Cambodian Studies
WHO brought a large number of additional fighters to the Khmer Rouge and empowered them to win a decisive Victory on April 17, 1975?
By N. Sihanouk
By N. Sihanouk
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters consider as a glorious good fortune for them (as they hope) that they will benefit from the “support” and “aids” form the (infamous) UN ECCC, in order to punish, as severely as possible, N. Sihanouk who is “guilty, according to them, of giving to the Khmer Rouge “the Khmer People” so that they win a decisive victory, on April 17, 1975, which allows them to fulfill their genocidal ‘dream.’”
The “Dcotors” and other Sihanouk-haters have no shame whatsoever to contradict themselves, even in the face of History.
Between March 18, 1970, and April 17, 1975, these “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters (including Long Boret) affirmed to the world that “Sihanouk only represented himself” -sic!-. Then, now (in September 2007), a “Doctor” Sihanouk-hater is saying, writes, and proclaims that Sihanouk took advantage of his popularity (sic!) to bring so many of our People’s sons and daughters to fight for the Khmer Rouge, and allowing them to win a total Victory on April 17, 1975. These “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters demand the trial of N. Sihanouk by the UN ECCC, and his condemnation by this same Cambodian-UN tribunal for having committed, along with the Khmer Rouge, war crimes and crimes against humanity (sic!) against the Khmer People.
In a very recent MESSAGE in Khmer sent to Preah Sangha (Buddhist Clergy) and to all Compatriots, I re-established the historical truths during the decades of the Khmer Rouge and their various tribulations, on questions linked to their schemes, their hostility towards me. I will not talk about it here.
But, to end the writing of this article, I must mention this:
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters should know that it was the USA themselves – the boss (of the Sihanouk-haters) – which forced our Khmer People to enroll in the Khmer Rouge Army. It was not Sihanouk who brought our Small People (ordinary citizens) to the Khmer Rouge.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
The “Dcotors” and other Sihanouk-haters have no shame whatsoever to contradict themselves, even in the face of History.
Between March 18, 1970, and April 17, 1975, these “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters (including Long Boret) affirmed to the world that “Sihanouk only represented himself” -sic!-. Then, now (in September 2007), a “Doctor” Sihanouk-hater is saying, writes, and proclaims that Sihanouk took advantage of his popularity (sic!) to bring so many of our People’s sons and daughters to fight for the Khmer Rouge, and allowing them to win a total Victory on April 17, 1975. These “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters demand the trial of N. Sihanouk by the UN ECCC, and his condemnation by this same Cambodian-UN tribunal for having committed, along with the Khmer Rouge, war crimes and crimes against humanity (sic!) against the Khmer People.
o O o
In a very recent MESSAGE in Khmer sent to Preah Sangha (Buddhist Clergy) and to all Compatriots, I re-established the historical truths during the decades of the Khmer Rouge and their various tribulations, on questions linked to their schemes, their hostility towards me. I will not talk about it here.
But, to end the writing of this article, I must mention this:
- The US “Pentagon” decided to use the US Air Force to destroy the independent and neutral Cambodia, and to ruin and kill its People starting from March 18, 1969, i.e. one year to the day of the March 18, 1970 Putsch (which was perpetrated) by the US lackeys in Phnom Penh.
- During the war (in Cambodia) from 1970 to 1975, the US Air Force conducted bombardments, machine gun shootings and other destruction actions against (Cambodian) villages, and the killings of Khmer villagers and Cambodian Patriots, day and night, all over Cambodia.
- The South Vietnamese (SVN) armed forces of Thieu-Ky looted, burnt, destroyed, annexed, colonized Cambodia, tortured and killed our men, raped our women (between April 1970 and April 1975).
- The US coined the verb “to Snuol” which meant “to destroy everything, to raze down everything, to murder everything, to kill everything,” just as the US and SVN troops did in Snuol, Cambodia.
o O o
The “Doctors” and other Sihanouk-haters should know that it was the USA themselves – the boss (of the Sihanouk-haters) – which forced our Khmer People to enroll in the Khmer Rouge Army. It was not Sihanouk who brought our Small People (ordinary citizens) to the Khmer Rouge.
