Friday, December 21, 2007

Ou Virak: Those who violate human rights and curb the freedom of expression rights of Cambodian people, are the ones who look down on their own people

Hun Sen continues his attack on Prof. Yash Ghai and his supporters

20 December 2007
By Sok Serey Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

On Thursday, prime minister Hun Sen continued his criticisms on Prof. Yash Ghai, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-general, and he now also added (to his criticisms) the supporters of Prof. Yash Ghai. Hun Sen severely criticized the supporters of Prof. Ghai’s report, and he compared them to people who allow others to look down on Cambodians, their own race.

During a distribution of diplomas to students on Thursday, Hun Sen said: “Counting people in Cambodia who support the report of this man (Prof. Ghai), those who support this report are cheap and worthless people, they are extremely cheap by allowing others to look down on their own race.”

Hun Sen’s recent reaction came after Prof. Yash Ghai, the UN Special Envoy on Human Rights in Cambodia, sent a letter dated 17 December to clarify the criticisms and the accusations made by Hun Sen on 12 December 2007.

In this letter, Prof. Ghai said that he is not a representative of the Kenyan people, and he is not an employee of the UN either. He does not receive any salary for his work, and he is an independent expert appointed by the Secretary General of the United Nations.

In his letter Prof. Ghai indicated that he is ready to discuss it in detail, and will listen to the views of the Government at any time on human rights issues.

There is no sign showing that Hun Sen or high-ranking government officials will welcome any discussions with Prof. Ghai.

Hun Sen’s latest criticisms on Thursday, were aimed at a group of Cambodians who supported Prof. Ghai’s report, and he compared these supporters as people who allow others to look down on their own race. Ou Virak, President of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) reacted back to Hun Sen’s comment by saying that those who violate human rights and curb the freedom of expression rights of Cambodian people, are the ones who look down on their own people.

Ou Virak said: “It’s those who prevent Cambodian people from voicing their opinions, such as preventing them from holding a demonstration, or from expressing their opinions, those are the ones who violate and look down of Khmer people. As for the foreigners, they are all working to defend human rights in Cambodia, I am saying this not because I am looking down on the people.”

On 18 December, Sea Kosal, Cambodian ambassador to the UN, sent a letter to UN Secretary-general Ba Ki Moon, charging that, during the 10-day visit to Cambodia by Prof. Yash Ghai, he looked down and scorned the Khmer people and the Cambodian government, by saying that Cambodia is an anarchic and lawless nation.


Anonymous said...

does hun sen's face look like a ghost's face....?...can anyone help out, pls..?
i wish my new year resolution ,Thmil Hun sen Cpp will be eliminated by natural disaster ..assp.....

Anonymous said...

Primate Hun Sen looks smarter when he has his mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

That's an embarassement to Hun Sen when Prof.Yash Ghai did prove he did his job as a volunteer and at his will to monitor Cambodia human rights.
Stupid is stupid does,Hun Sen is one of all.

Anonymous said...

It does not matter who say what. Hun Sen must work with Cambodians if he wants to avoid criticisms. He is mature enough as he claims many times in his speech. He has over 20 years as PM.
Get off the pot and do good for Cambodians. Words do not mean much. Actions prove you as a good or a bad leader.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen only does what HANOI programs him to do. Don't blame him. Khmer people must think of other smarter way to fight HANOI!

Anonymous said...

Khmer leaders ranged from Sihanouk, Lon Nol, Pol Pot, Hun Sen cannot take criticism. That's why we, Khmers, remain the poorest and under-developed country in the region.

Anonymous said...

If you can't take the heat, get out of your seat and let other
do your job, Mr. Hun Sen. You make
Cambodia looks very bad in the eyes of the free world.

Anonymous said...

We all khmers and khmers kroms must stand and voice up to do whatever we not let ah kwak lead the country again and again; otherwise, we will be slaves of yuon soon.


Anonymous said...

I wounder, if any one in the world-power ( UN, ASEAN, NATO, or so on)did listen or have some one translate of what Hun Sen said in attacking Dr. Gaiy brodcast by RADIO FREE ASSIA?

