Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Khieu Kanharith: "Ieng Sary did not ask the government to defend him"

Arrested Ieng Sary Has Not Asked for Help, Gov't Says

By VOA Khmer, Reporters
Original reports from Phnom Penh & Washington
13 November 2007

Ieng Sary, whose defection to the government in 1996 helped pave the way to peace and led to his royal pardon for crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge, has not asked the government to help him out of detention, a government spokesman said Tuesday.

Ieng Sary, who has been living in Phnom Penh since 1999, has a tribunal-appointed Cambodian attorney and faces charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. His wife, Ieng Thirith, has been charged with crimes against humanity.

"I believe that he is ready to face the court, and this is his business and his lawyer's business," government spokesman Khieu Kanharith said. "Ieng Sary did not ask the government to defend him."

Pen Sovan, the former prime minister under the Hanoi-backed People's Republic of Kampuchea, said Ieng Sary's hands were "stained with blood."

"He started the procedure of illicitly killing people [and] killing those who did not go along with his personality," Pen Sovan said.

Jailed ideologue Nuon Chea, meanwhile, officially submitted an appeals brief Monday requesting his pre-trial release.

Lawyer Son Arun said Nuon Chea's current detention was unlawful.

Tribunal spokesman Reach Sambath confirmed receipt of the brief but did not confirm a date for a decision.


Anonymous said...

The Royal Pardon for crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge doesn't mean a cent. It may good for the Royal Of Norodom Sihanouk only, but not for War Crime International.
And the reason "Ieng Sary did not ask the government to defend him." Because, Ieng Sary knows the Cambodian Government is belong to yuon hanoi.
They will do everthing Yuon Hanoi said, in oder to cover up Yuon Hanoi Mode in Cambodia.Do you Understand Khieu Kanharith?
Khieu Kanharith, are you khmer rouge too or not?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Pardon of Norodom Sihanouk was valided as Sihanouk Himself was also a leader of this criminal organisation killing millions of people. Ieng Sary knew very well that without a direct support from China, his organisation was a death duck. therefore he should join the Government of that time to spare his life and to maintain his luxary lifestyle and his children protection. From 1993, UN and China have no longer recognised these criminals any longer. His surrender was a kind of seeking his protection. Areak Prey

Anonymous said...

The criminal king has no rights to pardon his criminal partner. they are all killer including Ah Hun Sen ... etc.

Anonymous said...

It is illegal to retrial the accused that had been pardoned for all crimes they committed in the KR regime. "Nobody is above the law," said Dr. Lao.

Anonymous said...

Is it a tradition of Khmer Leaders that they know nothing about the act of their government ????
K samphan eng sary Duch and other current leaders as well...
This is the Khmer Culture ????
Always blame foreigners... neighbors Siam Youn Baraing ....

Please sue them... inmcluding Sihanouk ... as so-called Kher Her King, he should be voluntarily to face the Trial at least he and his wife know something about KR regime as he joint in 1970s especially the Term KR= Khmere Rouge (in French not in English=Red Khmer as he tradition to speak and use French Language..) was eatablished by Sihanouk himself.............

Excellency Bandit 7 diamond stars General Oknha Achar Knoy