Saturday, September 22, 2007

Opposition party accuses the NEC of collusion with the ruling party

During a press conference held on 20 September 2007, Mrs. Mu Sochua, Deputy Secretary General of SRP, reported irregularities on the voters list cleaning. On that sam day, she also filed a complaint at the Srah Chork Commune Office for listing her name on NEC's Form 10/25, marking her to be deleted from the official voter register for the false reason that she moved away from her commune (Photo: SRP)

20 September 2007
Mondul Keo
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The opposition party is accusing the National Election Committee (NEC) of intentionally helping the ruling party by inculding the names of people not belonging to the CPP in Form 1025 for removal from the voting list in the upcoming 2008 election.

During a press conference held on 20 September 2007, the deputy Secretary-general of the Sam Rainsy party, Mrs. Mu Sochua, accuses the NEC of intentionally helping the ruling party by including the names several thousands of SRP supporters in Form 1025 for removal from the voting list.

Mrs. Mu Scohua said: “Up until now, we observe that the NEC is intentionally organizing something for 2008. So where does the path to the 2008 election will lead to? It will lead to the victory planned in advance for the ruling the party.”

As an example to this collusion, Mrs. Mu Sochua shows her name being listed in Form 1025. She lives in Village No. 15, Srah Chak commune, Daun Penh district, Phnom Penh city, she said that the village chief, who happens to be a member of the ruling party, intentionally removed her name out of the voting list.

In response to this accusation, Hu Chanry, the chief of Village No. 15, explained that during the census, he did not see Mrs. Mu Sochua at home, so he thought that she may have moved, and (on his own doing,) he decided to place her name on Form 1025 (to be removed from the voting list), so she can come to protest, because he does not know who Mrs. Mu Sochua was.

Hu Chanry said: “I walked back and forth in this village every day, I never saw (her), and when I asked, there was no such name. I did not want to violate the law, it’s only that I am new here, and when I did the census, I did not see the person with that name in the village.”

Tep Nytha, NEC secretary-general, said that this lacking was done unintentionally by the authority, and that up to now, the NEC did not remove anybody’s name from the voting list yet.

Tep Nytha: “Therefore, to avoid this issue, the NEC requires that the list should be posted at the commune office, and this posting was done starting 02 August, and people can protest up until 10 October 2007. This is the legal mean that we pay attention to, and up to now, we did not remove anybody’s name yet. We are including their names on the list so they can protest.”

Nevertheless, Mar Sophal, director of investigation branch of Comfrel, said: “We found out that this involves members from all parties, from the CPP and from non ruling parties. Another set of problems are the technical mistakes which are the cause of the names removal.”

During each election, the opposition party accuses the NEC of siding with the ruling the party, whereas the NEC always reject these accusations, saying that they are exaggerations.


Anonymous said...

The reason AH Hu Chanry don't know a damn thing because he is too busy walking around and not doing his work! This mother fucker needs to stop fucking around and start doing his job!

Mrs. Mu Sochua doesn’t have time for this fucken low life bastard because she is busy at work! From now on this fucken bastard need to understand that when something that he can't see with his naked eye and he can't make conclusion that it didn't exist! For example, If this mother fucker is looking at his hand and he see only his hand but if this mother fucker put his hand under a high power microscope he would see billion and billion of germs living on his hand!

This should be a good lesson for this stupid bastard!

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt that the NEC is controlled by the CPP, pure and simple. Therefore, all democratic forces must join hands to expose the ugly face of the NEC to the general public and the international community.

We must remain vigilant at all times and watch every move the NEC makes to ensure that they don't get away with murder. The NEC makes every provision, which they deny to other political parties, for the CPP needs.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. If you have a house, and you are away working, you get remove from the voting list? There's no excuse there. A house is there, and someone owns it. This is plain monkey shit. That village chief needs to be skinned and branded with honey, then placed in a bear's cage.

The CPP will cheat, lies, steal, kill, and whatever possible to win an election. This dictatorship party will cheat the people over and over. International observer take note. The CPP cheats and kills to win election.

Anonymous said...

Well done SRP!

One day all these hard works paid off,and real democracy get understood and recorgnised nationally and internationally.
Thank you for big effort,hopefully anti corruption commision,human rights and our king will supportthese works as part of his duties to cambodians.

Khmer Soth

Anonymous said...

Well done SRP!

One day all these hard works paid off,and real democracy get understood and recorgnised nationally and internationally.
Thank you for big effort,hopefully anti corruption commision,human rights and our king will supportthese works as part of his duties to cambodians.

Khmer Soth

Anonymous said...

It is illogical exuse. This is the way Ah CPP members act.

Anonymous said...

NEC is an Indispensable CPP's Infernal Machine for cheating the vote, run by professional and hypocrital thieves.It must be physically destroyed from this Earth.

Anonymous said...

Losers always whining.

Anonymous said...

Cheaters always gloating!