Or if any one of you happen to read KI comment, please do so have some one interpret the speak for you!

From Hun Sen Speak of attacking Dr, Gaiy and Kenya as a nation and race! you can see how uneducated, low level of humand kind he is?

He (HUn Sen) does not understand that as the citizen of the world some of us work for the world organization is respond sibble for the orgnazation an own individual. What we are doing wright or wrong not to share and blamb to the race or nation of the person!

Hun Sen use the unbelievable world to attact Kenya! the low and cheap back alley of street words!

From this attitude and of a 20 or 30 years in power, it is hard to believe this kind of person can hold the priminister of a country and shake hand with some of the world leaders of today.

For me as a Cambodian I was shock (Shame to share my race with this low life) and disbelieve and believes at the same time that KILLING FIELD IS STILL ALIVE AND CAN HAPPEN ANY TIME IS THIS KIND OF PERSON IS STILL A LEADER AND ROLE MODEL FOR OUR CHILDREN!

Any one of you out there, who you to say " Cambodian you lost your chance in 1993" pleae think twice!

And we Cambodian never have a chance (small or close) if this kind of animal controle all the weapon and killing forces to suppress us even while UNTAC was in the country!

Read and do the home work before you ever open your mouth to blame us again!!! WE ORDINARY CAMBODIA NEVER HAVE RIGHT AFTER THE KILLING FIELD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stupid and ignorant Hun Sen is making racism.

International law can decide to sentence Hun Sen up to 20 years in prison from this vicious human discrimination.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun's face full of smoke from his fucking chain smoking,and pollute all over the world.

Anonymous said...

How can Cambodia has any chance when Sihanouk, Rannaridh, and plenty of supposedly resitant leaders went for their own pocket books? The only chance we had was right there and then when we won the first election by more than 50 percent. The King is guilty and Rannarith has plenty to carry around for the rest of his life. The fools are still following the fools.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is just a Yuon-Hanoi-sodomized hard-headed ignorant thug who simply cannot take any criticism. When people do criticize him, he always lashes out at them, degrades them, or threatens them.

Anonymous said...

as it is now. Cambodia is hope less. Khmer race is already condamn to hell by the World. All talk but no action. Not to be rude but the Khmer people are to afraid and too stupid. all the best people are already gone. eventhought there are some none will even want to do anything to help to build cambodia as long as the corrupt gov. is still elected but the "stupid" people. I still value my live, im not a coward but giving my life with no meaning is meaningless. not to be rasist but with what China could do like what they did before, when the the yuon invade cambodia and rob every of her wealth, they should at less eliminate them by any mean these time. if the mother fucker try to do sth stupid agian. this is not rasist but every human being that take advantage of other should be bully by others as well. you go china. give the yuon some colour to see see. comment not needed. i speak from my feeling.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people are so scare to dead when A dog Hun Sen barks. Why people are so afraid than during Khmer Rouge.
Just a dump head dog Hun Sen. Cambodian talk too much; and do nothing.Why let this dog bark non stop?

Anonymous said...

hun sen is hanoi's parrot,hun sen want to open or close his mouth he has to wait for signal.there are a lot of hanoi experts aim sharp swords around hun sen throat .vietnam doesn't want any foreigner to be involved in Cambodia so that they can swallow without difficulty that why they signal hun and cpp to bark for them.Please wake up for our nation if you can.

Anonymous said...

Even the worst-of-the-worst dictators are still able to establish a mutual dialogue with to the UN envoy (s), becasue they're smart and understand the repercussion.

The government undoubtedly will not receive favorable criticisms from the appointed envoy and the world when the government chose to snub and treat the envoy as if he's not among to anything. The prime minister's advisors should have prevented him from making undesired comments.

Advice: the political elite circles and friends and families should look for a second home, because your days are numbered. Yes, the people are fed up.

Anonymous said...

Folks, Barrack Albalma, Democratic Presidential Candidate, is also from Keyna, so thus does the UN envoy.

Forward these written and video comments to him (B. Albalma), he'll be interest to look at it.