Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thai investors' view on Cambodia: the [Cambodian] people are not as hard-working or inquisitive as the Vietnamese

A closer look at Vietnam

Among the Asean countries in which Thais put their money, Vietnam seems to be offering the best value

Saturday September 22, 2007
Bangkok Post

This is the second of a two-part series on why Vietnam has emerged so rapidly as an important investment destination and how Thailand and its investors should adjust to the new environment.

Thai investors seeking to invest abroad are usually looking at countries within the 10-member Asean as they have more common grounds than differences.

Their proximity and the familiar way of dealing with people, governments and related agencies have helped keep Thai investors glued to their Asean neighbours.

Furthermore, the lower transport and logistics costs and potential gains from the Asean Free Trade Area (Afta) play a key role in their considerations. Under the Afta, goods and services are taxed between zero and 5% and the tariffs are set to be fully liberalised over the next two years.

Apart from Asean, there is also a huge interest in countries such as China, mainly due to the abundance of labour, the large domestic market and the low cost of production. But the market has become very competitive in nature.

Facts about Asean There are some points of consideration when investing in Asean:

- We would not invest in countries such as Malaysia and Singapore because the labour costs are higher than in Thailand.

- Laos has a population of 6.5 million, while Ho Chi Minh City alone has more than 8.5 million people.

- Burma is a closed country with no political or currency stability.

- Cambodia has a small population but the people are not as hard-working or inquisitive as the Vietnamese.

- The Philippines is too far. Its political situation is not very stable. It also is prone to a lot of natural disasters.

- Indonesia, among all the Asean countries, is the only country in which Thai entrepreneurs could invest. Its population is about 250 million. It has a low labour cost, but also has a lot of crime and ethnic conflicts, especially with the Chinese community.

The country also has lots of religious problems and terrorist threats, and the government's stability is also not very good. But if you cater to the domestic market, or need to use local content, then this is where you should pour the money in.

Indonesia is also abundant in its natural resources such as seafood, mineral ores and coal.

China vs Vietnam When it comes to China and Vietnam, the following comparison could be helpful for those wondering which offers the better value and greater return.

From the information available to me in my dealings with customers, especially investors from Taiwan, here are some of the key differences between the two countries:

- Labour costs: The costs of labour are about the same but China's cost structure is on the upward trend, while in Vietnam, the cost rises only once every few years. For example, over the past 10 years, wages rose only once in April this year from $35-45 a month to the current level of $45 to $55.

- Incentives: As for privileges offered for raw materials imported for production, Vietnam gives a tax break of nine months while China collects 17% when goods are imported and returns 9% when the products are exported.

The remaining 8% is returned in the future, but in reality the funds are asked to be donated to local organisations that are underprivileged and it is difficult to say no; therefore, doing business in China ends up being more expensive.

- Currency value: The Vietnamese dong has had a tendency to depreciate and over the past four years it has weakened by 1% annually. The yuan, on the other hand, has been appreciating against the US dollar and Beijing is under intense pressure from the United States and European countries to float its currency.

- Dumping problems: China faces various anti-dumping measures from countries such as the United States and the European Union but Vietnam sees its products welcomed, especially by European countries.

This has caused a lot of companies in China, such as furniture and candle producers, to close shop and move to Vietnam.

- Tax rates: The tax rates in both countries also make a difference. As a member of the 10-member Asean, Vietnam has the advantages that China does not have. Import and export taxes are therefore lower and transport and logistics are more convenient and cheaper as it is closet to Thailand.

- Policies: The policies of the central and provincial governments are in line with each other in Vietnam, but in China this is not always the case. In one case, the court in Beijing allowed Thai businessmen to invest in Shenzhen but the local administration in the province blocked the move, citing local laws.

- Preferred businesses: Vietnam welcomes large corporations, as well as small and medium-sized investors, whereas in China the red carpet is laid out primarily for large multinationals with deep pockets and good connections.

Apart from these advantages, Vietnam has lots of natural resources such as seafood, ores, crude oil and natural gas. It also exports farm products in large volumes such as rice (second-largest in the world), coffee (second after Brazil), cashew nuts (second to India), pepper (world's largest), frozen food (sixth largest in the world), and tea leaves (seventh largest).

These strengths, coupled with the highly efficient workforce in Vietnam, have help attract some of the labour-intensive industries out of the various countries in this region.

Another area that could be of interest to Thai investors is the tourism industry, an inherent strength of the Thai people, as tourism continues to show tremendous growth in Vietnam.

