Saturday, September 22, 2007

Kun Kim: The Vietnamese-trained PhD-General ... how could he pursue his study while acting as the fulltime RCAF commander?

Kun Kim standing next to Hun Sen (Photo: Global Witness, Taking a Cut)

Kun Kim receives his PhD from Vietnam

Friday, September 21, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

4-star General Kun Kim, the RCAF commander and the chairman of Hun Sen’s advisors, just received a military science PhD certificate from the Dalat Army Institute in Vietnam. An army officer indicated that Kun Kim is the first high-ranking Cambodian army officer to receive the military science PhD certificate since the 70s. Kun Kim used to study in Dalat, Vietnam, between 2001 and 2004, where he received a bachelor degree in military science, and he later pursued his study and wrote his (PhD) thesis between 2004 to 2007, before receiving his PhD in military science. The Rasmei Kampuchea reported that Kun Kim received his PhD in Vietnam on 17 September.


Anonymous said...

Peaceful Demonstration in Burma:

Anonymous said...

I hate his face :-(
Phd Vietnam = 0 (Hun Sen,Kun KIm)

Anonymous said...

Youn like to give PhD to our stupid khmer leaders so they can easily manipulate them. It's really sucks that khmer officers are trained in srok youn. This is a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Most Vietcong who live in Cambodia go to Vietnam for training session on how to kill and take over Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

It is not hard to obtain Phd in Cambodia. The Chamroeun University will give you what you want. You don't need to study. What you have to do is enrol pay university fee and then wait fot the degree. It is slot machine. You just slot coins in and your desired certificate will come out.

Anonymous said...

It is shameful recieving PHD from Srok Yuon. CPP leaders are granted such this degree easily even they are illiterate.

This is the way CPP do/get.

Anonymous said...

Boyz! These VN loves to give PhD to Khmer officials.

Anonymous said...

Because these stupid Khmers love to get the PhD w/o knowing how to read or write. All the PhD from srok ah Yiek Cong called "Push Harder and DEEP".
One PhD Yuon gave to ah samrae Hun Sen ah Yuon pushed in Cambodia harder and deep.

Anonymous said...

For nearly 400,yuons love to give their women to Khmer royalties.To date they love to give education to Khmer commoners since they already succeeded in cross breeding the royalties.
Watch out more brothels in Pnom Penh are owned and operated by Viet descendants with sponsorship of powerful co-conspiarators.
To conquer a nation not only forces but cultural adaptation and acclimation.
Look at Bun Sam Heang ,half yuon and half chin and now her children are officially hybrid of a dumbozo Khmer named Hun Sen.

Anonymous said...

It's now the CPP's culture to bestow a "PHD Degree" to CPP officials.But It's the No-value PhD degree given to the No-value CPP men and Women.
Kun Kim is known as a real criminal, a hooligan, a Phkay Chor general. He deserves the title "Pandit" or Bandit 4 golden Star General. A Bullshit phD degree!

Anonymous said...

Kun Kim was one of the most brutal Khmer rouge officer in Kg Cham area. During Vietnamese invasion, he was so lucky to be alived by Vietnamese protection. He was almost being cut to pieces by his victims. A few years ago, Singapore authority has arrested him at Singapore airport for carrying a shot gun into the plane. Hw has been intervenned by Hun Sen for his release. He is married to one of Bunary Hun Sen sister to have this kind of ranking. This is how his PhD is all about?

Anonymous said...

953AM. I hate ah Kvak and his whole family thugs, but I knew Bun Sam Heang is not half Yuon. That biatch is Sino_Khmer. Don't spread the wrong rumor, they can use against us that we are crazy.
And no royal family members are having Youn blood, not that I knew about. Thomico and Sihamoni are first cousin shared the same grand father (Izzi). Thomico's father was Sisowath Metheavy and his mother was Sisowath Jeanneatte. Thomico has no Yuon blood. Your guys need to stop badmouthing, you done enuf damage already.
Let's help to build the country shall WE?

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Tomato and honeymoon? These royal family members are crook and they don't deserve any royalty. I personally don't give a shit with Khmer Royal family. They're stupid family and don't care about their own people and lands. They care about their title and palace. When I hear someone admired these stupid family, I want to smack them. Royal my butt.