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Dear Ex-King Father N. Sihanouk
I was four years old when the Khmer Rouge emptied Phnom Penh. I lost a brother, a sister, and the entire family of my aunty and uncle, the same as millions of my Khmer fellows.
Even Pol Pot at the end of his life showed remorse, but N.Sihanouk never showed remorse, or guilt for your actions. Each time when journalists asked you about your past actions you explained in a childish manner, laughing, joking, and clowning.
You had absolute power before 1970, and as bad as Hun Sen. I know by criticising N. Sihanouk at the time would mean death, but time has changed and so my fate and others will not be that like Preap In.
You did not fight for Cambodia. You fought for the existence of the monarchy in Cambodia only. That is why you are kowtowing to Hun Sen and Youn now before you take your last breath.
I'm not an American stooge. Your childish policies with your Communists friends plus the American B-52s led to our sufferings.
May Buddha have mercy on your soul.
7:37am, I was 7 y.o. when Norodom started the death camp. You are too kind in your words. I am done slandering SN because he is incapable of understanding plain text.
Ah Sihanouk just a Neanderthal.
Why does the old king think that we hate him? We just want to know the truth and maybe Hun Sen is a guilty one. This guy command a lots of killings at Kruch Chmar (kampond cham). Nobody talk about that the old king has killed persons. Beside he hold some trues that we want to know. If He really likes cambodians people, He should not afraid to testify. I don't condemn him. We know that He has no power in the KR.
Sad to say, now He's playing baby like a lots of old people.
Since death is at the door, he adamantly in Self-denial. Old fool is afraid of death.
If you read this you should know by now not only know the history of you and your hypocrisy.
March 1969,you are right,Us bombed Cambodia at your invitation to Nixon administration and Kissinger can attest to that.
March 18,1970,if you still remember,your Samgkum's National Assembly and your own government under Lon Nol premiership not Pen Nouth to take lead in luring US to reinstate its relations with your government.Several letters signed by you,Mr.Sihanouk. In fact you had asked other diplomats who had good relations with US to carry your inv invitation extended to Nixon to visit your illusionary Isle of Pieces.Did you not do all that? We all knew you were too cowardly to abandon China and admitted your pit falls.
Nobody hates you,but your own insanity that perpetuate fear and paranoia for your insecure and unstable mind.Hatred roots out from ignorance and self-insecured according to Buddhism.Most of critics are Buddhists who did not what yopu did to own people and nation. Look in the mirror once in a while to see what you really were all these times.You've gotten to stop accusing petit citoyens. What you need to do was to realize the fact that your grandparents who were more stupid than you in ten folds.You should be shameful of your ineptitude and confusion. Your ancestors had molested and abused Cambodia.Haven't you heard if your forefathers were abusive the chance you would end up like them.So abuse is hereditary. It is in your genes.
So far you have insulted all Khmers who forgave you and families to be in good life.I thought you were a better man but appartently you are worst than an abandonned dog.
You never like truth and criticism. No matter how stupid you were but insisting that you were right and untouchable.Wake up man,this computer era people know what you have done to Canbodia.
It is nauseated to hear you belittling petit citoyens and their religion. You are damning Khmer heritage and history.Shame on you and your dust suckers.
Enough evidences and records prove you are a yellow belly crocodile in Mekong.If I were you I would shut up and take one day at the time.Your really enemies are Yuon and Siam progenitors who abused and hurt your ancestors.Your really haters are Viet's CPP clique especially Hun Sen.Don't you remember how he insulted you in Djarkata,Paris,and other meeting locations in 90's.There are recorded tapes to prove how coward you are to face Hun Sen.
Go sweep your harem or something besides pick a fight with petit citoyens.Damn you!
Thank for sharing anon. @ 9:02 AM.
Sihanouk is going to deny until his last breath. It would be more painful for him to admit of doing any wrong then to keep on denying. It is so painful because he go f*up by YUON.
He keeps on whining about Lon Nol, Sirik Matak, and Cheng Heng. How pathetic is that?
