Monday, September 24, 2007

Son Soubert: Cambodia has 1 reigning King, 1 retired King with the status of a King, 1 Queen of the retired King ... and 1 confusing constitution

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Recently because of an obscure and anonymous organization which did not have the courage to state their points of view openly and seems to work for foreign interests to the detriment of the National interests of Cambodia, raised confusingly the question of the "so-called" immunity of the King Father. It is a pity that serious organizations like the UN or the Hong-Kong based ASEAN Human Rights organization fell into this comedy without sound consideration and discernment.

In the Chapter 2 of the 1993 Cambodian Constitution on the Monarchy, there is no mention of immunity as it is conceived for the People's Representatives or the Members of the National Assembly as stipulated in the Chapter 7, Article 8 of the same Supreme Law. As a Head of State, either the King or the President of the Republic is an inviolable (Chapter 2, Article 7), since He or She is the personification of the State or Nation that is untouchable. Any critic or insult to this Function and by extension to His/Her Person is a matter of Lese-Majesty in the case of the King. Another privilege of the King is that His Message to the Senate or to the National Assembly cannot be debated (Article 18 New). There is no mention of immunity that can be lifted. The status of inviolability of the King is also extended to the King Father and the Queen Mother, since the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia unanimously adopted a law bestowing on Them the titles of Father and Mother of the Nation. Although He is retired, the King Father still retains the status of a King whose Person is inviolable, that is why in the public offices and places, we can see the Portrait of the King Father and/or of the Queen Mother hung with that of the reigning King...

The Parliamentarian immunity is well defined in the Constitution, in the Rule of Procedure of the National Assembly and in the interpretation of the Constitutional Council, to elaborate once again on this, except the notion that this immunity is confined to the mandate of the members of the National Assembly in the exercise of their function and could be lifted in case of flagrant criminal offenses. This is completely opposite to the concept of inviolability of the Person of the King.

Phnom Penh, 07 September 2007
(Singed) SON Soubert
President of the Permanent Committee


Anonymous said...

There goes HRP Vice President,Son Soubert.Like father like son,it's hereditary confusion.

Why Soubert uses his Father name,as a frontal shadow organization, to wield that rusty sword instead of HRP or the Counstitutional Council role?

3 million deads will Vote for Soubert in 2008.

Anonymous said...

"It is a pity that serious organizations like the UN or the Hong-Kong based ASEAN Human Rights organization fell into this comedy without sound consideration and discernment."

Yeah, and don't forget the stinky and smelly barbaric New York Based Human Right group also. They are just a bunch of fake. I got no idea who died and gave them the authority on Human Right.

Anonymous said...

I am used to respect his father Seun Saan but now sound like Mr. Seun Sobert getting paranoid ,#1 comment I agree with you that this guy will get the gosh 's ballet in 2008

Anonymous said...

Son Soubert & his late father Son Sann are Clown-Monkeys of the Royalists.

The both had cheated & abandenced Khmer=People who fought for Cambodia & its Freedom.
Father & Son had left them all at the Thai border...not a hundred but
thousand & thousand and more who are still suffering today.

Today only a small bunch of ex KPLNF Monkeys are enjoying their priviledge lives in Nom Benh as the real prop of Yuon=Hanoi.

Shame on you all Son Soubert,Ieng Moly,Kiet Sokun,Kem Sokha who are
real Sva Pahee of Sihanouk & Youn Hanoi.Enjoying while you still have time on the suffering of Khmer-People.

They are called by CPP :" The losers & Opportunists "


Anonymous said...

Son Soubert has good potential. He's such a true-blue Khmer, and he'll go far in Cambodia with his courages.

Now, if he can just spit in that UN guy's (Ghai) eyes next time he (Ghai) bashes the Khmer's government, he'll get my vote 100%. I guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

BTW, talking about the Hong Kong based Human Right craps, there is a guy in here by the name Dr Lao. I saw his article below where he accused our government of controlling the ECCC by threatening to kick them out of srok khmer. I found that to be very funny. I recommend that Dr Lao should change his career to a comedian instead. He probably make more money doing it too. Furthermore, I bet Dr. Loa will be more satifying with the Lon Nol's Government than Hun Sen's. And I bet he was very happy to see Lon Nol couped the Ex-King at that time. I supposed he think that the Lon Nol's government doesn't control its justice department or someting (?) What is an idiot?

Anyhow, as for the justice system, there has to be a mean to control them. If the justice system don't follow our law or don't do their job, we'll get replacement and that is universal. There is no such thing as a 100% independent justice system. However, hypothetically, what if we were to have a 100% independent justice system as suggested or implied by Dr. Lao? then we'll all be at high risk. I mean what if we have a wild idiot running the justice system? What then? Do you see what I am getting at?

Anonymous said...

I wish Son Soubert the best. This man has sacrificed his life to help his country.
He says and he acts.

Anonymous said...

Hi 9:08 PM. I am not Dr. Lao's supporter, but his degree was from a real school not from Vietnam that Hun Sen got it called Push Harder and Deeper.

As a matter of fact I criticized Dr. Lao a lot for his idocy. When he goes after only King Sihanouk not the Viet Cong.

The KRT in Cambodia seems to go after 60 Millions USD, is it?

Anonymous said...