I respect who is the Khmer hero like Sam Rainsy who fight for Khmer people and her country. The rest of Khmer leaders like Ah Kwak Moin and CPP are all shit and dump shit. If I can spray with AK 47, I'll demolish them all from Cambodia earth. Don't let them live and their family too.

Anonymous said...

Believe me this stupid guy's gonna take over Keo Kim Yan post.

Anonymous said...

bong pa`oun jea thi srolanh robos knhom,

support our Khmer people whether the royal or the ordinary. Help fight our cause. Help us fight against the Vietnamese who are the main mass murder of Cambodia. Lets us come together. The king is also a human, he can only do so much.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:31 PM.

Boot Hun Sen out. This idiot running the show causing Cambodia to even poorer.

Anonymous said...

AH Kun Kim is a right hand for AH HUN SEN! By the way he is Viet by birth, AH HUN SEN and the Vietcong leaders in Hanoi can trust him 100% to get anything done in Cambodia include killing, kidnapping, and controlling over AH HUN SEN military faction!

AH KUN KIM is rarely seen in public because of all the secrecy in dealing with the Vietcong spies!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure royalties have no Viet blood ?

How do you get to know Bun Sam Heang personally?

Who involved Yuons in destroying Khmers all along? Not to speak of Cheychetha,Ang Chan,Ang Mei,Ang Eng line,but just the idiotic Sihanouk is plenty already.
Think about it,Yuons were Khmer land because of the idiot who let them in and destroy own people.

Anonymous said...

6:25 PM I am one of them who is with you,with out that retarded and bastard Seihaknouk youn not gonna be exist too much like to day,this king sold Cambodia to youn like on Nol said and Lon Nol was right look at Lon Nol what he did to Cambodia? Go back home in 72 hours or their stomach will be cut and filling with the grass, that call the hero
he didn't encroach any land and sold out like Seihaknouk. I hope Seihaknouk will be getting his neck hung up in 2008.
Thank the KRT who provide the justice to us

Anonymous said...

625 PM. Sam Bun Heang is Sino-Khmer and yes Khmer Royal family members have no Yuon blood. You are here to make arguments that you are a pure Khmer? I just happened to know and you don't.

759 PM. Get a life, will you?
You think you know about Lon Nol? Read Philip Short wrote his book for best seller about Pol Pot.

Anonymous said...

I suspected this 7:59PM was a former Khmer Rouge or at least he joined Khmer Rouge. Read the idiot writes. When he wrote about Lon Nol and Viet Cong he sure is dumb.

Philip Short wrote that Lon Nol, backed by the US was an incompetent leader and a huge numbers of Khmer Rouge that were recruited by the Viet Communist helped them to achieve power.

Within that helping the Khmer Rouge, Philip did not write clearly "Did Viet Communist leave Cambodia after that.."

Anonymous said...

Bong pa`oun jea thi srolanh robos knhom,

Work and discuss together with our heart and spirit. With united mind and strength. The time now is crucial. Help fight corruption. It's time for new government. The government that stands with people, by people and for people. Not the government by dictatorships. Let us fight for the taste of freedom. Together with the king, he will walk with us.

Whatever background of Khmer you are, help flourish the country. My grandmother, my mother is a Vietnamese. Don't think I am not supporting Khmer. I support freedom and justice for the Khmer people. For the blood that I have, I wish I never have it. But for the love I have for Khmer people, I am beside them. Most Vietnamese can be so cruel let me tell you. I don't know if it's our DNA.

Anonymous said...

Even we argue and fight over property and money among our Vietnamese relatives. I am sick of it. This mind set never change for many centuries. I urge Cambodian to be more aggressive. Not every human are kind like the Cambodian.

Anonymous said...

As Khmer,I wish Sihanouk or Hun Sen are not that stupid to take enemies advices over own people.
Both are prone to be cruel and ready in crushing own people hope.
Both are the sell out.

Anonymous said...

bong pa`oun jea thi srolanh,
Some of you should heavily criticized about the king, thhe king have never sold the land to crooks. The crooks illegally invaded our country. There were many attempts by Vietcong to kill our king because he witnessed the Vietnamese illegally land encroachment. The king never sold any bit of Khmer land. The king did helped the VC during Vietnam War.