Dear readers:
I am a student of Cambodian history. I'm looking for some information on the Cambodian royal family from King Ang Duong to the present to use as reference for writing a paper. The infomation I look for is as follow:
1) Parents of King Norodom
2) Parents of King Sisowath Monivong
3) Parents of Prince Sotharot
4) Parents of King Norodom Suramarit
5) Parents of Queen Sisowath Kosomak Neary Rath
If anyone knew of any of the information above, please respond to this post or send it to my e-mail at: khemara_kakvey@yahoo.com
I really appreciate it and thank you before hand.
Chanda C.
P.S. I have checked out amost every Cambodian-related text books from my local library but unable to find any of the above information. If anyone knows of any book title that would be helpful, please do let me know, too.
Please send request to www.norodomsihanouk.info
for visit and interview. Mr.Sihanouk has accurate records of his relatives.
It seems our old king suffers from amnesia. He can't admit fault or blame. But yet there is so many concrete evidence that he is the one who asked people to join the jungle and support the Khmer Rouge. He doesn't remember any of his radio addresses, the pictures with the Khmer Rouge and other communist leaders of Indochina. How can he live with such denial?
My relatives died in support in him because they were mislead, and other relatives died against him because they wanted their fellow Cambodians to live in peace and becoming nationalists were the only way.
No remorse at all, and it's sad that it's Bon Pchum Ben. While we pray and put food for our dead relatives and ancestors we are reminded of the bitter memories of what he did to our country and the relatives who have passed away during the Khmer Rouge. I am so angry just thought of putting food for relatives who did not have a chance at life, who had their lives cut short because of this King who was hungry for power.
I hope that guilt will catch up to him as soon as possible.
"It seems our old king suffers from amnesia. He can't admit fault or blame. But yet there is so many concrete evidence that he is the one who asked people to join the jungle and support the Khmer Rouge."
Hey, any evidence can be very deceiving in this case. Thus, if you don't mind, just laid out 3 of your best evidences against Sihanouk and let me to take a good stab at it. I am sure that I can clear up some of the smoke that blocked your view.
To 11:24 AM
Are you a King supporter? My grandfather was a LOYAL king supporter, he died because of the king. He didn't want to flee to Thailand, even though he could of since he was the mayor of Koh Kong City when the Khmer Rouge took over. For your information Koh Kong is next door to Thailand. He decided to take a boat with my uncle who was a marine and my great grandmother, my grandfather's mother back to Kampong Som because he wanted to welcome the King back because he loved the king. He was happy that the Khmer Rouge took over because there would be no more Lon Nol regime, he hated Lon Nol's government despite that he was a mayor and served in an administration under Lon Nol. He was blinded by optimism that there will be peace, on Sihanouk's imaginable "Koh Santepheap." As soon as he landed to the port of Kampong Som, he was met by the Khmer Rouge. They said they would "gladly" take him to meet the King, the glorious King who led people to the jungle to fight for him and the Khmer Rouge. They escorted him, my uncle, my grandmother to the river near Kampong Som to join a "welcoming" party. This was told by the many key witnesses who arrived from Koh Kong City to Kampong Som and witnessed and are still alive. He had met his end all because he was tricked and lured by the love for the King of yours ... King who has 2 million people's blood on his hands. My grandfather was blinded by the love and passion for this king of yours.
And who is my grandfather ... his name TEAV THANG KUY mayor (chrvay srok) for Koh Kong City, and before that Tani, Kampong Trach and Kampot.
Concrete evidence ... well there is plenty of media, regarding radio, video clips, pictures with King Sihanouk. You think it's misleading ... you think they're fictitious pictures and recordings ... you think people who heard his radio addresses from China to take to the jungle and bear arms are stupid and are just plain imagining things.
Well I guess my grandfather was on some very strong illusive and illicit drugs to have his mind clouded with love for the King.
To be honest I'm insulted! And I'm sure many of the readers who read this blog is clearly insulted and offended. 11:24 AM ... I curse you ... yes ... dat dam-neuy on anyone who supports the King in terms that he is innocent and have no involvement with the Khmer Rouge, may bad luck follow you, may the ghosts of the people who died during the Khmer Rouge take over and years haunt you and may you understand the truth!
