Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Vietnam’s first telecom satellite nearly completed [with US technology]

Head of Vinasat project, Hoang Minh Thong, and an expert of Lockheed Martin at Lockheed Martin factory (Photo provided by VNPT).

Vietnam’s first telecom satellite nearly completed


VietNamNet Bridge – In the next several months, Vietnam’s first satellite, Vinasat, will be launched into orbit. The Vietnam Post and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) has sent supervisors to the US to oversee the manufacturing process of Vinasat and they have reported that around two-thirds of the work has been completed already.

Ha Minh Manh, Head of the Investment-Trade Department of Vinasat project talks with VietNamNet about Vinasat project.

Vietnam has asked the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to extend the deadline for Vinasat registration. Could you give some details about this?

Vietnam registered with ITU to have its Vinasat satellite in orbit by March 23, 2008. According to ITU’s regulations, if Vietnam doesn’t have its satellite in the orbit at that time, Vietnam will not be allowed to use the registered orbit position.

However, the period from the moment Vietnam signed satellite manufacturing contract with the US partner till now is quite short so we want to extend the launching deadline with ITU. ITU allows us to extend the launching deadline by one or two years more after March 23, 2008.

How is the coverage of Vinasat?

The position in the orbit of Vinasat is 132o east. This satellite is worth around $180 million and the total investment for this project is more than $200 million. Vinasat will cover Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, some Eastern Asian countries, India, and Australia.

The model of Vinasat satellite (photo provided by Vinasat Project)

What difficulties have we faced since Vietnam told the world about its first satellite project?
This project was initiated in 2005 with a national steering board headed by the Prime Minister.

The largest difficulty is negotiation for the position of Vinasat in orbit. Vinasat is around 4m high, 2.7 tonnes in weight. Vietnam has to negotiate with the countries that own satellites that are located at positions near the position we plan for Vinasat in the orbit. The negotiation process is very long.

Vietnam registered the position in orbit for Vinasat with ITU in 1999 and this task is completed. Vietnam finalised negotiations with the owner of the nearest satellite to Vinasat (Japan’s JSAT satellite) and the two sides agreed on a mechanism to prevent the two satellites from hitting each other.

The idea of launching Vinasat came from the fact that Vietnamese telecom companies have to pay a huge amount of foreign currencies to hire foreign satellites.

How is the satellite now?

Vinasat is in the process of integration and installation. After that, related sides will test the satellite to determine whether it meets conditions for launching or not. If yes, the satellite will be brought to the launching pad. There will be no experimental launching.

The launching service provider will set the launching day based on weather and other technical conditions. The day is March 23, 2008. However, the launching depends on various factors. There is only one appropriate moment (in several minutes) in the day for the launch. If at that moment the weather is not good, the launching may fail.

After the satellite is assembled in a factory in the US, it will be moved to the launching pad in South America, which is for Ariane missiles. The satellite will be checked one more time after it is brought to the launching pad.

Is there any case in which a satellite was launched but the launching was unsuccessful?

It is a risky task. There is a satellite that exploded at the launching pad so VNPT signed an insurance contract for the launching (with the Vietnam Insurance Corporation or Bao Viet). Launching result depends on the launching missile. As I know, the fail-safety of Ariane missile is up to 99%. The satellite is integrated into the missile. When the missile is launched to the orbit, the satellite will automatically split from the missile. Risk is mainly from the missile. The satellite is like a passenger on the missile!

The provider of launching service is France’s Ariane and the satellite manufacturer is Lockheed Martin of the US. The verifiers are VNPT and Canadian consulter Telesat.

What are the following steps after the launching?

We will take one month to see whether the satellite runs well or not. After that the US partner will hand over the satellite to Vietnam for use.

What are Vinasat satellite-based services?

This satellite will be used to serve many purposes and to provide many services such as television, telecom, distance health care and education, etc. The capacity of this satellite is huge. If optical cables are broken, the satellite can backup all data. Its benefit can be counted in cash.