Vietnam has more than 3,260 kilometres of beachfront and has beautiful beaches such as Na Trang, Phan Thiet, as well as the world heritage site Halong Bay.

Other areas that Thai investors could look to tap into are the automobile industry.

Although right now car sales in Vietnam are not very high, they are increasing every year and the area that is really booming is the motorcycle market.

Currently, there are 20 million motorcycles in Vietnam and the number is increasing by two million a year. Thai entrepreneurs can look to tap this growing market by supplying parts and accessories, exporting or building clusters of factories.

Wittaya Supatanakul is Bangkok Bank Plc's adviser on Vietnam. He was the general manager for Bangkok Bank's Ho Chi Minh City branch before becoming the adviser on the bank's Vietnam strategy.


Anonymous said...

Thats alrite, we dont want their business and companies in Cambodia anyways, but for some reason they just keep popping up everywhere. Ironic isnt it? When Cambodia is a satellite country of Vietnam, who needs to work harder for leeching the life outta everyone?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry "Siam", we have not started with you yet!

We are going to do business with you "Siam" at the international!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the Siam. When Hun Sen falls from the power, Cambodia will prosper and we don't need your goods. We will build the road to Preah Vihear Tewmple and then no need to have the border pass from your land to Preah Vihear Temple. I promiss to work hard to reach this goal and all Khmers will follow this way!

Anonymous said...

Its rediculous!!!!! How smart the are siam? LOok........They have been peace forever, but they economic is far behind Malaysia, S.Korea....and many pther countries....They might have built their country as strong as Europe ...if they are truly smart.

YOu know these people can grow up only if they have something to learn from us...

Anonymous said...

The fucken Thaicong will always find every opportunity to look down on Cambodian people in anyway they can! If the fucken Thaicong government want to know how Cambodian people are not “as hard-working or inquisitive as the Vietnamese” and they need to interview those dirt poor Cambodian migrants currently working in Thailane such in fishing, construction, farming and doing all kinds of odd jobs in Thailane just to escape AH HUN SEN crushing poverty! And how many times did these Cambodian migrant begging AH HUN SEN government to rescue them from Thailane to escape slave working condition? Many of these Cambodian migrant don't even get pay for their hard work by the Thaicong boss and many of them had been tricked, drugged and forced by their Thaicong boss to work harder and eventually cost their life! There is countless horror stories about the abused on Cambodian migrant workers that the Thaicong government wish not to talk about because they know that these Cambodian migrant workers were treated like animal!

I like to see the Thaicong government write a manual for Cambodian people how to work the Thaicong way! Ahahhahah!

I am glad that the Thaicong invest their money somewhere else! Let see if the Thaicong have any luck in Vietname!

Cambodia needs to move beyond the Thaicong and the Vietcong know how!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Thai and Viet, the 2 biggest robbers in the world are working together. Thais will have to speak and write vietnamese , HaHaHa!!
But we don't care because we don't need them. The only thing we need is the stability of politic, law, justice and then, foreigners from all over the world (including khmers overseas) will come to Cambodia : everybody will be able to find a job.

Anonymous said...

Such sweet word of Siam, but mean pretty horrible...why they are so negative with Khmer..?

They had taked almost eveything, land, culture, temple from the past and now still wanna to do it.

Are they the normal humanity? who believe in Buddha? Or they just act to hide the worse thing at back.

I hope they can find educated people who would understand what is community, what is humanity!!!

Anonymous said...

"the talk do the talk and let the bullshit walk" come on Cambodian people,this is a chest game here.let be smarter than them this time, they know better that the vietcong have a larger number than us!that's why they're going to kiss ass the vc.what we're need to learn from our mistake is that don't get too excited.what we need to learn is a good knowlegd and understanding the thier game plan.we're need to be better than them not domb with them.we're need the world on our side to keep us strong and united.remember we are the people too.

Anonymous said...

another Khmers are dumb MF!

Anonymous said...

I agree with one of th previous poster. For a country that's essentially at peace forever, they still lack behind maylasia, singapore, South Korea. Even after all these years, a military can still take over an elected official.

Don't talk about who's smarter, Siam. Your Thai products are inferier. I have to send American made products to relatives in Cambodia, because Thai toothpaste was hurting their gum line.

Anonymous said...

Dear brothers and sisters...The vietrouges in Cambodia are laughing when they learned about thai investment going to vietnam,that is their goals.
thai do not know vietcongs tricks like Cambodians,Americans,Chinese and Laos do.

Anonymous said...