Happy Pchum Ben ... and I make this plate of rice and delicious food to offer to my grandfather and those who passed away who loved the King so blindly. May they never be born to a fate like those 2 millions who perished during those years.
12:45, calm down, buddy. We all commonly share the same tragic, but refrain from making it worst for all of us, will you?
In regard to your question, "Are you a King supporter?" I am neither pro nor anti-Sihanouk. I was born from a mother that love Sihanouk and a father that hated Sihanouk. Now, how can I take any side? My mom is just like one of the millions that is brainwashed by our culture to love and trust our leader with all their heart and soul. My dad got to hate Sihanouk because some of his friends ( Sihanouk Opposition) was suppressed and driven into the jungle by Sihanouk. And to a certain extend, he even became friend Pol Pot himself, this is before the civil war. And in the civil war, He didn't fight for the KR troop or anything, but when KR took over, they wasted him anyway. Perhaps, they thought he didn't contribute enough (?) ... . And my story in brief.
As for Sihanouk, he's no different from any other government on the planet when he ruled Cambodia. I mean there are secret that he'll keep from the public, he used propaganda to rally people to support his cause and so on. And he love to be flattered by his cabinet member without knowing who his enemy is, and that is how he got stab in the back.
But nonetheless, Sihanouk is khmer just like me and you and other khmer. Well, maybe not so much like you because you were raised in a different environment. We were trained not to forget people who help us and not take their help for granted... . And I believe Sihanouk is the same. I don't think he forgot people who help him to restore his throne. He would do anything to protect those people. The question is "can he?" and from what I have learn at large, he don't have a prayer.
Okay, the bottom line is you don't have to agree with me, but try to be fair and give him the benefit of the doubt and avoid all rumors, biased story, in particular those from the Sweet-Charming Khmer Krom Federation ... .
from historically footages available on the internet and History channel. its shown dat preas Nouradom Sihanouke is in the footage cheering with khmer rouge foot soldier. I was borned after the war. so i had not experience the worst astrocity commited on my family and other millions khmer. 100+ family members grand father and mother and their siblings, their children and their children children. all were taken to kill on one afternoon in 1978.
i beg the truth. i am beyong punishment.
I know vietname, china, thai, america, soviet and north korea. all seek their benefits on khmer sufferings.
N sihanouke MUST stand trial to elaborate his parts in this event, even he lies it doens't matters all i want to do is to make the judgement on my own capacity. N sihanouke is the symbol of khmer deconlonisation. he represents khmer, khmer king in the old day would die for khmer why is he stillin china. remember khmer proverb. ( hean c hean song, hean plos lobong, hean juabkong, ber prer sopugn kom klarg kdo toum )
"from historically footages available on the internet and History channel. its shown dat preas Nouradom Sihanouke is in the footage cheering with khmer rouge foot soldier."
I am sure you like to see him condemn the Khmer Rouge in their face and in front of those video show, but that won't be realistic.
Hey, this is not the same as Rambo in Hollywood, dude.
One of the “Doctors” being implicated by King Sihanouk is the famous Dr. Lao Mong Hay, former law professor at the University of Toronto, Canada, and current senior researcher at Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission.
Dr. Lao, a Cambodian ex-patriot and a leading advocate for democracy, and has been a strident critic of Sihanouk and has repeatedly called for prosecution of the former king for his role in the Killing Fields.
I think with 20/20 hindsight, it’s easy to point out what Sihanouk should have done or shouldn’t have done to help avoid the Cambodian tragedy. As a survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime myself, I am convinced that despite any errors in judgment he had made, the king did his best to maintain Cambodia’s neutrality. Besides, he loved his people too much to have given any consideration, let alone endorsement, to the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge.
Curiously, Dr. Lao and many other pro-Western Khmer intellectuals have been rather silent on the accountability of former American leaders involved in Cambodia’s destruction. It is now known that between 1969 and 1973, American troops dropped 2.76 million tons of bombs– more than in all of World War II– on Cambodia, killing up to a million innocent civilians. This event, which by itself constitutes an act of genocide, had earned Cambodia the grim distinction of being the most heavily bombed country in the history of mankind. More importantly, it helped create the conditions for the rise of the Khmer Rouge, once a rag-tag army of a few thousand fighters.