Some of you mentioned about Lon Nol. I don't know him that well. But my mother said that Lon Nol last wife is a Vietnamese. My mother meet with her very often. That leaves me in great doubt about Lon Nol. Who to believe? Don't know...

Whatever the past is, let us fight for our freedom.

Anonymous said...

01:14AM Do not believe in your wife and your mom
in politic some time she has an affair behind your back also mom have debt behind yours,Lon Nol last wife she wasn't Viet like Monique EZ but she is Thaisan restaurant daughter so let gesture? if you wanted to fight like knee jerk go ahead ,I'm not joining your group because I born with my feet and not my knee ,and I do not wanted the world insult me one of stupid in your group,with out king or with the king37 years passed our khmer people can survive,I wanted to see people who has a gut kick Vietnamese people out of Cambodia in 72 Hours like what Lon Nol did,did you afraid of your grand parent or your related mamilies floating in the mekong river like 1970 again, I don't mind to give more comment like that,because Seihaknouk and Hun Sen still alive we are Cambodian still lose the land and our nation any way,may the souls all of the heroes come back and do some miracle happen like 72 hours curfew VIET GO HOME.

Anonymous said...

correction 3:58am Thaisan 'restaurant owner 's daughter

Anonymous said...

01:14AM You hate chicken then you ate chicken egg?
You hate Vietnam and you support Yiekcong friend.yieknam wife and Vietnam inviter to invade and do harm to Cambodia,in ma personal thinking you are the viet secret agent who taking benefit from Seihaknouk because the former king he just the opportunist he is gutless he is chicken so you like the taste of chicken,so if you are just only people who just know only dangerous to your self and the others no one invited you here ,you can come and you can go,this is the free debate not like feudalism and Hun Sen regime, please play smarter and learn from Israel they came from Holocaust country like us but they can take care their country better,because those Jews People they do not wear the king toilet paper on their head so do not include your king here ,that is the symbol of last Cambodia wipe out from the world map give me some people like Ransy or Lon Nol sound are better! oops!
Thank you for reading this comment

Anonymous said...

Please critisize who you want to do. But don't be racist. Racisism is a negative attitude and a sign of ignorance.
You can marry whoever you love.You must respect their freedom of choice and their origin.
Racism bring nothing good to yourself and our Country. Racist persons are very dangerous to their own Country.
I agree with what the friends above said. Please get rid of your bad prejudices and take a new look,
a new paradigm!

Anonymous said...

To 10:21AM

Any Khmer person who claimed or wants to point out that Khmer people are racist is a sign of ignorance too!

The Khmer Krom People had been living under the Vietcong oppression and nobody say anything about the Vietcong racist attitude!

Through out history Khmer empire make way to accommodate the Thai and the Viet with land and natural resources and now looks what happens to Khmer empire? Now there are million and million of Khmer people live under the Siam oppression and there are million and million more Khmer still live under the Viet oppression and how could any Khmer people want to talk about themselves as being a racist? This is unthinkable! Khmer is a victim of racism by the Thai and the Viet! It seem that the more ground the Khmer people gave to the Viet and the Thai and the more barbaric racist the Thai and the Viet become!

It is time for all Khmer people to stop giving more ground to the Viet and the Thai!

Majority of the Khmer people born to this world want respect, love, and freedom and so far Khmer are born to live in the Vietcong jail and to be killed by the Thaicong!

Don't blame the victim if you don’t understand your own Khmer history!

Anonymous said...

Read this xtreme DUMBO 3:58AM, 6;49 AM, 6:15AM, 11:07 AM. Get a life Sore looser.

1:14AM, don't mind this sore looser. I would accept anyone who loves their own Khmers even they mixed with cat or elephant but as long as they love our own Khmers and work for Khmer interest.

Don't let this psychopath with a lowest life bothers you. You know who you are, and you love your Khmers and protect your Khmers from Yuon then you get my support love and care.

These crazy people not only they are racist against Khmers like the mother of the King, they are in hell. Because Buddha helps her and punish them stinky racist.

Anonymous said...

This guy 3:58AM, 6;49 AM, 6:15AM, 11:07 AM is a real psychopath.
How many more lunatic like this around?

Anonymous said...