Well, you guys are really riled up about this comment that Khmer are not as hard-working or inquisitive. I must say there is some truth to it, and many Khmer business owners in Cambodia, mind you, not in the U. S., will confirm this fact.

However, I did own a business in Cambodia and must also say I personally always had hard-working Khmer people, though they rarely showed any self-initiative, if you know what I mean.

That article just described the general, overall situation. It has nothing to do with national pride. And it doesn't help vilifying the Thais, the Vietnamese, or any other neighboring country or people.

But, the question also is, where would an investor rather go? To a communist country with a lot of corruption or to a more or less free country run by a virtual dictator and a lot corruption?

Unfortunately, most of the posts here come from overseas Khmer who have no idea what life is really like in Cambodia (or in Vietnam for that matter). They just kick back in their homes in L. B. or Houston and think they know what life is like in Cambodia these days just because they spent two weeks or a month in 10 years back in their own country.

I know I will be called all kinds of names for this. But those people show their true color then, and only prove me right.

Anonymous said...

To analyze this Thai logic, Hun Sen built an infrastructure such as roads to link between nations for these countries to transport their goods between their countries. Cambodia gets nothing for that. They use Cambodia road to transport their goods and they don't invest in Cambodia. That's why some stupid people still think Hun Sen is a great leaders. To me he is a shit and dumb man who is in power almost 30 years and destroy Cambodia only.

Anonymous said...





KHMER2LOVE said...

Thai have their own right to decide where they want to invest. We should not worry if you worry mean that you love them.

What we should focus is how to improve QUALITY of life and job in Cambodia. I'm sure khmer working hard if look back to our ancescer's genes.

One more thing, I don't like workers to be under one POLITICAL leader, which creats unpleasant We have to be fair with investors. If we can not show this problem, I am sure we will loss interest from invester.

Mates! STOP bullshit racism. We should welcome all of them if we want to improve our economic. Cambodia can not work alone to build our economic.

Anonymous said...

To 7:21PM!

Are you talking about excitement? I haven't started yet! Ahahhaha

Anonymous said...

Cambodia for Cambodians. Cambodians should create businesses not foreigners. We should use Foreign Business to jump start Cambodia's Economy, but from there when the jobs and work force is stable, the economy should be in the hands of the Cambodian farmer and citizens.

Anonymous said...

To 2:32AM!

Nobody bullshit racism here! I am speaking the truth! You can’t stand the truth?

Gee! AH HUN SEN has over 30 years to improve "QUALITY of life and job in Cambodia" but he chose not to do it! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to attract foreign investors but AH HUN SEN chose specifically only the Chinese and Korean, and Vietcong and the Thaicong investors to control Cambodian economy!

I don't know how many time Cambodian people have to remind AH HUN SEN Vietcong puppet dictator that he must pass ANTI-CORRUPTION LAW if Cambodia wants to attract more foreign investors!

Cambodia have the right to deny any foreign investors including the Vietcong and the Thaicong who want to destroy Cambodia for quick profit and don't you ever forget that when these investors leave Cambodia and it is the Cambodian people who are staying behind to pick up the pieces!

Cambodia needs to move beyond the Thaicong and the Vietcong know how because I had seen enough over the past 30 years in dealing with the Thaicong and the Vietcong and Cambodia is going nowhere!

Anonymous said...

We have to be very careful for the future : the left side is a military dictatorship and in the right side is a communist dictatorship. Both want to eat cambodia. As you know, international help will come when there is millions of victims and there are also many problems in others country such as Iran or Syria. So we have to work hard together to protect the country.

Anonymous said...

I do agree that we should keep our heads cool. In the chess games, hot-heads 99% of the times loose the game. Our country is desperately need international help in various ways. We must demonstrated to them that we can be civilize and prosperous as others nations; just bears with us. Every ethnic has opinion, that is their right. This is just comment from a sinlge individual. Let's us laugh at it, and by the way laughting will help extend our life anyway.

11:16PM since you are an expert in Srok Khmer, please don't forget to enlight us living abroad. We need you bro.

Anonymous said...

Thai talks like thai poop... Nothing news to us. Thai are in still in debth to WB and IMF and Asian Delveopment Bank. So how much can Thai invest in other countries anyway?

Anonymous said...

To 11:16PM
I am not agree with you because worker's rights most be respected. Look around you: prosperous countries are taking care their workers lives by respecting their rights. According to the Thai, we have to work like a machine as in China and Vietnam. But now we can see there are more and more immigrants from China and Vietnam in Europe and US because it is impossible to live in their own country.