Sorry 9:57, I don't know what you mean by real and fake degree, but one thing I know for sure is that Vietnam don't win wars with fake educations degree. Do you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

908pm....."Anyhow, as for the justice system, there has to be a mean to control them. If the justice system don't follow our law or don't do their job, we'll get replacement and that is universal. .."

Comrade 908pm, thank you for reminding those unworthy Khmers that we still are their boss.

Our new and improved Khmer Rouge party will set the laws to control those Khmers from questioning our actions.

We control their worthless, fucking lives from the day they are born. They should thank us for these hard tasks and stop demanding these human right, justice or dignity craps.

Long live the communist party...
Long live China
Long live Vietnam

Anonymous said...

10:31 how you know for sure that Viet not win the war by faked education?

Any thing from Vietname is faked or poisonous!

Mark my word sucker!

Anonymous said...

The joke is on you and your cohorts Mr. Son Soubert! The moment you run into trouble with Ta Sen, guest who you ask for help?

Anonymous said...

It is sad that khmers allowed in 1993 clowns to write a constitution as such. Sounded like the whole constitution is for protecting those in power irrespective of crime. The constitution must change. The person should be hold responsible and liable for his acts. No one should be above the law.

Royalist, you expoit the people sweat and blodd and still you want to screw them too. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Some of our beloved Khmers here do not agree with my ideas, that is OK, because I am only the rice farmer's son, but I would like every true patriot’s Khmer who lives around the world to carve my words onto their hearts and remember them for ever. At the end of the day you all will see whether the rice farmer's son (have never been a Khmer Rouge or Khmer Rouge supporter, and never have been a YUON’s slave)words are full of meaning or just useless hated sentences.

May almighty God and America, Canada, Finland, Australia, EU, UN, NATO help to rescue our beloved country Cambodia from YUON'S(Vietnam, Vietcong, Vietminh)occupation and China's communist influences.

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.


(the rice farmer's son)

Anonymous said...

That sound like Shihanouk my friend (Kulen Monorom). let just ask UN to help us reforme the police and the army and let secure us a free and fair election for two or three time!

They should know that we are back from hell and stay at the hell door!

Give us what you wrote in PARIS AGREEMENT, please!

Anonymous said...

There is really a problem in Cambodia. People have difficulty to see diffrences wrong/right and black/white.
Sihanouk pushed cambodians to hell by killing 3 millions people and several khmers still say he is a hero.
Every khmer leader can do anything they want such as selling country lands to vietnam or killing innocents people, no one can judge them.
Oh Khmers, the country is really in danger.

Anonymous said...

"10:31 how you know for sure that Viet not win the war by faked education? "

What is a STUPID question?

Snap out of it, 11:01! Have you ever heard of uneducated phnong win war anywhere on this planet?

And just because Vietnamese's Education system is different from yours, it does not meant that they are not educated. Furthermore, if you want to know why we lost lives and lands to Vietnam in the past, you need not to go further than your stupid assumption here; get it?

Anonymous said...

10:31 PM, you're a yuons i guess.
or maybe, you have been brainwash by yuons.
Maybe Yuons are educated, and they don't want cambodians to be educated.
They give fake diploma. Look at men sam orn (ministry of parliament), she have received a master degree. And everybody know that She didn't finish the second grade in Cambodia.
It's Yuons way, they allow cambodians open schools and then they don't pay the teachers. Same things happen in the 80s. So if teachers can't feed their stomach, then they don't have energy to teach.
Ieng Moly is treator. Please don't treat the son of Son Sann same level as Ieng Moly (he is a CPP).
I am just asking that they will do the democratic coalition soon. (fun, srp...hrp....etc)

Anonymous said...

"10:31 PM, you're a yuons i guess. ..."

Stop that! I mean stop teasing me, 7:27. Do you know how much I wanted to be Yuon? To tell you the truth, sometime I resented God for not making me Yuon by birth.

Aside from that, what is fake education and what is real education is all in your head, dude. People who watch too much hollywood and Western Television tend to thing that Westerner Education is real and Easterner Education is fake. Moreover, they also think the SRP is good and the CPP is bad, but we all know that that is not the truth. Things just don't work that way. When you drop an object from your hand, it will fall to the ground, not float up into space; get it?

Anonymous said...

Before UNTAC came to Cambodia,Yuon-Hanoi had trained them(CPP)...How to sign in a special shool.It was ex Yukunthor High School.

A lot of CPP had received PHD from Yuon-Hanoi's Sala Chhor-Tean.

Anonymous said...

That certainly sounds much better than to waste time and money in Berkley, Yale, ..., or Harvard. Many people graduated from there only get their degree because the school required to meet their quotas or be shut down. Furthermore, they also look like retards because all they do is bullshit and preaching Hollywood junks.

Anonymous said...

If yuon's education is so good, why did Hun Sen send his son to America and England to study?

Anonymous said...

Hey, what do you expect from a young fool now days?

Anyhow, there are more khmer study in Vietnam (the winner) than anywhere else, and that is all we care about.

We don't care about a few who study in Dubai, France, ..., or UK. They just have been brainwashed like anyone else. Get it?

Anonymous said...

fuck you all.amen

Anonymous said...

son sann was top viet agent from the very beginning!

Anonymous said...

Oh good, and thank God, he's not CIA!