02;5oPM & 02;56 PM Finally you both show your true color that you both the profiteers ,the parasites hiding your selves in our society making Cambodia exhaust and use the king according to your comment
you are thinking pure Cambodian like me racist with youn of course I am loving that country ,is it something wrong that I just love the country that I was born?,you not happy fine you can go any where you please,Cambodian will be happy if you Viet
leaving Cambodia now they might quit or take a break from their job 6 months to celebrate ,because your Viet people just come to our country only pollute ,the water,soil and our people nothing are good thieves
we are not only racist again Viet we are will forcing them like 1970 to go back home also trouble causers you are just using the king and king mother of Cambodian just for your shield or your mask that it,now the king knows your nation well I heard he curse you crocodile also,please be advise from to day 9/23/2007 all the Viet prepare to leave home all Cambodian not appreciate what you have done to them and stop using that shield either not strong enough to hold your criminal tricky minded. Thanks you no more Yuon

Anonymous said...

TO 1045am
either Sihanouk or Sohamoni link search you will see Monique was Yuon born on June 18,1936 to a viet mother named Pomme Peang and a French mixed father,Izzi.She became one of Sihanouk consorts in 1952.

So you can figure out the rest.

Anonymous said...

Be clear

Anonymous said...

Vietnam loves to bribe to ignorant Cambodian puppet leaders, because they are so high in their head to have receiving one. For this guy, he is of PHD of Military Thief. He stole from the nation and even closed down a Phnom Penh City road for his private properties.

Anonymous said...

Vietnam loves to bribe to ignorant Cambodian puppet leaders, because they are so high in their head to have receiving one. For this guy, he is of PHD of Military Thief. He stole from the nation and even closed down a Phnom Penh City road for his private properties.

Anonymous said...

bong pa`oun jea thi srolanh,
As I was reading many comments posted here,

-I truely see the frustration and the crave for freedom from the Khmers. I see the Khmer came a long way in search for peace and freed from oppression from the Vietnamese and Thai.

-Cambodian people are NOT racist! Only the ignorance would say that. if we are, then there wouldn't be so many foreigners and inter marriage in a history.

Just to let you know, although my mother is a vietnamese, non of us like our back ground. My mother never speak about it. And we don't care or bother to talk. We hate it. Of course not of all of my mother's people(viet) are bad but in general they are too aggressive. I speak of my mother because she a viet but never in my life I claim myself as a viet(I don't want to be) non of my sisters and brother claim so.

I can see the frustration and the struggle by many Khmer which I understand very well. I am very upset to those said Khmer people are racist.

Anonymous said...

7:12 PM
can be WRITTEN and EDITED.
It was written by those who are jealous with a full of hate.
I don't by it, because I already knew the fact who started this fabrication the story, but this hate has been carried since she was chosen to be one of King Sihanouk's wife.

FYI we are Khmers just like you who claimed to be.
To my country I love I continue to help and to rebuild my country and free her from poverty and from the aggressive neighbors.

Anonymous said...

If you said so,I don't know how that site does their posts.
Elaborate what you do to rebuild country and free her from poverty?
It sounds like drumming in the wind.
No jealousy or hatred here but only pity for her soul as she ended up to be with an unscrupulous man who would do anything that moved included his own cousins.We knew she was not born Khmer either.
Sadly only dogs would do that.

Anonymous said...

Late Queen Kossamak cursed her out as yuon too.Do you know?

Anonymous said...

Queen mother Monineath is not Yuon but the jealous and hate has never stopped. The late Queen Kossamak hated Lok Srey Pom Peang too much and even called Pom Peang a whore.
Queen Kossamak herself was not even pure Khmer either. Trace her real ancestors if you want. There were many women brought to Khmer Royal court from Cham, Malay, T'ailand, China, may be from Annam.

You don't need to feel sorry for Queen Monineath soul, Buddha protects her. She born Khmer and will die as Khmer in her own beloved country, Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Talking about Buddha, I just know that our Khmer people are not real Buddhists. We are more than 1/2 evils. Something is so wrong in our country, and why some of our people keep going after this old woman almost 80 years old stoning her and calling her Yuon?
Something is wrong in this picture.
Why Buddha protects her from a commoner to be Queen? I happened to see her and talked to her during audience, she is not Yuon. What is wrong with my Khmers?

Anonymous said...