Anonymous said...

To 4:55 and 7:10
Thank you for keeping things neutral.
Yes, workers' rights need to be protected and respected. Nobody should be required to work like a machine, which is the same as working like a slave.
And there is a slight difference in wanting to immigrate to the U. S. and Europe and being able to immigrate there. China has a population of 1.4 billion people, the vast majority of them still poor. They have a long history of looking for a better life on far away shores. Last I heard, Vietnamese people are not allowed to emigrate, this still being a strict Communist police state.

No country can live in isolation in these times, especially not a small country like Cambodia. Cambodia does need the help from foreigners, either through foreign aid (which still accounts for more than half of the national budget)or through investment by foreigners. The country was in a shambles in 1988/9 when it slowly opened up. There was no more help from the Communist countries, as they had ceased to exist, except China and Vietnam, and they were busy with their problems.
Who were the first to invest in hotels and buildings at that time? It was Thai business people. Now the picture has changed dramatically as there are many investors from South Korea, China, Singapore, and Thailand, along with other Asian and Barang countries. Cambodia on its own cannot create enough internal, broadly distributed wealth quickly. The Khmer wealth you have now is in the hands of a few, and they don't appear to have the country's interest as a whole at their heart. So it is left to foreigners to create a basis from which to build the future prosperity.
But nevertheless, in today's world there is no going it alone, so all you people who are so paranoid about the Thai and Vietnamese domination of the region will have to realize that they do exist and will continue to do better than Cambodia in the short run simply because of their larger size. (By the way, there are plenty of rich people in Thailand, against which the new Khmer rich would pale.)It does not help to be envious and jealous of those countries, notwithstanding the long historical animosity among the three countries. Khmer people need to clean up their own house before they go out beating up on their neighbors, whether or not these are dictatorships. After all, Cambodia itself is a virtual dictatorship too. And again, there is absolutely no danger that any of these countries will eat up Cambodia, as nobody would tolerate such actions, least of all Japan, France,or the U.S. They might claim a little land here or there, but that's the extent of it. As long as Cambodia has a foolish government that signs silly border agreements nothing will change.

So all you aneke choun Khmer, if you're not happy with the things Hun Sen does, go back and fight him and his cronies. Don't just keep calling him Ah Hun Sen, do something. Stop kicking back in your TV lounger with a beer in your hand. Become active.

Anonymous said...

There are some truth to the comment about Cambodians but that does not mean that arrogant, uncivilized Thai had to pick out Cambodia. If you have some knowledge that Cambodia was in the prolong war with the oppression from their incompetent government you might understand better. Last but not least, your Thai own companies are exploiting innocent Cambodians with dirt cheap salaries. And of course you didn't write the mistreatment the Siamese companies did to their Cambodian workers. Have some thought and justice Asshole! you are very well deserved it.

Anonymous said...

To 10:35PM

You are such a fool to carefully choose your words and your selective memories! The fucken Thaicong government did business with Cambodia way before 1988 and 1989! In fact, the Thaicong government was doing business with the Khmer Rouge along Thai-Cambodian border especially in Pailin! Pailin was robbed of every diamond, gems, and ruby and the Thaicong turns Pailin landscape into a moonscape otherwise Pailin would have been one of Cambodian most beautiful place as tourist destination! The fucken Thaicong took advantage of dirt poor Cambodian people during the 10 years of Vietcong occupation of Cambodia and they still do under AH HUN SEN dictatorship.

Do you think Cambodian people afraid of AH HUN SEN dictatorship? You are wrong fool! There are hundred and even thousand of Cambodian people died fighting AH HUN SEN since 1980! If AH HUN SEN stand all by himself and he would be out of power by now but the fucken problem is China and the Vietcong were behind AH HUN SEN and supporting him!

I could never understand how you can justify the Thaicong and the Vietcong have done on Cambodia is harmless!

Through out history, Cambodia always want to remain as neutral country to stay out of conflict but it is the neutrality that make Cambodia stand all alone in the world which allowed the Thaicong and the Vietcong to challenge Cambodia for domination!

From now on! Cambodia must not adopt any neutrality as a way to stay out of conflict because Cambodia had neutrality before and it never offer any peace and stability for Cambodia and Cambodian people only war and destruction and more destruction!

Cambodia needs allies to take on the Thaicong and the Vietcong in the future! Fuck neutrality! The neutrality can be compared to person who couldn't make up his mind which way to go when crossing the road and he chose to stand in the middle of the road and when a big truck comes and it runs over his stupid ass!