Whatever Sihanouk’s role in the Cambodia’s downfall, I think it is fair to say that his share of the blame pales in comparison to those of many other figures, both foreign and Khmer, who have walked free or are walking free, due to death or politically-muscled immunity from prosecution. In fact, Pol Pol himself, who died peacefully in his sleep several years ago, will never face justice.
I think it’s important to understand that the Cambodian saga occurred in a time and place awashed with unspeakable evil. Evil were the foreign meddlings that dragged Cambodia into war. Evil were the bombs that rained down on innocent civilians from the American B-52s. Evil were the 1.7 million Cambodian deaths that occurred during the Khmer Rouge’s brutal rule.
In a recently released White House telephone transcript, President Richard Nixon ordered an escalation in the bombing of Cambodia in December, 1970. After getting off the phone with Nixon, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called Chief of Staff Alexander Haig to relay the president’s orders to bomb “anything that flies…anything that moves.” The conversation continued with an unintelligible comment that sounded like Haig laughing.
While the massacre of innocent Cambodian civilians made for a good laugh in Washington, I am saddened to find some of my fellow Cambodians– the anti-Sihanoukists, the Nixon apologists, and the pro-Western intellectuals– still trying to justify this egregious act, arguing that the bombings were needed to expel Vietnamese incursions from Cambodian soil. Incursion or no incursion, the total disregard for human life was a fundamentally evil act.
The current international Khmer Rouge tribunal is faced with the herculean task of sorting out the “bad guys” in a conflict where the “good guys” murdered as many as one million innocent civilians. Besides finding some semblance of justice and closure for the survivors of Pot Pot’s three-year reign of evil, the tribunal must grapple with the troubling question: Why is it OK to take one million lives but not OK to take 1.7 million more?
Despite the complexity of Cambodia’s recent past, it does not take a Western-educated Khmer intellectual with a Ph.D. to figure out that our country was an unfortunate pawn in a chess match played by much more powerful nations. Cambodia was simply a piece of turf for a war fought in proxy by superpowers thousands of times mightier than itself. While the Cold War may have ended without a single shot fired on either America or the Soviet Union, it proved extremely hot for countries like Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos.
Perhaps the best way to understand the Cambodian tragedy is to liken our country to ant mound lying in the path of warring elephants. When the giant elephants fight, it’s the tiny ants that bear most of the destruction. No matter which way the ants run to try to avoid the conflict, they may get crushed anyway because they are simply too small to cover much ground.
Cambodians were such ants. While some of our leaders– Sihanouk, Lon Nol, et al.– may not have made the best decisions at the time, it may not have mattered, anyway, for the power to significantly alter our country’s fate were not in their hands. That’s why I think it’s a bit unfair to use 20/20 hindsight to judge them. To use 20/20 hindsight to judge Sihanouk presupposes that he had 20/20 foresight forty years ago. There is no such thing as 20/20 foresight– there’s wisdom and there’s fortune-telling, but no 20/20 foresight.
Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned from the Killing Fields is that all Cambodian people must unite. If there was one crime of which our leaders were guilty, it was the lack of unity. Divided and fighting amongst ourselves, we had allowed foreigners, from both East and West, to exploit our weakness and reduce us to puppets for their national interests. While Nixon and Pol Pot may have been dead already, we help keep their evil legacies alive by continuing to fight one another, weakening our sovereignty, and keeping our country vulnerable to subversion tactics of the foreigners– from both the East *and* the West!
To the publishers KI-Media:
Please consider publishing my comments above (6:40PM) as a separate, stand-alone article on your site.
I know I'm not someone of importance, just a Cambodian American blogger who does NOT even have a Ph.D.
But I feel that the article offers a perspective that many people probably would not expect from a Western-educated Khmer expat.
Oudam Em
Nice work, 6:40, and thank you for taking the time to put it all together. I just hope people will invest a moment to learn the truth from it.
In response to composition all I can say is the west is retarded and is a threat to the world, and the worst have yet to come and our future generations will be at high risk if the region is continue to be weak and divided.