Kossamak was not Khmer that means Sihanouk is half Chi Hua Hua and Pit Bull right?

Anonymous said...

8;01 AM thanks you you got that, you are targeting to the red spot.8:01AM you are real khmer.

Anonymous said...

Oh com on ah samkiss 9;07 AM. How do you know 8;01 AM is real khmer?
Many ah Yiek Cong hate Sihanouk and wanted to skin him alive, but luckily he gets Kim Il boys guard him. Why are you too dumb huh? YOu made ah Yiek Cong laugh all the way with your incurable insanity.

Anonymous said...

Khmers went to so many war and, and during late century KHmers were killed during those war about 10 millions and left about 100,000. Most KHmer today migrated from another countries mainly from China. One Khmer King was Muslim and his wife was Malay. Khmer royal family members were already mixed many races. But that is not the point, the point is whoever loves Cambodia and serves Cambodia against ah Yuon thieves are Khmers.

Anonymous said...

late 12 century.

Anonymous said...

09:13AM go to get the life your mother fucker,you and your king not aCambodian if your king is a Cambodian he would stay and defend Cambodia ,you and your king have to go back to Peking and Soul where are your mother fucker came from, sto using that king shield to continious to kill my beloved Cambodian, adnd stop barking for the king he knows ho is Cambodian 's enemie only time he gonna call you mosters Seihaknouk user,or looser to court with him that all I can say,your Viet coconut shell we are all Cambodian do not need you mother fucker agressors and oppressors Viet anyway.

Anonymous said...

Look like some body cannot make sense out of her or his mind stared to curse. 10:20AM. If you cannot convince people, then you know you are no good. Cursing people because you cannot make sense, you know you are rotten like a rotten cheese?

Anonymous said...

Oop Viet knows how to eat cheese too? I thought they like only dog and cat meat and morning grow now they like cheese, sorry in Cambodia we have only our home made mud fish and fish sauce ,would you learn how to eat that instead some time ,people when they do not want to drink sweet wine we got to change them some bitter wine is it 11;20AM need some of those? please

Anonymous said...

Ph.D from one of prestigious VN military schools. it is good obly when the candidate know and qualify how to use the degree.


Anonymous said...

2:50 PM. Do you have some intelliegence to debate instead of this lowest remark?

So who is Viet? You don't just promptly reply and accuse people behind the computer who or who. That is stupid. Because you only make a completely fool of yourself.

I don't know who are these posters or you, and I don't guess who is yuon or who is Chinese or dog or cat. I just replied to anonymous poster; and anonymous means "unknown poster", why do you drag it to Viet, etc.?

Anonymous said...

8;17 PM. When the Vietnamese Communist keep giving those PhD to the idiots like Hun Sen, Heng Sam Rin,.. it becomes useless PhD; it becomes a Push Harder and Deeper.

Anonymous said...

Hey you can know Youn by the way he express and mean! are you that stupid like the man who can not read but got PHD from the fucking Viet Univercity?

The Viet win the war from the USA, read and think more? But you son of Nurmam PHD do not know how to think any way you just obey your fucking youn master!

Anonymous said...

khun khim not even accept as camarad soldier by CCP 's fighters!

Anonymous said...

Dig into the past...
how about now? The KR trial?
Why don't we all help supporting documents and write letters to mass media? It's a great chance. Almost all Cambodian who the real truth behind the killing field, the Vietnamese. We have ancients map,documents from the french, china even from Vietnam. Gather them and be ready for the day. It's coming... guys. Lets go even one letter means something.

Anonymous said...

Dogtor Kun Kim

Anonymous said...

Pok a lop heng, comment lop lop Ort Deng ey man. Pok a Chou ma sek. Because of who that making u fucking alive today, Dame

Anonymous said...

In a country where the society is corrupt since the young age, how can we expect that there will not be corruption within a country? Even the leading country in the world is still corrupt, to a stage where that people are ignorance to even think it is corruption. A true analysis of each country base is the same; just a spark of false information will make a weak country such as Cambodia into a state where people are confused and obsess with continuing with false knowledge. Listening to the opposition party on the controlling party, we can expect that there will always be false information that are widespread to the media such as the most mainstream one "Facebook" where every user has turn away from being barely able to pass high school, in Cambodia, to be a fully qualify judge where the user judge on everything.