the question we asked?

That question is extreme important and it needs to be addressed in court. Be prepared if Nuon Chea decided to tell the truth that there're Viet Cong troops helped Khmer Rouge to fight Lon Nol backed by the US. If so then when did the Viet Cong Troops leave?

Don't use this game blame as your pretext and let the real killer go free. We still have doubt that Viet Cong Troops were with Khmer Rouge fought against Lon Nol backed by the US.

Stop your game blame but answer the people question. They want to know all.
Philip Short wrote in his book that the Viet Cong troops recruited many Khmers and helped the KR to achieve the power.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

They left in 1973 after ther Paris Peace Accords. After that it was Khmers killing Khmers, simple, but obviously too difficult for you scapegoaters to grasp.

Anonymous said...

They left in 1973 but then they came back at back door? Why is so difficult for them to come back if they can speak Khmer fluently?

Did you see them leave?

Why did they kill each others?
Why did China invade Vietnam if there were no two factiosn fought with each others?

Why bring the Paris Peace Accords in this when they did not even respect but instead they forced Hun Sen to sign illegal treaty?
How much Khmer Land that they took?

LIkewise. Obviously it is too difficult for the scapgoaters to grasp.

Anonymous said...

They are in Cambodia and some hold high positions of the land without going through election. His name was Nguyen Van Son then now Hok Lundy.

Anonymous said...

Without them (Viet Cong) helped Khmer Rouge would have not won. They were with Khmer Rouge fought against Lon Nol.

They did the same as they did to Hun Sen regime. They were forced to withdraw troops from Cambodia, yes they did but they are now Khmers. Tung Pov, Heng Pov's father in law was one of the powerful Vietnamese agent in Cambodia. Yes Nguyen Van Son (Hok Lundy) is one of them.
They let Ieng Sary has his good time in Cuba.

They are deadly dangerous to Cambodia society for all the pain they caused to Cambodian people.

They cannot even completely withdraw troops from Cambodia as demanded by the UN and why do you think they respect the Paris Peace Accords?

Using Paris Peace Accords as a scapegoat, that's how they always did.

Anonymous said...

Dears brothers and sisters...We all knew that vietrouges in Khmerouge's
regime from 1975-1979 committing genocides in Cambodia because we survived from the killing fields.they eat Cambodians's flesh but they show the bones in China's mouth.I never forget in their propaganda from mid 1976 to the end 1979 that ANGKA LEU want to bring about 2 millions Chinese from People Republic China to Democratic Kampuchea.
As brothers and sisters know that Cambodia have to search supports from International communities in order to have freedom from vietcong government in our country.
So each of us need to bring our attention to the United Nation before General Assembly on 25th of September this year.
Thank you all..

Anonymous said...

They (Viet Cong) respect no body.
They had "sheep-dip" Vietnamese men as well as women and made them Cambodian should surprise no Cambodians. They created Khmer Rouge, and they said the evil were the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, and anyone replacing Pol Pot would look better, and they made Hun Sen as he opposed to Khmer Rouge with pictures of torture and death. Sadly they were just another Khmer Rouge, but just not the China faction group.
Thus this new Vietnam faction Hun Sen another Khmer Rouge goes to his masters and in some their relatives, the Vietnamese.
Since they destroyed all the records, so they created their own records and their own Cambodians, and they did so well.
Frankly, the real Cambodians do not have the foggiest idea who some of their leaders really are and/or who used to be. Many are still demand to hang their own people; so the losing side is the real Cambodian who could do much to save Cambodia. The west and the US knew all along but they just silent and happy with a strong man Hun Sen who only kills hundred then thousands his own people for the masters. I just think that Cambodian people deserve so much.

Anonymous said...

Rubbish propaganda made by ah Khmer-Yuon a long time ago. Only idiots will buy that.