Let's put matter in perspective of the creditor and the debt holder.
Most in West understand credit card process,use other money to what is needed or ,in that matter, wanted.
As king or the dictator,Sihanouk had no inclination never to empower his nation likewise Hun Sen,fault 1
All creditors included Viet,Siam came to Cambodia war because of profits,but Sihanouk was too lazy or incompetent to thrive for national self reliance instead he begged US then fully pawned himself to China,fault 2
Instead of fighting enemies included KR with the help from folks,the had the best of his derriere,fault 3
Now figure,it is too much for him to stand trial at will.at least show his real human side not the damn king title, since all matters incumbered from his incompetences as the decider and destroyer?
Save time in argument,Sihanouk knows what he's up to all times but blame outsiders rather than his own imbecile head.
People know that is the bottom line of being a real men or women.
Sihanouk thinks he is divine.
Instead of fighting enemies included KR with the help from folks,he let the enemies had the best of his derriere,fault 3
We will get to whoever brought the war and/or had implicated with Cambodian genocide. For now, we would like to bring the few so-called "hero" to justice. We would want them to answer to the court for the reasons why and who had ordered (internally) to have the carpet bombing campaign, had evacuated innocent Khmer from the cities, systemically starved and executed them, betrayed the nation and people by provided logistic support to the VietCong and the KR, etc.
If you want to put things in perspective, "NO ONE SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW".
Before we start to blame aother countries, lets start with our government. What went wrong, how and when. If you read previous writing of N. Sihanouk, he said if the United States did`nt embrace his government, he would side with the U.S enemies. Now tell me if that was a childish statement and action. He played with his power and his country like a KID who did`nt get his way. Everyone is on here is right in there own ways. Yes N. Sihanouk did kill his Sihanouk haters before Lon Nol took over and yes he did kill everyone after that with the Khmer Rouge.
Reading these same posters posting the same and same cursing, I come to relaize that most Cambodian do not understand what really caused the holocaust. They blamed King Sihanouk because they did not understand the real causes and their own history. Denying is the root of the sufferings in their country.
I feel for King Norodom Sihanouk and I give him a full support for what he did to save his nation.
About the genocide in Cambodia, the Vietnamese Communist army who speak Khmer fluently were in Cambodia during KR. The Vietnamese Communists recruited KHmer peasants to join the Indochinese Communist Party, and they helped the KR to fight Lon Nol backed by the US, they did not completely leave Cambodia, they were living among KR.
The fight broke out between the KR: one was China faction and one was Vietnam faction, King Sihanouk and his intelligence men were killed (Hu Yun, Hu Nim..) and jailed by the Vite faction, then at the end the Viet faction (Hun Sen) returned to take the full power; later China power and so the China faction is on the throne. The two factions are now sharing power.
The Viet faction cannot kill Sihanouk because of China, and the Chinese faction cannot kill Hun Sen, because of Vietnam.
Some people who blame King Sihanouk claimed "why not siing with the US?" Did not they learn the lesson they got from the French? King Sihanouk did the right thing for not going with the US. If he did, who knows the US's foreign policy if Vietnam offers submit their RESUME of their experiences how they governed Cambodia and Laos.
Cambodia politics are the most complicated and even the west politicians are still not really completely understood, and supposed they understood they may not dare to say it, especially French.
When two factiosn fight, the innocence are facing death and sufferinsg which are not unusual, so Cambodia is not alone.
Move on folks, Cambodia is not alone. The more some Cambodians still carry this lost, the weaker the nation, and yes the neighbors or others will take advantage for this weakness. If the land is not productive by the people who live in that land, others will take it.
That is why Thailand and Vietnam now China and others want to take some piece of Cambodia.
During the war between Communism against Capitalism (cold war), either ways, Cambodia would be taken by Communism. And understand why the Indochinese Communist Pary
created since the French still controlled Indochina. Understand more that Vietnam occupation in Cambodia started since in 14 century until today including during the French colony. Understand why the French hired the Viets to control Cambodia and Laos.