How will we do business with Vinasat?

We have to seek to attract other countries to use services from Vinasat because Thailand currently has five satellites, Malaysia also has five. However, Vinasat-based business is still feasible because the demand of these countries is still great.

We are facing some difficulties in doing business with Vinasat because we don’t have clients yet while the local demand is not large and we lack experience in this business as well.

We plan to take 10-12 years to get back investment in Vinasat but it depends on real business activities.

The first training course for Vietnamese satellite experts has just finished in the US. When satellite stations in Vietnam are completed, American experts will come to Vietnam to transfer skills to Vietnamese technicians.

Vinasat’s average lifespan is 15 years but it can reach 20 years. After that we can launch a new satellite.


Anonymous said...

OMG the vietcong fuck my country Cambodia again

Anonymous said...

Now Cambodia is the only country in the world where the people hate and kill intellectuals and teachers.

The vietcong love their intellectuals who will make the country stronger and stronger and then all coutries will support them for the economie.

I am not optimistic for the future of Cambodia because no one can help and lose his monney for a beggar country for very long time.
Open your eyes all cambodians and stop being divided.
The vietcong will simply control Cambodia by an economic war.

Anonymous said...

Bill Clinton should not have normalized witht the FUCKING Vietcong Commi.

Vietnam will be recognized as a whore country.

Anonymous said...

Oh damn, why do they have to spend hundreds of millions on a stupid communication satellite from the US for? I am sure China or Russia could do it for less than $100M. They got to stop wasting the needed taxpayer moneys.

Anyway, I suppose a few hundreds millions spend here isn't as bad as 1.8 billions on a stupid 110km road.

Anonymous said...

Yep soon we will send Cambodian engineers to Vietnam to help the Vietnamese how to use this satellite. We are the best country in the world so we have to do it help our Vietnamese friend learn how to utilize satellite for their advantages. Cambodia will also give scholarship to 50 new Vietnamese students to study in Cambodia in the of technology. Hope they will help build their country after years of war and starvation there.

Anonymous said...

There goes Dr. Lao's "no one above the law" principle. The Ieng was lawfully granted pardon from the King, but only to be revoked afterward by the UN that is above the law, hahaha, LOL, hahaha ....

Anonymous said...

Vietnam is getting ahead of the game soon they can take out A SIEM.. at least cambodia has Youn to back them up

Anonymous said...

Someone stated that Cambodia economy was growing 2000 times among the world! My question is, how fast does it take Cambodia to get out of the Begging habits? Cambodia is still in the Gathering and Hunting Society? Will it ever catched with the rest of the world, or at least catching up with the regional countries?

Anonymous said...

2,000 times growth? That must be one of the many Ah Sam Rainsy's false promises again. The guys will stop at nothing to get what he want.

Anonymous said...

This imply the strength of my uncle Ho....
not as your great/Hero king.....and family just Bullshit!!!!!

Nyuen Ay Koy= Ho Chi Koy
Pham van Koy
Kim Il Koy
Mao Tse Koy
Chou En Koy

Anonymous said...

I am not impressed! If Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave can afford to waste $500 million a year in corruption and Cambodia couldn't afford $180 million satellite?

The Vietcong didn't built or launch this satellite by themselves!

For now AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave has killed Cambodian people ambition for greatness and as long as he is in power, Cambodia will be the most backward countries in the world!

Anonymous said...

Nope, we did not waste $500M, Ah Khmer-Yuon criminals stole the Khmer moneys, and their days are numbered.

Anonymous said...

You Animal Viet troller 10:58AM. You must know that I am just like your shadow...I'll be everywhere you are here on KI-Media. I am in your face until you disappear from KI-Media. You animal Viet troller can no longer pretend to be khmer speaking for Khmer. I know who you are. I know how you write. You can no longer loiter, litter, or spam KI-Media...

Now, Go home Animal Viet troller!
Now, go home Animal Vietcong!