Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Abused Cambodian-American woman accused of planning the murder of her boss with abusive boyfriend

Prosecutor: Woman Planned Murder of Boss With Abusive Boyfriend

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

North County Times wire services (San Diego County, California, USA)

SAN DIEGO -- An 18-year-old woman who was in an abusive relationship with a married man conspired with him to kill her boss and then set the victim's car on fire, the prosecutor in the defendant's retrial told a jury today.

Ny Nourn, now 27, is charged with premeditated murder and arson of property in the Dec. 23, 1998, death of 38-year-old David Allen Stevens.

Nourn was convicted of murder at her first trial, along with a special circumstance of lying in wait. But those charges were overturned on appeal, and in September, Superior Court Judge Charles Rogers dismissed the lying in wait allegation.

Nourn's former lover, Ronald Barker, was convicted of killing Stevens in a separate trial in 2003 and was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Deputy District Attorney Chandra Appell said in her opening statement at the retrial that Nourn lured Stevens out of his Pacific Beach apartment the morning he died, telling him she had car trouble and needed his help.

Stevens was a marketing manager at a dating service called "Perfect Match" and Nourn was a telemarketer there, the prosecutor said.

Appell told jurors that Nourn had gone out with Stevens for the first time and had sex with him, even though she was in a "very intense" relationship with the then-35-year-old Barker, whom she had met after seeing his profile on the Internet.

After leaving Stevens' apartment the night of the murder, Nourn returned to her parents' home in Mira Mesa, where she was confronted by an angry Barker, the prosecutor said.

Barker wanted to end their relationship, but Nourn begged him not to, Appell said. Nourn ultimately chose to go along with a plan to kill Stevens and burn his body in his car on a La Jolla roadway, the prosecutor said.

Nourn returned to Stevens' Pacific Beach apartment and tricked the victim into helping her and her "brother" -- who turned out to be Barker -- with her supposed car trouble, Appell told the jury.

Stevens pulled to the side of the road when Barker flashed his headlights. The killer then jumped into Stevens' car and shot him twice in the head, Appell alleged.

After the murder, Barker and Nourn decided to get rid of the evidence on La Jolla Scenic Drive North, the prosecutor said.

"They decided to burn Mr. Stevens' car with his body inside of it," Appell said.

The crime went unsolved for three years, until Nourn confided in some girlfriends that she was afraid of Barker, telling them he had threatened to kill her and her family, Appell said.

The friends convinced Nourn to go to the police.

"You don't get to sacrifice the innocent life of someone else because you feel threatened," Appell told the jury. "She (Nourn) chose David Stevens to be the victim."

But defense attorney Doug Brown said Nourn didn't intend to kill or hurt Stevens.

Brown called Barker a "psycho" who represented himself as a 20-year- old single man when he met the then-17-year-old Nourn, who spent the first five years of her life in a refugee camp along the Cambodia-Thailand border before her family fled to America.

Nourn was an inexperienced girl with self-esteem and emotional problems when she met Barker, her attorney said.

"The evidence is going to show that she was no woman. She was a girl, a troubled little girl," Brown told the jury.

Brown said Barker raped and beat Nourn, shot at her, threatened her with a knife and burned her with an iron, calling him a "man who would not let her out of his claws."

Brown said Nourn lived under the fear that she and her family were going to be killed.

"(Barker) made her participate (in Stevens' murder)," Brown told the jury. "She never thought that Barker was going to kill David Stevens. He said, `If you ever tell anybody about this, I'm going to kill you and I'm going to kill your family."'

Doctors who evaluated Nourn determined that she was a victim of Battered Woman Syndrome, the attorney said.

Women who have been battered sometimes act out in an irrational way, Brown said. He said said Nourn's fear of Barker was justified.

"This guy was a killer. He wasn't going to let her get in the way," Brown told jury.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that is what I meant westerner trained people has poor moral value.

And definitely, we (Khmers) can do without them fools.

Anonymous said...

Stupid khmer gal. I hope she will suffer in hell.

Anonymous said...

If you play with fire; you will get burn. Life is too short, we have no time for jail. Do something good for yourself and for your society. There are a lot of people out there will say thank you and you'll be ever satisfied.