Understand why King Sihanouk cannot unlock his strategy to save his country. But it will be known may be in the next centuries or many hundred years from now, when the right time comes. Right now Cambodians are not well educated enough to understand it.
I wish for Cambodia and Cambodians the best.
About the genocide in Cambodia, the Vietnamese Communist army who speak Khmer fluently were in Cambodia during KR. The Vietnamese Communists recruited KHmer peasants to join the Indochinese Communist Party, and they helped the KR to fight Lon Nol backed by the US, they did not completely leave Cambodia, they were living among KR.
The fight broke out between the KR: one was China faction and one was Vietnam faction, King Sihanouk and his intelligent men were killed (Hu Yun, Hu Nim..) and jailed by the Vite faction, then at the end the Viet faction (Hun Sen) returned to take the full power; later China power and so the China faction is on the throne. The two factions are now sharing power.
The Viet faction cannot kill Sihanouk because of China, and the Chinese faction cannot kill Hun Sen, because of Vietnam.
Some people who blame King Sihanouk claimed "why not siding with the US?" Did not they learn the lesson they got from the French? King Sihanouk did the right thing for not going with the US. If he did, who knows the US's foreign policy if Vietnam offers to submit their RESUME of their experiences how they governed Cambodia and Laos.
Cambodia politics are the most complicated and even the west politicians are still not really completely understood, and supposed they understood they may not dare to say it, especially French.
When two factiosn fight, the innocence are facing death and sufferinsg which are not unusual, so Cambodia is not alone.
Move on folks, Cambodia is not alone. The more some Cambodians still carry this lost, the weaker the nation, and yes the neighbors or others will take advantage for this weakness. If the land is not productive by the people who live in that land, others will take it.
That is why Thailand and Vietnam now China and others want to take some piece of Cambodia.
During the war between Communism against Capitalism (cold war), either ways, Cambodia would be taken by Communism. And understand why the Indochinese Communist Pary
created since the French still controlled Indochina. Understand more that Vietnam occupation in Cambodia started since in 14 century until today including during the French colony. Understand why the French hired the Viets to control Cambodia and Laos.
Understand why King Sihanouk cannot unlock his strategy to save his country. But it will be known may be in the next centuries or many hundred years from now, when the right time comes. Right now Cambodians are not well educated enough to understand it.
I wish for Cambodia and Cambodians the best.
I believe people hate Sihanouk because the comments he make in regards to just about everything. People may say we like to blame him or just point the finger at him only when he only blame the Lon Nol/Srimatak and the U.S for losing his power. When in fact the Chinese and the north viet instigated into the destablization of Cambodia and he does not blame them one bit, but instead embrace them.
It is well documented that Sihanouk allowed the North to enter our land freely thus what led to the US bombing us.
Our Kingdom was weak in everyway, that is why we lost alot of lands throughout history. Our government is just weak.
Thank you in advance,158AM
That is awesome web site,
To all Sihaknukist check the site out homy,before we are all defending the khmer genocide leader.
What the former king says is not wrong. The US dropped many bombs B52 around Phnom Penh in 1975. Many babies and children died. I was nearly 2 years old and I was the only one who survived in a hospital( my parents told me). But sometime, it is better to die than to be wounded.
Sihanouk, even if the US were bad, you are the innocents khmer murderer (you killed PREAP IN who work for democratie of Caombodia).
The only thing good you have done is your action for the Cambodia borders.
But you commited many bad actions for Cambodia :
1) you killed many patriots politicians before the civil war ( ex. PREAP IN)
2)People never want to live in a communist country like Vietnam or China.So stop pushing Cambodia to Communism.
3) You allowed the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia to get the power back(espacially the Vietcondg who killed many cambodians)
4) As a result of your weakness, more than 2 millions of khmers died.
So I suggest you to prepare very well your speach when you will be in front of our God.
I support all above comments,We have to unite for one Khmer in order to succeed for our nation.Don't forget the killing field actors are among the cpp party which created by vietcongs long time before French stepped out from Indochina.
Get back in your rat's hole, fool.
Sihaknuk is the worthless king in Cambodia history 'he lead country in to the holocaust country by killing two million of it citizen .
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