Who said Cambodia want to go alone in this dangerous world? It is you stupid fool who said it! Not me!

Anonymous said...

To 10:06
Listen I am not defending the Thai people in all their actions. But instead of blaming foreigners for the problems you have with each other you should remember it always takes two to do a business deal. The Thais wouldn't have been able to come to Cambodia if there hadn't been Khmer to do business with them, e. g. the Khmer Rouge in Pailin, etc. You see, most of Cambodia's modern problems are home-made. And it really doesn't help to insult me. It only shows your real character.

To 2:54
I am not justifying anybody here just describing what reality is. And again, Khmer problems are home-made, starting with Sihanouk, Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge, Heng Samrin, and ending with Hun Sen. If the Khmer were in the Thais' shoes they would swoop down on Thailand in a heartbeat and act there the way the Thais are acting now in Cambodia.

Now who would Cambodia ally with? That's an interesting question. Who is there to topple the Hun Sen regime? Nobody, nobody, nobody. Now who has seriously fought the regime since 1980? Only the Khmer Rouge alliance with Funcinpec. Now who's Funcinpec in bed with these days?

Fighting is not the way to solve these problems. Look at the Philippines. They had a peaceful revolution against Marcos. So it will be time, non-violence, and patience to bring about change.

Many of you guys' perception is just not balanced. It is marked by hate and envy. And it shows that you're just some self-righteous overseas Khmer. Get real. And please don't call me a fool. Extend a little courtesy and respect to your fellow people.

Anonymous said...

To 11:28PM!

You called all Cambodian problems are home made! Ahhahahhahahahha!
You must be lying to yourself fool! I guess you have never been robbed by career criminals before! For example, if a career criminal break into your house and stick a gun to your head and tell you to hand over all your valuables and can you blame yourself for what the career criminal had done to you? So if a career criminal robs you and you blame yourself too? So if a career criminals rape your wife and you blame your wife too! Ahah!
You sure have bad Karma in the past life! You are so Buddhist!

Honestly I don't like to call people a fool but when people show their stupidity and I can't stop myself from calling them a fool!

Do you think the Vietcong and the Thaicong give a fuck about any of Cambodian leaders! Cambodian leaders are fucken puppet leaders and do you know what that means? It means that Cambodian leaders are their fucken slave and they can tell these Cambodian slave leaders to do anything they want including killing Cambodian people!

Cambodian people are a victim and what is the fucken point for you to blame the victim? What do you try to gain by blaming Cambodian people? You want "a little courtesy and respect to your fellow people". ahahahha!

Oh! You worry that Cambodia don't have an ally? If Cambodia really wants to have an ally and Cambodia can have it right now by giving up the neutrality! It is that simple.
Who want to be Cambodia ally when stupid Cambodia wants to be a neutral country! Do you understand what the word "neutral"? Ahahahhah! The word “neutral” means not to take side and willing to take bullets from either direction! Ahahahha!

You don't need to blame Cambodian leaders because Cambodian leaders are already their fucken slaves and you need to blame yourself for having distorted perception of the reality!

Anonymous said...

To 5:10
You are just ranting and raving but don't say anything of substance. Your parallels don't quite fit the context. It's not the foreigners' fault that Cambodia has had to go through all this. It's her leaders' fault, first and foremost Sihanouk and ending with Hun Sen now, whom Sihanouk so strongly admires and supports.

Anonymous said...

To 1:00AM!

This is not about ranting and raving! You are telling me that you didn't see B-52 dropped bombs on your stupid head? You didn't see the Vietcong invasion of Cambodia and prolong another 10 years of civil war?

It is too bad that you have selective memory! The way you talk like King Sihanouk is God and AH HUN SEN is the master of all Cambodian people but you know too damn well that these two Cambodian leaders are just a pawn and a puppet!

It is well appreciated that the whole Cambodia is destroyed so that the Vietcong will not have anything in Cambodia to enjoy and the Vietcong will continue to burden the Cambodian problem if the Vietcong insisted on taking control over Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

To 1:54
If Sihanouk had chosen the right side in 1969 Cambodia wouldn't have been carpet-bombed and wouldn't be in the mess it still is today (See Norodom Sihanouk - The Turning Point - above). Yes, you are right, Hun Sen is a puppet of the Vietnamese and now of the Chinese as well. But he is Khmer, isn't he. So it again it is Khmer against Khmer. Sometimes it is said that Khmer people are their own worst enemy.